30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya – Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris berikut ini dapat kamu gunakan sebagai bahan belajar secara mandiri di rumah. 

Dengan giat berlatih mengerjakan berbagai soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11, kamu akan menjadi lebih terbiasa dan siap menghadapi ujian Bahasa Inggris.

Semakin sering berlatih, semakin mudah bagi kamu untuk menjawab soal-soal ujian dengan percaya diri. Simak kumpulan contoh soalnya selengkapnya!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka


Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib di kelas 11 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Pada jenjang ini, kamu akan mempelajari berbagai aspek penting dari bahasa Inggris, termasuk keterampilan komunikasi, struktur bahasa atau grammar, membaca, menulis, dan memahami berbagai jenis teks Bahasa Inggris.

Pada Kurikulum Merdeka, guru akan memberikan ujian Bahasa Inggris baik di pertengahan semester maupun di akhir semester. Tujuan dari ujian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman dan kemampuan kamu dalam materi yang telah dipelajari selama satu semester.

Namun, jangan khawatir! Artikel kali ini dari Mamikos akan membantu kamu dengan menyajikan kumpulan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Setiap soal telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban untuk memudahkan kamu memahami dan mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian. 

Contoh soal 

  1. Susan and Dian get a new chance….?

A. Doesn’t she

B. Does she

C. Do they

D. Don’t they

E. Aren’t they

Answer : D. Don’t they

  1. Nia : “You look unhealthy, boy.”

Sandi : “Yes, I have a headache and a stomachache.”

Nia : “You should go to the doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.”

Sandi : “Ok.”

In the conversation, the word “accompany” shows….

A. Offering to help

B. Describing symptoms

C. Suggesting a remedy

D. Giving directions

Answer : A. Offering to help

Read the following letter to answer questions 3 to 7!

Greenwood High School

123 Elm Street

Greenwood, TX 78901

April 5, 2023

Ms. Linda Brown


Greenwood Community Center

456 Oak Street

Greenwood, TX

Dear Ms. Brown,

My name is John Smith, and I am writing on behalf of the students at Greenwood High School. We are excited to inform you about our upcoming charity event aimed at raising funds for local animal shelters.

The event will feature a variety of activities, including a silent auction, a bake sale, and live entertainment. We would be honored if you could join us as a guest speaker to talk about the importance of community support for animal welfare.

The charity event will take place at our school gymnasium on the 25th of April. We kindly ask that you confirm your participation by Friday, April 14th.

We look forward to your positive response and hope to see you at the event.


John Smith

Event Coordinator

  1. Who is the writer of the letter?

A. Linda Brown

B. John Smith

C. Animal Shelter Director

D. School Principal

E. Community Volunteer

Answer : B. John Smith

  1. What is the main purpose of the charity event?

A. Raising funds for animal shelters

B. Promoting local businesses

C. Organizing a sports tournament

D. Celebrating school achievements

E. Collecting books for a library

Answer : A. Raising funds for animal shelters

  1. When will the charity event take place?

A. April 20th

B. April 22nd

C. April 23rd

D. April 25th

E. April 30th

Answer : D. April 25th

  1. What type of letter is this?

A. Invitation letter

B. Complaint letter

C. Thank-you letter

D. Request letter

E. Informational letter

Answer : A. Invitation letter

  1. By what date should Ms. Brown confirm her participation?

A. April 12th

B. April 13th

C. April 14th

D. April 15th

E. April 16th

Answer : C. April 14th

  1. “I’he turned on the TV. Anyway, would you like something to drink?”

The sentence above is an expression of….

A. Sympathy

B. Gratitude

C. Thanking

D. Complaining

E. Offering service

Answer : E. Offering service

  1. The company has decided to……new strategies to improve its sales.

A. Develop

B. Developed

C. Developing

D. Develops

E. Development

Answer : A. Develop

  1. He was promoted to manager because of his…… performance over the past year.

A. Bad

B. Regular

C. Impressive

D. Average

E. Poor

Answer : C. impressive

  1. The new policy will…..affect all employees in the company.

A. Significantly

B. Significant

C. Significance

D. Signifies

E. Signified

Answer : A. significantly

  1. When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change

Cause you’re amazing just the way you are.

This sentence means that…

A. The writer wants the person to change to look better

B. The writer thinks that the person should be perfect

C. The writer appreciates and loves the person just as they are

D. The writer believes that the person’s face is not good enough

E. The writer wishes to change something about the person’s appearance

Answer : C. The writer appreciates and loves the person just as they are

The following dialog is for numbers 13 – 17

Faisal: “Have you ever been to Bali?”

Rina: “Yes, I have. Bali is an amazing island with beautiful beaches and a rich culture.”

Faisal: “I’ve heard about their traditional dances. What do you think about them?” 

Rina: “I think they are captivating, especially the Kecak dance.”

Faisal: “That sounds great! What about the food?”

Rina: “The food is delicious. I love the traditional dishes like lawar and babi guling.” 

Faisal: “Wow, I need to visit Bali soon!”

  1. What place is being discussed in the conversation?

A. Jakarta

B. Yogyakarta

C. Bali

D. Lombok

E. Surabaya

Answer : C. Bali

  1. What does Rina think about Bali?

A. It’s a crowded island

B. It’s an unattractive place

C. It’s a dangerous island

D. It’s an amazing island with rich culture

E. It’s a small island with no interest

Answer : D. It’s an amazing island with rich culture

  1. What traditional dance does Rina mention in the dialogue?

A. Jaipong

B. Kecak

C. Barong

D. Pendet

E. Reog

Answer : B. Kecak

  1. What traditional food from Bali does Rina mention?

A. Soto

B. Lawar and babi guling

C. Nasi goreng

D. Satay

E. Rendang

Answer : B. Lawar and babi guling

  1. “I think they are captivating, especially the Kecak dance,” The sentence is an example of…

A. Asking for opinions

B. Giving opinions

C. Agreeing with someone

D. Disagreeing with someone

E. Asking for advice

Answer : B. Giving opinions

PJ Party

22 Yew Street, Cambridge, Ontario

Tel: 416-223-8900

4th of November, 2015

The following text is for number 18 to 20.

