9 Contoh Prosedur Teks Bahasa Inggris Singkat beserta Artinya dan Strukturnya Lengkap

9 Contoh Prosedur Teks Bahasa Inggris Singkat beserta Artinya dan Strukturnya Lengkap – Apabila kamu adalah seorang siswa SMP atau SMA, pastinya sudah tidak asing contoh prosedur teks bahasa Inggris.

Pasalnya, topik pembahasan ini kerap dibahas di bangku sekolah.

Selain itu, pada kehidupan sehari-hari kelak akan menemukan banyak contoh prosedur teks bahasa Inggris, mengingat sekarang adalah era globalisasi. Untuk ulasan selengkapnya, yuk simak terus!

Apa itu Teks Prosedur Bahasa Inggris?


Procedure text merupakan salah satu jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan atau tata cara untuk menciptakan sesuatu atau melakukan sebuah hal.

Sebenarnya, contoh prosedur teks bahasa Inggris tidak jauh berbeda dengan yang Bahasa Indonesia, karena keduanya mempunyai tujuan yang serupa.

Perbedaannya hanya terletak pada bahasa pengantarnya saja.

Terdapat sejumlah bagian penting di dalam procedure text yang perlu kami pahami, yakni bagian goal, material or ingredients, dan steps.

Untuk penjelasan lebih lengkapnya, yuk simak struktur dari procedure text di bawah ini.

Struktur Procedure Text

1. Tujuan (Goal)

Pada bagian ini, umumnya berisi penjelasan tentang tujuan dari adanya kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan dalam procedure text.

Tujuan dari kegiatan ini berisi manfaat yang didapatkan atau capaian akhir yang diharapkan.

2. Alat dan Bahan (Material or Ingredient)

Pada bagian material or ingredient, berisi hal-hal yang dibutuhkan dan perlu disiapkan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut. Biasanya, hal-hal tersebut berupa alat dan bahan.

3. Langkah-Langkah (Steps)

Pada bagian steps, berisi penjelasan terkait tahapan atau langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan atau membuat sesuatu.

Bagian ini harus disusun dengan baik secara sistematis, urut, dan logis supaya pembaca mudah memahaminya.

Ciri Procedure Text

Dikutip dari buku yang berjudul Ringkasan Materi dan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/MA Kurikulum 2013, contoh prosedur teks bahasa Inggris mempunyai ciri kebahasaan sebagai berikut.

  • Menggunakan struktur kalimat present tense.
  • Terdapat action verbs, seperti put, turn, cut, take, boil, make, etc.
  • Memakai pola kalimat imperative, seperti don’t, cut, stir, etc.
  • Terdapat adverbial atau keterangan, misalnya the thick is 3 cm, for five minutes, etc.
  • Ada connectives, seperti first, second, next, then, while, finally, etc.

Contoh Prosedur Teks Bahasa Inggris

1. How to Make Rice Using a Rice Cooker


Nowadays, most Indonesian families prefer to cook using a rice cooker, rather than traditionally cooking rice.

Besides being more practical, rice cookers can also be used to keep rice warm, and have a longer shelf life. But remember, cooking rice with a rice cooker is not what you think.

Material or Ingredient

  • Rice
  • Rice cooker
  • Egg
  • Water
  • Bay leaf, lemongrass, onion
  • Oil
  • Orange water


Several things must be considered so that cooked rice is perfectly cooked, fluffier, not sticky, and has a longer shelf life, including the following:

  1. Wash the rice a maximum of three times, this is done so that the rice is clean, and the fiber content that sticks to the skin is not lost.
  2. Make sure the ratio of water to rice is correct. Lucky, right now rice cooker products are equipped with a cup size of rice and a water curtain.
  3. If there is no cup or container the rice cooker does not display related information mixing water and rice, you can use a 1:2 ratio for rice and water.
  4. To make the rice fluffier and more fragrant, Ananda can add seasoning extras, such as the bay leaf, lemongrass, or chopped onions.
  5. To make the rice softer and fluffier, Ananda can add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil before the rice is cooked. In comparison, 1 tablespoon of oil for 0.5 kg of rice.
  6. If you want rice not easy, you can add a little lime juice or lemons. For comparison, tablespoons of lime or lemon juice for 1 kg of rice.
  7. It is no less important, after the rice is cooked, which is marked by the displacement cooking indicator from cook to warm, let the rice be warm for 5-7 minute.
  8. After that, the rice can be stirred so the remaining water evaporates.

