Contoh Dialog Greeting and Leave Taking beserta Artinya

Jika kamu ingin mengucapkan hello atau goodbye, kamu bisa membuat greeting card sebagai medianya. Simak ulasan lengkapnya di bawah ini, yuk!

30 Mei 2023 Ikki Riskiana

Contoh Dialog Greeting and Leave Taking beserta Artinya – Greetings and leave-taking are a culture that cannot be eliminated in everyday life. English also has rules on how to greet and say goodbye.

Like the example of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings.

Let’s dive into the explanation below!

Definition and Examples of Greeting And Leave Taking Dialogs and Their Meanings

Contoh Dialog Greeting and Leave Taking beserta Artinya
Canva Pro/Veranika Litvinok’s Images

Greetings or are sentences that you can say when you meet someone.

You can express various examples of greeting sentences as follows. So that you can make examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings.

  1. Hello (hello)
  2. Hi (hi)
  3. Nice to meet you (nice to meet you)
  4. How are you?
  5. Good morning
  6. Good evening

Leave-taking is a greeting for parting words. Because at every meeting there will be a farewell. If a greeting is used for greeting when meeting someone.

So leave-taking is a greeting when you are about to part with someone. There are many examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings.

Some expressions that are commonly used to convey goodbye, can be as follows:

  1. See you later (see you later)
  2. Goodbye (goodbye)
  3. Have a great time (have a nice day)

In some situations, there are lots of examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings that can be used as examples.

The example of the greeting and leave-taking dialogue along with its meaning is a conversation that is carried out every day. Because greeting and leave-taking are two very important aspects of a language.

For that, let’s look at some examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogues and their meanings. This will help you to understand what it is like to give good and appropriate greetings and farewells.

But make sure you want to make an example of a greeting and leave-taking dialogue along with its meaning. Make sure it’s a simple sentence, especially if you’re a beginner.

Example of Greeting And Leave-Taking Dialog and Its Meaning

1. Example of Greeting And Leave Taking Dialogue With Its Meaning Michele And Bryan Meet At The Library! (Michele And Bryan Meet In The Library!)

Michele: Hello Bryan, how are you? (Hello Bryan, how are you?)

Bryan: Hi Michele, long time no see. I’m good. How about you? (Hi Michele, long time no see. I’m fine. How about you?)

Michele: I’m great! What books do you look for in his library? (I’m good! What book are you looking for in this library?)

Bryan: I’m looking for some Biography and Math books. (I’m looking for Biography and Mathematics books.)

Michele: Oh, I think Biography is on the third floor and Math books on the second floor. (Oh, I think the Biography book is on the third floor and the Math book is on the second.)

Bryan: Thank you for the information, Michele. I think I will go upstairs first. See you later then. (Thanks for the info, Michele. I thought the account would go up first. See you soon.)

Michelle: OK Bryan. See you later. (Okay, Bryan. See you later.)

2. Example of Dialog Greeting And Leave Taking With Its Meaning Jess Meets Ana At The Coffee Shop (Jess Meets Ana At A Coffee Shop)

Jess: Hey Ana, good morning. (Hi Ana, Good Morning.)

Ana: Oh, Hi Jess, good morning. (Oh, Hi Jess, Good morning.)

Jess: Are you going to your office? (Are you going to the office?)

Ana: Yes! But I have to drink caffeine right now because I’m very sleepy this morning. (Yes! But I need some caffeine now because I’m so sleepy this morning.)

Jess: Maybe you need to order an espresso. (Maybe you need to order an espresso.)

Ana: Yes! I ordered it. And you, what’s your order? (Yes! I ordered that. And you, what did you order?)

Jess: I ordered Black coffee. Your espresso is booming Ana. (I ordered black coffee. Your espresso has come to Ana.)

Ana: Oh yes thank you! I’d better go now, Jess. (oh yes, thank you. I think I’d better go now, Jess.)

Jess: oh, alright. Take care, Ana! (oh okay. Watch out Ana!)

3. Example of Dialog Greeting And Leave Taking With Meaning Mia Greeting Andy At His House. (Mia Met Andy At Her House.)

Mia: Good morning Andy. Nice to meet you this morning. (Good morning Andy. Nice to meet you this morning.)

Andy: Good morning Mia. How are you? (Good morning Mia. How are you?)

Mia: I’m always great. And you? How about you? (I’m always good. And you? How are you?)

Andy: I’m good! What’s up? Why did you come to my home? (I’m fine. What’s wrong? Why did you come to my house?

