Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawabannya 2023

Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawabannya 2023 – Inilah beberapa contoh soal UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya 2023. 

Dengan beberapa contoh-contoh soal bahasa Inggris ini, tentunya bisa membantu kamu untuk berlatih memahami materinya. Nah, langsung saja perhatikan serangkaian contoh soal-soalnya di bawah ini.

Deretan Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Ujian Akhir Semester atau biasa disebut UAS memanglah menjadi sebuah penilaian penting bagi siswa yang ingin melanjutkan ke tingkat kelas berikutnya. 

Karena sangat penting, tentunya mengharuskan para siswa untuk selalu belajar sebelum mengikuti ujian tersebut. 

Terlebih lagi jika kamu sudah berada di kelas 8, tentu bukan lagi masanya untuk banyak bermain. Melainkan, kamu sudah harus mulai menata diri untuk fokus belajar. 

Biasanya, mata pelajaran yang dianggap cukup sulit oleh sebagian siswa yaitu bahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut memanglah cukup wajar, sebab bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing. 

Namun, dengan mempelajarinya di sekolah maupun dari rumah, tentu mapel tersebut bisa dengan mudah untuk kamu kuasai. 

Nah, di dalam artikel ini, kamu bisa mencoba latihan soal serta pembahasannya. Untuk itu, langsung saja simak sejumlah contoh soal UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya 2023. 

Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Bagian 1

1. Iwan is . . . soundly in his bedroom.

A. Sitting

B. Sleeping

C. Reading

D. Working

Kunci Jawaban:

B. Sleeping

2. Lukita : “Did you know? Yunita got 10 for his


Dzikrina : “Wow! …..”

A. How intelligent

B. How are you

C. I’m sorry to hear that

D. Yes, he is

Kunci Jawaban :

A. How intelligent

3. Yuji : In your opinion, which one is the most delicious grape?

Yuta : I think red grape is flavorful. It tastes sweet and fresh.

Yuji : Are your sure? What about the black one? I think the black one tastes sweeter than the red one.

Yuta : Maybe your are right, but black grape much more expensive then red ones.

What is the dialog about?

A. The most expensive grape.

B. The most flavorful grape.

C. The cheapest grape.

D. The sweetest grape.

Kunci Jawaban : 

B. The most flavorful grape.

4. My laptop has a price of IDR 11,500,000 and a Nikon camera for IDR 15,700,000. So it can be concluded that my Nikon camera is . . . than my laptop

A. Cheaper

B. Cheapest

C. More expensive 

D. Most expensive

Kunci Jawaban : 

C. More expensive 

5. Hiro : Pardon, me. I am looking for my umbrella, it’s yellow. Does anyone see it?

Aru : Is this one yours?

Hiro : Let me check it. No, it’s not. Mine is wider than this, even maybe the . . . of all.

Aru : Let’s search it together, Hiro.

A. As wide

B. Widest

C. More wide

D. Wider

Kunci Jawaban : 

B. Widest

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 6 dan 7  

Diligent students usually arrive at school early. They always do their homeworks and assignments and pay attention to their teachers. During English lessons, they also try to speak English.

6. The text is talking about . . .

A. High school students

B. Clever students

C. Eight grade students

D. Diligent students

Kunci Jawaban :

D. Diligent students

7. What diligent students do during English lesson? 

A. Do their homework

B. Arrive at school on time

C. Speak English

D. Pay attention to the teacher

Kunci Jawaban :

C. Speak English

8. Zahra : Can you help me to do my English homework?

Beni : …English is my favorite subject.

Zahra: Thank you.

A. Let’s go

B. I’m sorry, I can’t

C. I want to, but I don’t like English

D. With pleasure

Kunci Jawaban : 

D. With pleasure

9. Firman . . . studies in the evening. He does it after dinner everyday.

A. sometimes

B. Always

C. Rarely

D. Never

Kunci Jawaban :

B. Always

10. Susi always . . . dinner everyday. She likes cooking very much.

A. Make

B. Made

C. Makes

D. Making

Kunci Jawaban : 

C. Makes

Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Bagian 2

11. Indah : Who . . . beside Mr. Steward?

Rio : Mr. Rudi, in the new teacher

A. Is sitting

B. Sitting is

C. Are sitting

D. Sitting are

Kunci Jawaban :

A. Is sitting

12. Siska : Rani, you look pale. Are you sick?

Rani : Yes, I am. I got a fever.

Siska :… Let’s go see the doctor.

A. That’s terrible.

B. You must feel sick.

C. I’m sorry to hear that.

D. I don’t like it. 

Kunci Jawaban :

C. I’m sorry to hear that.

13. Maya has 20 books, then Alya Rohali has 50 books. So, Alya Rohali has … books than Maya.

Which the best answer in the blank sentence is . . .

A. Little

B. More

C. Fewer

D. Most 

Kunci Jawaban : 

B. More 

14. Bima : My sister, Eni Rodiana, gets sick easily.

Ais : She must ……………………

A. Brush her teeth regularly

C. Lift something heavy

B. Eat much candy

D. Take some minerals and vitamin

Kunci Jawaban :

D. Take some minerals and vitamin

Contoh Soal PAS / UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Bagian 3

15. i and my friend . . . . . a BTS concert in South Korea three months ago

A. Attend

B. Attended

C. Are attending

D. Will attend

Kunci Jawaban :

B. Attended

16. Complete the conversation bellow using one of the best choice

Andri : OMG! I forgot to take my pencil… can you give me yours please?

Bintang : Sure!

A. I don’t think so

B. Can I have

C. What do you think of

D. Can you

Kunci Jawaban :

B. Can I have

17. Anjani : …to Lina’s birthday party?

Anggita : Of course. I’ll go there with Raka

Anjani : Thanks a lot

A. Will you come

B. Can you come

C. May you come

D. Don’t you come

Kunci Jawaban :

A. Will you come


Itulah beberapa kumpulan contoh soal UAS bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawabannya 2023. 

Semoga dengan beberapa contoh soal di atas bisa membantu kamu untuk lebih memahami materi yang akan diujikan dalam UAS semester 8. 

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