Contoh-contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023, Dilengkapi Jawabannya

Contoh-contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023, Dilengkapi Jawabannya – Bekerja di BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) merupakan hal yang sangat didamba-dambakan oleh banyak orang.

Sayangnya, untuk bisa diterima bekerja di perusahaan ini terbilang sangat sulit. Selain harus bersaing dengan jutaan kandidat, kamu juga harus menghadapi berbagai proses tahapan seleksi termasuk Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk itu, bagi kamu yang ingin bekerja di BUMN. Agar kamu dapat lolos seleksi, dalam artikel ini Mamikos akan berikan contoh-contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dilengkapi jawabannya yang bisa kamu pelajari.

Seperti Apa Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023?

Seperti yang sudah Mamikos singgung di atas bahwa untuk bisa lolos sebagai karyawan di perusahaan BUMN, kamu harus mengikuti beberapa tahapan proses rekrutmen rekrutmen.

Saat ini, rekrutmen BUMN 2023 sudah menyelesaikan batch kesatu dan akan segera memasuki batch yang kedua. 

Di tahap kedua, para kandidat yang sudah lolos seleksi di batch pertama melalui tes TKD dan Akhlak akan segera dihadapkan dengan tes yang baru, yaitu tes kemampuan berbahasa Inggris.

Sama dengan tes TKD dan Akhlak, tes bahasa Inggris harus dikerjakan secara serius dan tidak boleh asal-asalan.

Untuk itu, kamu memerlukan persiapan yang matang agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan lolos ke tahapan selanjutnya.

Nah, untuk membantumu mempersiapkan tesnya, di bawah ini Mamikos akan berikan contoh-contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 yang dapat kamu pelajari. 

Seperti apa sajakah contoh-contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023? Jika kamu penasaran, cek contohnya di bawah ini yang telah Mamikos kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber.

Daftar Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023

Soal 1

Daddy: “When did you realize you had lost your purse?“

Me: “When I … ,one to pay the conductor”

a. Had needed

b. Have needing

c. Am needing

d. Was needing

Jawaban yang benar: a. Had needed

Soal 2

She: ‘Why didn’t Cakra want to go home?’

Me: “His mother … him for causing the car accident.”

a. would blame

b. had blamed

b. has blamed

d. is blaming

Jawaban yang benar: b. had blamed

Soal 3

The director is meeting with the investors, as the company would like to … operations.

a. Expend

b. Expanse

c. Expand

d. Expense

Jawaban yang benar: c. Expand

Soal 4

Ms. Tiara is a gifted speaker, and everybody … listening to her talks.

a. Eave enjoyed

b. Enjoy

c. Are enjoying

d. Enjoys

Jawaban yang benar: d. Enjoys

Soal 5

… position of the planet earth in relation to the sun is always changing a little bit

a. That the

b. There was a

c. It was the

d. The

Jawaban yang benar: d. The

Soal 6

I would have gone to your party last night if … time.

a. Would had

b. Had had

c. Had

d. Have

Jawaban yang benar: c. Had

Soal 7

Education in Indonesia is the … of school, government and society.

a. Responsible

b. Responsibility

c. Responsive

d. Responsibly

Jawaban yang benar: b. Responsibility

Soal 8

We had to wait a long time to get these books back, …?

a. Couldn’t we

b. Don’t we

c. Shouldn’t we

d. Didn’t we

Jawaban yang benar: d. Didn’t we

Soal 9

Do you know …?

b. What time starts the movie

b. What time does the movie start

c. What time the movie starts

d. The movie start what time

Jawaban yang benar: c. What time the movie starts

Soal 10

Each number in binary(A) system are(B) formed(C) from only two(D) symbols

Jawaban yang benar: B

Soal 11

11. Scientists at the medical center is trying(A) to determine(B) if there is(C) a relationship between saccharin and cancer(D)

Jawaban yang benar: A

Soal 12

On the rim(A) of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands(B) are(C) a hotel called(D) the Volcano Hotel

Jawaban yang benar: Jawaban: C

The text below has incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase from each number that best completes the sentences.

A common way of gaining knowledge is through experience, which relies on trial‐and‐error learning.

One of the authors is reminded of a time when he (13) … an Old Order Amish farmer while their two 5‐year‐old sons played with a small snapping turtle.

As the Amish boy held the turtle in one hand he would reach out with the other and tap the turtle’s beak with his index finger, jerking it away as the animal (14) … in the air.

Several times, the farmer interrupted his conversation to warn his son that if he continued (15) … the turtle, he would be sorry.

Suddenly, the boy (16) … and dropped the turtle to the ground. As the father retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and attended to the young boy’s bleeding finger, the man looked into his son’s eyes and said in German (17) … into “Maybe the turtle has taught you what your father could not.”

The author could not help but feel that his son, who stood in horror (18) … his Amish friend’s bleeding finger, had also learned something from the experience.

An old adage (19) … , “experience is the best teacher.” If our knowledge is (20) … , however, then it is limited indeed, for experience is the best teacher only if we cannot also find other paths to knowledge.

Because experience is very (21) … of gaining knowledge, it is influenced by our social and cultural backgrounds.

(22) … is punctuated by diversity as people of different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds not only experience vastly different things in life, but, more importantly, often interpret similar experiences quite differently.

Soal 13

a. Is interviewed

b. Was interviewing

c. Had interviewed

d. Was interviewed

Jawaban yang benar: b. Was interviewing

Soal 14

a. Snapped harmlessly

b. Harmless snap

c. Snapping harmlessly

d. Was harmlessly snapping

Jawaban yang benar: c. Snapping harmlessly

Soal 15

a. To tease

b. Teased

c. Teasing

d. Tease

Jawaban yang benar: c. Teasing

Soal 16

a. Painful squeal

b. Squealed out in pain

c. Squeals out in pain

d. Squealing out in pain

Jawaban yang benar: b. Squealed out in pain

Soal 17

a. Roughly translates

b. That is rough translation

c. Is roughly translated

d. What is roughly translated

Jawaban yang benar: d. What is roughly translated

Soal 18

a. Looking at

b. Looking for

c. Looked at

d. Looked for

Jawaban yang benar: a. Looking at

Soal 19

a. Claims

b. Is claimed

b. Claimed

c. Is claiming

Jawaban yang benar: a. Claims

Soal 20

a. To limit the personal experiences

b. Limited to personal experiences

c. Limiting personal experiences

d. Experiencing personal limitation

Jawaban yang benar: b. Limited to personal experiences

Soal 21

a. Personal and an individual way

b. Personal and individualistic way

c. Personality and individuality of way

d. Personal way and individualistic

Jawaban yang benar: b. Personal and individualistic way

Soal 22

22. a. Experiencing knowledge

b. Knowledge experience

c. Experiential knowledge

d. Experience of knowledge

Jawaban yang benar: c. Experiential knowledge


Demikianlah contoh-contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dilengkapi jawabannya.

Ingat, contoh yang Mamikos berikan di atas hanya dapat kamu gunakan sebagai gambaran untuk berlatih.

Soal asli yang diberikan oleh panitia rekrutmen BUMN belum tentu akan sama dengan soal-soal di atas.

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