40 Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Bahasa Inggris beserta Kunci Jawabannya

40 Contoh Soal Adjective Clause Bahasa Inggris beserta Kunci Jawabannya – Adjective clause adalah kelompok kata yang berfungsi menjelaskan kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat.

Biasanya, clause ini diawali dengan kata-kata seperti who, whom, whose, which, atau that.

Menguasai materi adjective clause sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa Inggris, terutama dalam menyusun kalimat. Selain itu, topik ini sering muncul dalam soal ujian. Yuk, mulai pelajari kumpulan contoh soalnya disini!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Adjective Clause


Ketika belajar Bahasa Inggris, kamu akan menemukan berbagai topik penting yang perlu dikuasai. Empat keterampilan utama yang sering dibahas adalah writing, listening, speaking, dan reading.

Selain keempat keterampilan dasar tersebut, ada juga topik lain yang tak kalah penting untuk dipahami, salah satunya adalah adjective clause.

Adjective clause, atau yang juga disebut sebagai relative clause, adalah sekelompok kata yang berfungsi memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) dalam sebuah kalimat.

Klausa ini membuat kalimat lebih spesifik dan informatif tanpa harus memisahkannya menjadi kalimat baru.

Ciri-ciri kalimat yang menggunakan adjective clause antara lain adanya subjek, predikat, serta dimulai dengan kata penghubung seperti relative pronoun (misalnya: which, who, whose, whom) atau relative adverb (seperti: where, when, why). 

Setelah memahami penjelasan singkat adjective clause, berikut ini adalah kumpulan contoh soal adjective clause dalam Bahasa Inggris yang telah Mamikos rangkum dan bisa kamu pelajari.

Contoh Soal 1 – 10

  1. The book….you recommended was fascinating.

A. That

B. Whom

C. Whose

D. What

Answer : A. That

  1. The person….car broke down is waiting for assistance.

A. That

B. Whom

C. Whose

D. What

Answer : C. Whose

  1. I met a woman yesterday….has lived in five different countries.

A. Which

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. The gift…selected for the bride was rather expensive.

A. Because

B. Was

C. Since

D. Which we

Answer : D. Which we

  1. I think you’re the one…sent Rachna those flowers.

A. Did

B. That

C. Which

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. I really hope… to the concert next week.

A. To go

B. Going

C. Go

D. Goes

Answer : A. To go

  1. A stock…at an inflated price is called a watered stock.

A. Is issued

B. Issued

C. It is

D. Which Issued

Answer : B. Issued

  1. A society…speak an endangered language may have reasons to doubt or even oppose the efforts to preserve it.

A. Which

B. That

C. Whom

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. The scientist…..discovered the new element was awarded the Nobel Prize.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. The book … I borrowed from the library is now overdue.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : A. Which

Contoh Soal 11 – 20

  1. The students … passed the exam will receive certificates next week.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. The city … we visited last summer was incredibly beautiful.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : A. Which

  1. The person … You met yesterday is my cousin.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : B. That

  1. The car … broke down on the highway and has been repaired.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : A. Which

  1. Organs…of using carbon dioxide as their sole source of carbon are called autotrophs.

A. Who are capable

B. Whom capabilities

C. That are capable

D. That has the capabilities

Answer : C. That are capable

  1. The oily essence is only a small component of cigarette smoke,… more than 4,700 chemical compounds.

A. Which countain

B. Which contains

C. Which it contains

D. Who contains

Answer : B. Which contains

  1. The researchers criticize the practice of some scientific consultants….with the tobacco industry.

A. Who work

B. Who works

C. Who they work

D. Which work

Answer : A. Who work

  1. The teacher…. lessons are always interesting is retiring this year.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whose   

D. Who

Answer : C. Whose

  1. The movie…. won the Oscar for Best Picture was a surprise to many.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : A. Which

  1. The woman … you spoke to is the new manager.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : C. Whom

Contoh Soal 21 – 30

  1. The Apollo 11 astronauts…of the Earth’s inhabitants witnessed the famous first moonwalk on July 20,1969, were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

A. Whom

B. Whom millions

C. Were some

D. Whom some were

Answer : B. Whom millions

  1. People…study the weather are called meteorologists.

A. That

B. When

C. Whom

D. Whose

Answer : A. That

  1. The man…car was stolen phoned the police.

A. That

B. When

C. Whom

D. Whose

Answer : D. Whose

  1. The building…. was destroyed in the earthquake will be rebuilt.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : A. Which

  1. The athlete …. won the gold medal trained for years.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : D. Who

  1. The dog ….. barks all night belongs to our neighbor.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : B. That

  1. The company ….. products we use regularly is expanding globally.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whose   

D. Who

Answer : C. Whose

  1. The restaurant….. we had dinner last night was excellent.

A. Which   

B. Where   

C. Whom   

D. Who

Answer : B. Where

  1. The politician …. speech inspired many voters won the election.

A. Which   

B. That   

C. Whose   

D. Who

Answer : C. Whose

  1. The intricate process of photosynthesis, …. scientists have been studying for decades, continues to reveal new secrets about plant life and energy production. 