Mia: I just got back from Lampung! It was amazing! (I just came back from Lampung! It was amazing!)

Andy: That sounds great! I’m jealous! Did you do anything exciting? (sounds fun! I’m jealous! Do you do interesting things?)

Mia: I went to the beaches at Marina Beach and saw elephants at Way Kambas! It was amazing. (I went to visit the beach at Marina Beach and saw the elephants at Way Kambas! It was amazing.)

Andy: That sounds great! Someday I went to Lampung. (sounds fun! One day I also want to visit Lampung!)

Mia: yes you did it! Okay Andy I’ll talk to you later! (yes you can visit him! Ok Andy I’ll talk to you again.)

Andy: Okay Mia, see you later. (Okay Mia. See you later.)

Mia: See you, Andy. (See you again, Andy.)

4. Example of Dialog Greeting And Leave Taking With Meaning Adam Meets Ryan At A Party (Adam meets Ryan at a party.)

Adam: Hey Ryan, nice to see you. How are you? (Hi Ryan, nice to meet you. How are you?)

Ryan: Hey Adam. I’m good. How about you? (hi Adam I’m good. How about you?)

Adam: I’m great! Come on in. Can I get you a soda? (I’m good! Come on in. Shall I get you a soda?)

Ryan: Yes, please. (Yes, you can.)

Adam: Great, I’ll get that for you. (good, I’ll get it right away for you.)

Ryan: Thank you. (Thank You.)

Adam: Here we go. Cheers! (here you go. Cheers!)

Ryan: Cheers! (cheers!)

5. Example of Greeting and Leave-Taking Dialogue with the Meaning of Lia and Ira

Lia: Oh, no. It’s 5 PM already. I have to go home. (Oh, No. It’s already 5 PM. I have to get home.)

Ira: why? You can stay overnight! It’s the weekend by the way. (why? You can stay up very late. It’s a holiday by the way.)

Lia: I’m sorry. I promised my sister we would watch some movies together. (I’m sorry. I promised my sister we would watch a movie together.)

Ira: Oh okay, no problem. (Oh OK, no problem.)

Lia: I’m sorry. I promise tomorrow we can spend time together. (I’m sorry. I promise tomorrow we can spend time together.)

Ira: okay. See you tomorrow. (ok. See you tomorrow.)

Lia: See you tomorrow. (until tomorrow.)

6. Example of Greeting and Leave Taking Dialog along with the Meaning of Customers and The Waiters (Customers and Waiters)

Waiters: Hi, good afternoon. Welcome to our store. Can I help you? (hi good afternoon. Welcome to our store. How can I help you?)

Customer: Hi. I’m looking for a sweater for my brother. (hi. I’m looking for a sweater for my brother.)

Waiters: What’s his favorite color? (what is her favorite color?)

Customer: I think my brother likes blue or black color. (I think my brother likes blue or black.)

Waiters: we have a lot of nice sweaters for your brother. Let me show you. (we have a lot of sweeteners for your brother. Let me show you.)

Customers: Okay, thank you. (okay thanks.)

Waiters: You’re welcome. (You’re welcome.)

7. Example of Dialog Greeting And Leave Taking With Its Meaning Harry And Dedy Meets To Ask A Something (Harry And Dedy Meet To Ask Something)

Harry: Hello Deddy. Good morning. How are you? (hello Dedy. Good morning. How are you?)

Dedy: Good morning. I’m great! And you? (good morning. I’m good! And you?)

Harry: I’m great, thank you. Dedy, this is my friend Ali. He is thinking about applying at your coffee shop. Would you mind telling him about the process, please? (I’m fine thanks. Dedy introduce, this is my friend Ali. He is thinking of applying at your coffee shop. Can you tell me about the process? Please.)

Dedy: Hello Ali, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m very happy to see you. You just bring your CV. (Hello Ali, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m very happy to meet you. You only need to bring your CV.)

Harry: It’s a pleasure to meet you Dedy. Thank you so much for helping us. (It’s an honor to meet you Dedy. Thank you very much for wanting to help us.)

Dedy: it’s okay. I will be able to help you, Harry, and Ali.

Harry: Okay Deddy. See you later! (Okay Dedy. See you again Semapi.)

Dedy: Okay Harry. See you! (ok Harry. Bye.)


There are still lots of examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings that you can use. This is a conversation that you find around you every day.

You just need to adjust the language and sentences to make examples of greetings and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings.

If you are still a beginner, then choose language or the use of words that are easy and simple.

Those were 7 examples of greeting and leave-taking dialogs along with their meanings that you can quote. This is of course a very easy thing for you to do.

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