Contoh Soal Direct and Indirect Speech beserta Jawabannya Lengkap

Contoh Soal Direct and Indirect Speech beserta Jawabannya Lengkap – Soal-soal bahasa Inggris tentang direct and indirect speech seringkali muncul di ujian.

Apakah kamu sudah tahu tipe soal-soal tersebut dan mempersiapkan diri untuk menjawabnya?

Kalau belum, simak contoh soal direct and indirect speech di bawah ini.

Contoh-Contoh Soal Direct and Indirect Speech dan Jawabannya

Saat belajar bahasa Inggris, kamu akan mendapati banyak variasi soal yang diujikan, seperti soal-soal tentang bacaan dan soal tentang kalimat.

Seringkali muncul soal tentang direct and indirect speech atau kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung.

Namun, tidak semua orang bisa mengerjakannya karena bingung pada tata bahasanya ataupun artinya.

Pada artikel berikut, Mamikos akan memberikan informasi terkait contoh soal direct and indirect speech yang disertai dengan jawabannya sebagai referensi latihanmu.

Bentuk Soal-Soal Direct and Indirect Speech

Saat akan mempelajari soal-soal direct and indirect speech, ketahui terlebih dahulu pola-pola soal yang akan diujikan.

Sebab, hal tersebut akan memudahkanmu dalam belajar dan memetakan materi.

Adapun bentuk soal yang seringkali diujikan pada materi direct and indirect speech bahasa Inggris adalah:

  1. Mengubah direct menjadi indirect speech dan sebaliknya
  2. Melengkapi kalimat direct speech atau indirect speech
  3. Memilih kata yang tepat untuk direct speech atau indirect speech
  4. Reported speech untuk direct speech
  5. Maksud pembicara dalam direct speech atau indirect speech
    Tingkat kesulitan soal-soal di atas pastinya akan disesuaikan dengan jenjang studi yang sedang ditempuh. Misalnya tingkat kesulitan soal direct and indirect speech di universitas akan lebih sulit dibandingkan di tingkat sekolah menengah.

Ingin berlatih lebih banyak soal-soal direct and indirect speech? Simak contohnya berikut ini.

Contoh Soal Mengubah Kalimat Subjunctive (Pengandaian) Menjadi Indirect Speech

  1. ‘We wish we didn’t have to take exams,’ said the children
    Jawaban: The children said they wished they didn’t have to take exams.
  2. ‘Bill wants to go alone,’ said Ann, ‘but I’d rather he went with a group’
    Jawaban: Ann said that Bill wanted to go alone but that she’d rather he went with a group.
  3. ‘It’s time we began planning our holidays,’ he said
    Jawaban: He said that it was time they began planning their holidays.
  4. ‘The children had better go to bed early,’ said Tom
    Jawaban: Tom said that the children had better go to bed early.
  5. ‘You’d better not drink the water,’ she said
    Jawaban: She advised/warned us not to drink the water.
  6. If my children were older I would emigrate,’ he said
    Jawaban: He said that if his children were older he would emigrate.

Contoh Soal Mengubah Might, Ought To, Should, Would, Used Menjadi Indirect Statements

  1. He said, ‘Ann might ring today
    Jawaban: He said that Ann might ring (that day).
  2. ‘You might post these for me,’ he said
    Jawaban: He asked me to post them for him.
  3. They ought to/should widen this road,’ I said
    Jawaban: I said that they ought to/should widen the road.
  4. I said, ‘I should be back by six’ (I assume I will be)
    Jawaban: I said I should be back by six
  5. You ought to/should/must read the instructions,’ said Ann
    Jawaban: Ann advised/urged/warned me to read the instructions
  6. If I were you I’d wait,’ I said
    Jawaban: I advised him to wait.
  7. ‘I’d be very grateful if you’d keep me informed,’ he said
    Jawaban: He asked me to keep him informed

Contoh Soal Ekspresi Waktu dan Tempat pada Indirect Speech

  1. I saw her the day before yesterday,’ he said
    Jawaban: He said he’d seen her two days before.
  2. ‘I’ll do it tomorrow,’ he promised
    Jawaban: He promised that he would do it the next day.
  3. ‘I’m starting the day after tomorrow, mother,’ he said
    Jawaban: He told his mother that he was starting in two days.
  4. She said, ‘My father died a year ago’
    Jawaban: She said that her father had died a year before/the previous year.
  5. At breakfast this morning he said, ‘I’ll be very busy today’
    Jawaban: At breakfast this morning he said that he would be very busy today.

Contoh Soal Penggunaan ‘Had Better’

  1. He said, ‘I’d better hurry’
    Jawaban: He said (that) he’d better hurry.
  2. He said, ‘Ann had better hurry’
    Jawaban: He said (that) Ann had better hurry.
  3. He said, ‘You’d better hurry’
    Jawaban: He said (that) I’d better hurry or He advised me to hurry.

Contoh Soal Penggunaan Past Perfect pada Indirect Speech

  1. He said, ‘I’ve been in England for ten years’
    Jawaban: He said that he had been in England for ten years.
  2. He said, ‘When you’ve worked for a year you’II get a rise’
    Jawaban: He said that when I worked for a year I’d get a raise.
  3. She said, I’ll lend you the book as soon as I have read it myself
    Jawaban: She said she’d lend me the book as soon as she’d read it herself

Contoh Soal Penggunaan Conditional Sentence pada Indirect Speech

Type 1 basic form The tenses here change in the usual way:

He said, ‘If I catch the plane I’ll be home by five’
Jawaban: He said that if he caught the plane he would be home by five.

Type 2, basic form. No tense changes:

‘If I had a permit I could get a job,’ he said
Jawaban: He said that if he had a permit he could get a job.

Type 3, basic form. No tense changes:

‘If she had loved Tom,’ he said, ‘she wouldn’t have left him
Jawaban: He said that if she had loved Tom she wouldn’t have left him.


Demikian informasi terkait contoh soal direct and indirect speech beserta jawabannya lengkap untuk bahan latihanmu.

Masih banyak referensi soal-soal tentang percakapan bahasa Inggris yang dapat kamu pelajari.

Jika masih membuat kesalahan saat mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris, tidak perlu khawatir.

Pelajari kembali teori-teori tentang direct and indirect speech beserta teori materi lain yang sedang kamu pelajari.

Dapatkan informasi terkait pelajaran bahasa Inggris beserta latihan-latihan soal secara lengkap di blog Mamikos.

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