A. which 

B. that 

C. whom 

D. whose 

Answer : A. which

Contoh Soal 31 – 40

  1. The renowned physicist,.. … groundbreaking theories revolutionized our understanding of the universe, spent his final years searching for a unified theory of everything. 

A. who 

B. that 

C. whom 

D. whose 

Answer : D. whose

  1. The ancient Mayan civilization, ….. remarkable achievements in astronomy and mathematics still astound modern researchers, mysteriously collapsed around 900 AD. 

A. which 

B. that 

C. whom 

D. whose 

Answer : D. whose

  1. A study suggest that people…cigarettes are continually damaging their cardiovasculars system.

A. Is smoking

B. Smoking

C. Who smoke

D. Who smokes

Answer : C. Who smoke

  1. Sea ports have been transformed by the advent of powered vessels,…and graught have increased.

A. Which size

B. Whose size

C. That size

D. Which is size

Answer : B. Whose size

  1. The film was made in South Africa,….wildlife parks are larger than those in Kenya.

A. When

B. Where

C. Whose

D. Whos

Answer : C. Whose

  1. The complex algorithm, ….. was developed by a team of international researchers, promises to revolutionize the way we process and analyze big data in various fields.

A. which   

B. that   

C. whom   

D. who

Answer : A. which

Choose the correct answer from these questions!

  1. The book is interesting. I borrowed it from the library yesterday.

A. The book which I borrowed from the library yesterday is interesting

B. The book whom I borrowed from the library yesterday is interesting

C. The book whose I borrowed from the library yesterday is interesting

D. The book in which I borrowed from the library yesterday is interesting

Answer : A. The book which I borrowed from the library yesterday is interesting

  1. Someone makes me happy, she is my mother

A. Someone whose makes me happy is my mother

B. Someone in which makes me happy is my mother

C. Someone which makes me happy is my mother

D. Someone whom makes me happy is my mother

Answer : D. Someone whom makes me happy is my mother

  1. This house is very big, Ameena lived in that place. 

A. This house whose Ameena lived is very big. 

B. This house in where Ameena lived is very big 

C. This house in which Ameena lived is very big 

D. This house whom Ameena lived is very big 

Answer : C. This house in which Ameena lived is very big

  1. The teacher has many motors, He is very famous. 

A. The teacher which has many motors is very famous 

B. The teacher who has many motors is very famous 

C. The teacher in which has many motors is very famous 

D. The teacher whose has many motors is very famous 

Answer : B. The teacher who has many motors is very famous 


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Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu meningkatkan pemahaman serta kemampuan kamu dalam menggunakan Adjective Clause. Jika kamu membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut atau ingin mempelajari topik bahasa Inggris lainnya, jangan ragu untuk kunjungi blog Mamikos.


Apa itu adverbial clause?

Adverbial Clause adalah anak kalimat atau dependent clause yang biasa digunakan dan berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan (adverb) dan memberikan informasi tentang kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), bahkan kata keterangan (adverb) yang mana kedudukannya berada pada induk kalimat (independent clause) dengan kemampuannya menjawab pertanyaan dengan kata tanya seperti what, where, why, who, dan who.

Apa itu noun clause?

Noun clause merupakan salah satu jenis klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun). Klausa ini termasuk dalam dependent clause yang bisa berdiri sendiri sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai satu kalimat utuh yang memiliki makna.

Apa itu clause?

Klausa adalah sekumpulan kata yang memiliki subjek dan predikat. Namun, tidak semua klausa dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat lengkap.

Apa itu conditional sentence?

Conditional memiliki arti bergantung pada kondisi saat seseorang berbicara. Conditional sentence dapat didefinisikan sebagai kalimat pengandaian saat seseorang ingin mengungkapkan suatu kondisi yang berbeda dengan kenyataan.

Pengertian relative pronoun?

Relative pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang menghubungkan dua klausa dalam satu kalimat. Kata ganti ini merujuk kepada suatu kata benda (nomina) seperti orang, benda, atau hewan. Keberadaan relative pronoun bermanfaat untuk menghindari pengulangan kata benda yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.

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