Dear Valued Customer:

 Our records …. (18) That you have been a customer of PJ Party Inc. since our grand opening last year. We would like to thank you for your business …. (19) Inviting you to our preferred customer Spring Extravaganza next Saturday.

 Saturday’s sales event is by invitation only. All of our stock, including pajamas and bedding will be marked down from 50-80 persen off.* Doors open at 09:00 a.m. sharp. Complimentary coffee and donuts will be served. Public admission …. (20) Commence at noon.

In addition, please accept the enclosed $10 gift certificate to use with your purchase of $75 or more.

We look forward to seeing you at PJ’s on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you and present it at the door.


Linda Lane

Store Manager

  1.  A. Show

B. Shows

C. Showed

D. Showing

E. Shown

Answer :  A. Show

  1.  A. On

B. In

C. At

D. By

E. Buy

Answer : E. Buy

  1. A. Will

B. Is

C. Am

D. Are

Answer : A. Will

  1. (1) Maya: “Why don’t we do the project about environmental issues?”

(2) Rina: “What do you think we should focus on for the group project?”

(3) Rina: “Hmm, that’s a great idea! What specific topic should we choose?”

(4) Maya: “I think we should focus on plastic waste in the oceans.”

(5) Rina: “Yes, I like that. Let’s start researching about it.”

Arrange the jumble sentence above into a good dialogue!

A. (2)-(1)-(3)-(5)-(4)

B. (1)-(3)-(2)-(5)-(4)

C. (2)-(1)-(3)-(4)-(5)

D. (1)-(2)-(4)-(3)-(5)

E. (3)-(2)-(5)-(1)-(4)

Answer : C. (2)-(1)-(3)-(4)-(5)

  1.  Sandi : “So, what do you think about our food cleanliness?

Tuty : “That’s ok, but I think we need to improve the quality.”

The underlined expression is used for expressing…

A. Closing discussion

B. Opening a discussion

C. Asking for input

D. Clarifying ideas

E. Giving order

Answer : C. Asking for input  

  1. Dina : ” I want to marry her soon.” 

Ani : “Sorry, what was that again.”

The underlined expression is used to…

A. Asking for clarification

B. Opening a discussion

C. Asking for input

D. Clarifying ideas

E. Giving order

  1. Answer : A. Asking for clarification 

Tourist : “Wow.. what a wonderful key holder!”

Seller : “Oh, I’ll explain later, but do you want to buy it?”

The underlined expression is used to…

A. Asking for clarification

B. Opening a discussion

C. Asking for input

D. Clarifying ideas

E. Giving order

Answer : C. Asking for input

  1. Buyer : “Can you tell me more about this product?” 

Seller : “Sure, this is a handmade vase made from recycled materials.”

The underlined expression is used to… 

A. Asking for clarification

B. Giving a suggestion

C. Asking for information

D. Giving an opinion

E. Making a request

Answer : C. Asking for information

  1. I thanked to the women…helped her

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where

Answer : A. Who

  1. I know the man … car was stolen yesterday. 

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where

Answer : B. Whose

  1. The book … you gave me is very interesting. 

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where

Answer : D. Which

  1. The girl … I met at the party is very friendly. A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where

Answer : C. Whom

  1. This is the place … we first met. 

A. Who

B. Whose

C. Whom

D. Which

E. Where

Answer : E. Where


Demikianlah pembahasan mengenai kumpulan 30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan kunci jawabannya. Dengan mempelajari materi dan contoh soal di atas, diharapkan kamu lebih siap dalam menghadapi ujian Bahasa Inggris. 

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan membantu meningkatkan pemahaman serta kemampuan Bahasa Inggris kamu.

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Fungsi kata kerja?

Penggunaan verb dalam speaking maupun writing dalam bahasa Inggris sangat penting karena setidaknya dalam kalimat atau frasa perlu adanya satu verb.
Biasanya, fungsi verb ini dalam kaitan berfungsi untuk menjelaskan perbuatan apa yang tengah dilakukan oleh pelaku atau subjek.

Contoh adjective?

– Attractive: menarik
– Bald: botak
– Beautiful: cantik
– Chubby: tembam
– Clean: bersih
– Dazzling: mempesona
– Drab: menjemukan
– Elegant: anggun
– Fancy: indah
– Fit: cocok

Apa itu adjective clause?

Adjective clause atau juga banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai klausa relatif merupakan frasa yang biasanya akan mengikuti keberadaan kata benda maupun kata ganti. Kemudian, klausa ini akan memberikan deskripsi tambahan berkaitan dengan suatu hal.

Pengertian noun phrase?

Noun phrase (frasa nomina) adalah kelompok kata yang terdiri dari kata benda (noun) dan kata-kata atau frasa-frasa lain yang mendukung atau menggambarkan kata benda tersebut.

Pengertian adverbial clause?

Adjective clause atau juga banyak yang menyebutnya sebagai klausa relatif merupakan frasa yang biasanya akan mengikuti keberadaan kata benda maupun kata ganti. Kemudian, klausa ini akan memberikan deskripsi tambahan berkaitan dengan suatu hal.

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