10+ Nama-nama Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Membacanya yang Benar beserta Artinya

10+ Nama-nama Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Membacanya yang Benar beserta Artinya – Not even a few from kindergarten must have been taught to know how to read the English alphabet.

So, in English material, you must have come across the names of colors in English and how to read them.

You can find this material or get it at the elementary school level normally. Even though now technological developments make it easier for people to access material, all schools will teach this. 

For those of you who are interested in learning material about this color, here are ways that can be practiced further.

Get to know the names of colors in English and how to read them in general


Colors of the rainbow

To learn the names of colors in English and how to read them in the first stage, you can use an imaginary illustration of the colors of the rainbow.

Now, the colors of this rainbow are of course the result of light refraction which is finally arranged in several different colors or abbreviated as mejikuhibiniu as follows:

1. Red (red): Red

Red is the first color of the rainbow

2. Orange (ˈôrənj): Orange

Orange is the second color of the rainbow

3. Yellow (ˈyelō): Yellow

Yellow is the third order of the rainbow

4. Green (ɡrēn): Green

Green is the fourth color of the rainbow

5. Blue (blo͞o): Blue

Blue is the fifth color of the rainbow

6. Indigo (ˈindəˌɡō): Indigo

The color indigo is the sixth color of the rainbow

7. Purple (ˈpərpəl): Purple

Purple is the sixth color of the rainbow

The colors in the rainbow are an example of teaching materials to get to know the names of colors in English and how to read them which is quite simple and simple. 

This method certainly won’t make it difficult for you to learn colors in English because you already know them from the past.

Learning theory in the rainbow color method is a very effective and easy way to do it. Especially for those of you who want to learn from 0, then this method is suitable for practice and gets satisfying results.

The point of using this method is to persevere and continue to hone your memorization skills.

Know the Names and Primary Colors

To know the names of colors in English and how to read them, of course, you have to know the types of colors that are distinguished first. 

In general, colors are usually divided into 3 namely primary, secondary, and tertiary. You will learn it from the first, namely the primary colors first.

Primary colors or basic colors are the main or main color concepts of colors in general. Especially in the world of graphic design or painting, the role of primary colors is to produce new color derivatives by combining them. 3 primary colors that you must know:

  1. Red (red): Red
  2. Blue (blo͞o): Blue
  3. Yellow (ˈyelō): Yellow

The color red is a type of primary or basic color that is commonly known. The color red usually gives a lot of meanings such as courage and anger. 

However, by knowing the names of colors in English and how to read them, you can remember them by knowing the meaning of these colors, their meanings, characteristics, or everything related to life.

The blue color itself has a relationship with natural colors such as the color of the sea or sky. Not only that but to make it easier for you to know its characteristics is to relate it to psychological meaning. It is said that blue is often considered to represent peace or serenity.

Meanwhile, yellow itself is the brightest primary color compared to red and blue. Yellow is often used on sun objects, stars, flowers, and many things. 

In addition, the yellow color gives the meaning of joy and joy. Knowing the meaning and nature will make it easier to recognize the names of colors in English and how to read them properly and correctly.

Recognizing Secondary Names and Colors

When you know the shape of the primary colors, then continue to get to know the secondary colors.

These secondary colors can be called the result of primary color derivatives. For example, when you mix red and yellow, the result is orange.

In the world of design or painting, for example, we often use secondary colors as an alternative to finishing images. 

To learn the names of colors in English and how to read them, let’s find out what are the examples of secondary colors:

  1. Purple (ˈpərpəl): Purple
  2. Green (ɡrēn): Green
  3. Orange (ˈôrənj): Orange

Actually, to remember names and colors, you have to know and memorize them. This is often reminded because it is different in light and dark, so the name will also be different. 

You also have to know the origin of the secondary colors you are born with. This will make it easier to understand colors properly.

Purple comes from blue and red, green comes from yellow and blue, then orange comes from red and yellow.

There are lots of secondary colors that you can find. However, the more common are the colors (Green: Green), (Orange: Orange), and (Purple: Purple). 

This secondary color can be called the first derivative of the primary color combination. Of course, it will be easier for you to memorize secondary colors if you know the names of the colors in English and how to read them according to what was taught before.

Get to know Tertiary Names and Colors

When studying color recognition and how to read in English, patent steps are needed. Not a waste of time, but a good way will produce a good learning atmosphere too.

Tertiary colors themselves are colors that are combined between primary and secondary. It could be that this color is a derivative of the two color groups previously described.

When you learn the names of colors in English and how to read them. It will be easier if you also know the color of the tertiary. The list of tertiary group names that you can learn is as follows:

  1. Teal (tēl): Sea Green
  2. Amber (ˈambər): Egg yolk
  3. Vermilion (vərˈmilyən): Bright Red
  4. Magenta (məˈjen(t)ə): Patma
  5. Violet (ˈvī(ə)lət): Dark blue

Usually, the color of this tertiary group has many kinds. However, the most common is the color. Tertiary colors can be represented by certain object names to make it easier to mark them. 

For tertiary colors, it is much more difficult because you have to memorize and know the shape of the color itself. In this way, it will certainly be easy to memorize the names of colors in English and how to read them.

Red Derivative

It doesn’t feel complete if you learn colors in English quickly. There are lots of other types of colors that you can make as a lesson. An example is the red-derived color group. 

The meaning of the red derivative is the result of a mixture of the main colors which eventually results in the dominant red derivative. Here’s an example of a red derivative:

  1. Tomato (təˈmādō): Red tomatoes
  2. Flame (flām): Red like fire
  3. Maroon (məˈro͞on): Dark red
  4. Burgundy (ˈbərɡəndē) Red like wine
  5. Rose (rōz): Red rose

Red derivatives look more attractive and easy to understand for getting to know the 10+ Nama-nama Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Membacanya yang Benar beserta Artinya

Those are the names of colors that are so important to learn if you want to be skilled in learning English.

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