25 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 10 beserta Kunci Jawabannya

25 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 10 beserta Kunci Jawabannya – Narrative text adalah salah satu materi penting dalam Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 yang perlu kamu kuasai. Teks ini biasanya digunakan untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita dengan menggunakan bentuk lampau, alias cerita yang sudah terjadi.

Jenis teks ini sering muncul di ujian, baik UTS maupun UAS, jadi penting banget untuk memahami materi ini agar kamu bisa menjawab soal dengan mudah.

Nah, pada artikel Mamikos ini, kamu akan menemukan beberapa contoh soal narrative text yang bisa membantu kamu belajar. Simak selengkapnya!

Narrative Text 


Pada materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 10, kamu akan menemukan berbagai jenis teks yang wajib dipelajari. Salah satunya adalah narrative text. Materi ini sangat penting karena dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis atau writing kamu.

Narrative text adalah jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menceritakan sebuah cerita dengan urutan kejadian, biasanya disampaikan dalam verb lampau atau past tense.

Memahami dan menguasai narrative text akan mempermudah kamu dalam menulis cerita yang menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca.

Dengan mempelajari narrative text dan jenis narrative text, kamu akan belajar cara menyusun cerita dengan baik, mulai dari pengenalan karakter dan latar belakang cerita, hingga membangun konflik dan memberikan resolusi yang memuaskan. 

Teks ini juga membantu kamu untuk mengasah keterampilan dalam mendeskripsikan perasaan atau karakter secara detail, yang sangat penting dalam writing text.

Selain itu, narrative text sering muncul dalam ujian dan tugas sekolah. Dengan memahami strukturnya dengan baik, kamu akan lebih siap dan percaya diri dalam menjawab berbagai soal.

Ingat, practice makes perfect semakin sering kamu berlatih dengan berbagai contoh soal akan mengasah kemampuan kamu dan membuatmu lebih terbiasa dalam mengerjakan berbagai tipe soal Bahasa Inggris. 

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 10

Berikut ini, Mamikos telah mengumpulkan kumpulan contoh soal narrative text lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya yang dikutip dari berbagai sumber. Kamu bisa mempelajarinya secara mandiri di rumah atau sambil mengerjakan Bersama teman-temanmu.

Soal 1 – 6

A street sweeper was doing his job when he came across some money lying on the ground. He decided to use it to buy a surprise present for his little daughter. He bought a jar of honey, rushed home and left it on  the table, so that his daughter would find it as soon as she came home from school. But, alas, it was the flies that ate the honey. 

The sweeper was so angry that he went to ask the judge to give orders for the flies to be arrested and condemned to death. 

“You are absolutely right,” smiled they judge, “but as you will well understand, we cannot mobilize the army against these rascals. We shall see justice done in another way. Every time you see a fly, strike it down. I authorize you to execute them yourself. Furthermore, I demand personally that you do not allow even a single one of these thieving flies to escape.” 

“Yes, your honor. You can count on me,” the sweeper assured him. At that very moment, a fly decided to settle on the judge’s head and the sweeper did not hesitate: he raised his brush and brought it crashing down on the judge’s head. The guards were about to arrest him, when the judge recovered and intervened. “Leave him be,” he ordered, “he has taught me not to say foolish things to simpletons.” 

  1. What is the text about? 

A. The street sweeper and the judge 

B. The flies and the rascals 

C. The guards and their master 

D. The court and the simpletons 

Kunci Jawaban : A

  1. The last paragraph of the text tells you about the street  sweeper….

A. did to carry out the judge’s order 

B. liked doing during his real life 

C. made to buy honey for his daughter 

D. got as a result of his bad behavior

Kunci Jawaban : A 

  1. Which substance do we need to have a healthy digestive system? 

A. Vitamins 

B. Calories 

C. Fiber 

D. Carbohydrate

Kunci Jawaban : C

  1. What is the moral value of the story? 

A. There is no justice for foolish people 

B. It is dangerous to talk to street sweepers 

C. A judge should be careful with his or her orders 

D. We must be careful with stupid persons in this life

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. “Yes, your honor. You can count on me,” the sweeper assured him. 