2. How to Make Rendang


Rendang is one of the quintessential Indonesian meat dishes, with spices as the base ingredient.

Of course, the delicacy of rendang meat, in addition to being included in a rendang recipe, lies in the way it is processed.

Made from a combination of different spices and cooked for a long time, it is delicious and the meat is tender until it is eaten.

Material or Ingredient

  • 1 kg lean meat, cut into 4×4 cm
  • 2 liters of coconut milk from 2 coconuts (preferably not instant coconut milk)


  • 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised
  • 2 pieces of turmeric leaves, conclude
  • 2 cm kandic acid
  • 4 pieces of kaffir lime leaves

Ground spices:

  • 12 red onions
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 100 g big red chili
  • 100 g curly red chili
  • 5 hazelnuts
  • 2 cm galangal
  • 3 cm turmeric, burn
  • 2 cm ginger, roasted
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cumin, toasted
  • 1 tbsp coriander
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • Added flavourings


  1. Slice the beef thinly to taste.
  2. Puree the spices that need to be pureed beforehand.
  3. Pour the coconut milk into the pot, then add the kaffir lime leaves, turmeric leaves, lemongrass, tamarind and red onion slices.
  4. Add the ground spices and mix well.
  5. Cook flavoured coconut milk, stirring occasionally, 20 minutes.
  6. After starting to drain oil, cook meat cubes over medium heat the coconut milk dries up and looks greasy and the meat starts Soft means the rendang is cooked.
  7. Lift and serve.

3. How to Apply Hair Conditioner


The purpose of this text is to explain how to apply hair conditioner. The materials of this text are hair conditioner, shampoo, and water.

Material or Ingredient

  • Hair conditioner
  • Shampoo
  • Water


  1. Wash your hair in the shower. Rinse off all shampoo.
  2. Use the amount of conditioner recommended on the bottle (usually about a quarter size).
  3. Evenly distribute on hair tips. For long hair, work from chin level down. Do not apply conditioner to the scalp.
  4. Run your fingers or a wide-toothed comb through the ends of your hair, working in conditioner.
  5. Leave it on your hair for a moment and follow the directions on the label. This is usually 1 minute.
  6. Rinse the conditioner thoroughly.

4. How to Make Homemade Meatballs


Explain how to make a homemade meatball easily.

Material or Ingredient

  • 300 grams beef
  • Water
  • 3 tbsp starch
  • 3 pieces of garlic
  • 1 egg (white only)
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp fine salt
  • 1-piece Maggi block
  • Pepper powder
  • Nutmeg powder


  1. First, mix all the above materials with a mixer, mix well, repeat several times.
  2. Second, after they are smooth and even, use 2 small spoons to form the meatballs.
  3. Third, prepare the water, then put the formed meatballs one by one and wait for them to cook.

5. How to Make Scrambled Eggs


Explain how to make a scrambled egg.

Material and Ingredient

  • 2 eggs
  • Milk
  • Water
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • A pinch of salt and pepper


  1. First, in a small bowl, crack the eggs, add a pinch of salt and pepper, and mix well
  2. Add butter to frying pan and let it melt
  3. Pour in eggs and milk
  4. Wait about 20 seconds without stirring
  5. Then fold the eggs in half and stir with a spatula
  6. Repeat the previous step until the eggs are mostly cooked
  7. Remove the eggs from the heat and continue to fold and whisk the eggs for about a minute
  8. Lift the eggs and place them on a plate
  9. Your scrambled eggs are ready

6. How to Delete Instagram Account Temporarily


The purpose or goal of this text is to explain how to delete an Instagram account.

Material and Ingredients

There are no materials used in this text, but you should have an Instagram account, good internet connection, and gadgets.


  1. Open the web version of Instagram on instagram.com
  2. If you aren’t logged in to Instagram on the web, you’ll be asked to log in first. Enter the user’s username and password
  3. Click the profile icon at the top right of the screen Select Profile Scroll down to the bottom until you find the words “Temporarily deactivate my account”.

The user will choose a reason for choosing to deactivate the account

  1. After that, the user is asked to retype the Instagram account password.
  2. When finished, click the “Temporarily Deactivate Account” icon.

7. How to Make Cucumber Mask


Explains how to make a mask from cucumber. This face mask combines cucumber with brown sugar (which acts as a natural exfoliant) and milk and honey (for hydration).

The end result is a recipe that gently removes dead or dry skin cells while soothing and pampering the skin. to start:

Material or Ingredient

  • ½ cucumber
  • ¼ cup of white milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar


  1. Peel the cucumber and remove the outer skin.
  2. Cut into small pieces or grated and set aside to make cucumber puree. You can add the cucumber chunks to a blender or food processor for a smoother consistency.
  3. Pour your puree into one of the bowls and set aside.
  4. In another bowl, combine milk, honey and brown sugar. Stir well.
  5. Add the 2nd bowl to the puree and mix all the ingredients together.
  6. Now you can apply this mask with your fingers or a clean foundation brush and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  7. Rinse with cold water and dry with a clean towel.

8. How to Use a Printer


Explaining hoe to use a printer easily.


  • Printer (with ink)
  • Paper


  1. Install the printer on the computer first.
  2. Prepare your computer and printer, it’s easier if they are next to each other.
  3. Connect your printer cable to the computer and don’t forget the power cable with an electrical outlet.
  4. Load paper into the printer.
  5. Turn on your printer, by pressing the power button on the printer, marked with an indicator light that lights up, if your indicator is flashing, it means that your printer has an error.
  6. Check on the computer on the program (device and printer), if the printer appears (ready), it means that your printer is ready to use.
  7. Click “Print” on the document, then set which parts you want to print.
  8. Press Enter and wait for the printing process to complete.

9. How to Make Batik Tulis


Explaining the process of making batik tulis is a process that requires technique, accuracy, and skill with great patience.

Materials and Ingredients

  • Canting
  • Pattern pencil
  • Mori cloth (silk or cotton cloth)
  • Candles
  • Stove
  • Fabric dye


  1. Make a motif on the Mori cloth with a pencil.
  2. Place the cloth on the crossbar in a wide position so that it is easy to make batik.
  3. Heat the wax in a frying pan over low heat until the wax melts completely. To keep the temperature of the stove/brazier stable, keep the fire low.
  4. Take a little of the melted wax using a canting, blow it for a while so that it is not too hot, then incise the canting by following the motif.
  5. After all the motifs that do not want to be coloured are covered by wax, then dip the cloth in the dye solution.
  6. Dry the dyed cloth to dry.
  7. After drying, the wax scrapes with a knife, then the cloth is boiled together with water that has been given soda ash.
  8. This process aims to remove the wax layer so that the motifs have become clear. 

If you want some colours on the batik that we create, the process can be repeated several times depending on the number of colours desired.

  1. After the cloth is cleaned from the wax, the batik process is carried out again with the closing of the wax, the second colouring, and so on.
  2. Once it’s repeated like a process beforehand as many colours as desired.
  3. After several dyeing processes, the batik cloth is dipped in a mixture of water and soda ash to turn off the colour that sticks to the batik.
  4. The last process is soaking the batik in cold water and drying it in the sun before it can be used and used.


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