What does the phrase “count on” in the sentence mean? 

A. Get 

B. Ask 

C. Pay 

D. Trust

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. “….so that his daughter would find it as soon as she came home from school.” 

What does the word “it” in the sentence refer to? 

A. The money 

B. The fly 

C. The honey 

D. The jar

Kunci Jawaban : C

Soal 7 – 10

The Man and His Two Sweethearts

A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, whose hari had begun to turn gray, courted two women at the same time. One of them was young, and the other was well advanced in years. The elder woman, ashamed to be courted by a man younger than himself, made a point, whenever her admirer visited her, to pull out some potion of his black hairs. The younger, on the contrary, not wishing to become the wife of an oldman was  equally zealous in removing every gray hair she could find. It came to pass that between them both he very soon found that he had not a hair left on his head.

  1. What did the elder woman demand of the man?

A. To pull out some portion of his gray-black hair

B. To remove some of his brown hair

C. To pull out of some portion of his black hair

D. To remove every gray hair she could find

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. “The Elder woman is ashamed to be courted by a man younger than herself…”

The word “herself” refers to….

A. A man

B. The elder woman

C. The younger woman

D. The old man

Kunci Jawaban : B

  1. What finally happened to the middle-aged man after he fulfilled all his sweethearts wishes?

A. He became a bald

B. His Hair turned gray

C. He became poor

D. His hair looked shiny again

Kunci Jawaban : A

  1. What can we learn from the story?

A. Those who seek to please everybody please nobody

B. People should please everybody

C. We can not date two people at the same time

D. We should have good attitude towards others

Kunci Jawaban : A

Soal 11 – 14

The Two Horses and the Robbers

Two horses were on the same path. The first, who worked for a miller, was loaded with oats. The other was owned by a banker and carried a chest full of golden coins. Because of this, it trotted along the way proudly, full of itself. Hearing the clinking, some robbers realized that it was carrying treasure. As they stole it, they beat the horse badly with sticks. “You see,” explained the first horse. “Being rich and important has its drawnbacks.” 

  1. Whom did the first horse work for?

A. A robber 

B. A banker 

C. A miller

D. A thief 

Kunci Jawaban : C

  1. Why did the second horse trot along the way proudly?

A. Because it was strong 

B. Because it carried oats  

C. Because it carried golden coins

D. Because it was courageous

Kunci Jawaban : C

  1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. The robbers killed the first horse

B. The first horse was carrying oats

C. The second horse was very proud of itself

D. The two horses walked on the same path 

Kunci Jawaban : B

  1. “. . . that it was carrying treasure.”

The word ‘it’ refers to ….

A. the robber 

B. the banker 

C. the first horse

D. the second horse

Kunci Jawaban : D

Soal 15 – 18

The Honest Woodcutter

Once there was a poor woodcutter who cried aloud because he had dropped his axe into a deep pond. Suddenly, a friendly water spirit appeared before him with a silver axe and asked, “IS this yours?” “No,” the woodcutter said.

The spirit returned with a golden axe. “Is this yours?” she asked again.

“No, it is not mine,” said the woodcutter. Then, the spirit appeared with his plain wooden axe.

“That one is mine!” said the woodcutter happily. To hear the answer, the spirit said, “You’ve been so honest, so take the gold and silver axes too!”

On the way home, the woodcutter met a rich merchant. When the merchant heard the woodcutter’s story, he ran to the pond and dropped his wooden axe in it. He also cried aloud. The same thing happened. The spirit appeared with a silver axe.

The same merchant shouted quickly, “That one is mine!”

“You know it is not,” said the spirit, and disappeared. The rich man’s wooden axe stayed at the bottom of the deep pond. 

  1. Where did the story take place?

A. In a forest 

B. At seashore 

C. At a pond

D. On the road 

Kunci Jawaban : C

  1. What was the woodcutter’s axe like?

A. It was plain and made of gold 

B. It was decorated and made of wood 

C. It was plain and made of silver

D. It was plain and made of wood 

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. The woodcutter brought home wooden, silver and gold axes

B. At first the spirit appeared before the woodcutter with a gold axe

C. the woodcutter looked for his silver axe in the pond

D. The merchant dropped a gold axe into the pond 

Kunci Jawaban : A

  1. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should be generous. 

B. We should be honest 

C. We must work hard

D. We can’t live without others 

Kunci Jawaban : B

Soal 19 – 22

The Fox and The Grapes

Long time ago there lived a fox who loved to eat. He lived close to a vineyard and he used to stare at the lovely grapes that hung there. ” How juicy they look. Oh I am sure these are stuff that melts in the mouth when you have them. If only I could reach them.”

On a sunny day, the fox woke up and saw the grapes glistening by the sunlight. The vineyard looked wonderful land and the grapes looked so luscious that the hungry fox could no longer control itself. He jumped to reach them but fell down.

He jumped again. No, they were much higher.

He jumped even more. But they were still out of reach.

He jumped and stretched and hopped but they were useless. Those yummy grapes hung higher than the fox could reach. No matter how hard he tried, the fox could not reach the grapes. He breathed heavily and began to sweat out of exhaustion. Giving up finally, he looked up in dislike and said he walked away. “Those grapes surely must be sour. I wouldn’t eat them even if they were served to me on a golden dish.”

It’s easy to have what you cannot have.

  1. The text emphasizes on…

A. Reaching the luscious grapes

B. Dreaming of having luscious grapes

C. Making the best effort to get luscious grapes

D. Changing the mind of not getting the luscious grapes

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. How could you describe the characteristics of the fox?

A. Patient

B. Cheerful

C. Awkward

D. Discouraged

Kunci Jawaban : D

  1. The story teaches us….

A. Stop the useless effort

B. Don’t dream off something that out of reach

C. Use your logical thinking to get what you want

D. Work hard to make your dream comes true

Kunci Jawaban : A

  1. and the grapes looked so luscious that …”(The last sentence in the last paragraph).The word “luscious” is closest in meaning to….

A. Classy

B. Bright

C. Juicy

D. Firm

Kunci Jawaban : C

Soal 23 – 25

Once upon a time, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger lived on the foot of Mount Bromo. After six years of marriage, they had not had any children. They prayed, pleaded to God for children. Their prayer was granted in one condition. They should sacrifice their youngest son to the Bromo crater. After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, and it happened every year until they had 25 children. They lived happily and forgot about the agreement. Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the Gods asked the couple to fulfill their promise. But they didn’t want their youngest son, Raden Kusuma, to be sacrificed to the crater.

Raden Kusuma learned about the deal his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater had made the people living near the mountain suffer. Since Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man, he didn’t want his siblings and other people to suffer because of him. He went to Mount Bromo and sacrificed himself to the crater. The eruption suddenly stopped. After that day, the Tengger people have given offerings to the crater, as Raden Kusuma had sacrificed himself before.

  1. The story is mainly about…

A. Brave sacrifice

B. Unwanted signal

C. Unfulfilled promise

D. Unrealistic condition

Kunci Jawaban : A

  1. When making a promise with Gods, Roro Anteng and JokoTengger forgot that…

A. They would have 25 children

B. They would love all their children so much

C. They couldn’t make the last child sacrifice himself

D. They didn’t realize the danger of the mountain eruption

Kunci Jawaban : B

  1. What caused Mount Bromo to erupt according to the story?

A. Because Raden Kusuma ran away from the mountain

B. Because Raden Kusuma’s parents forgot their promise

C. Because the gods were angry with the local people

D. Because Raden Kusuma refused to pray

Kunci Jawaban : B


Itulah tadi 25 contoh soal narrative text kelas 10 beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga kumpulan soal ini dapat membantu kamu dalam memahami materi narrative text dengan lebih baik dan mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian.

Semoga artikel ini berguna dan menambah pengetahuanmu tentang narrative text. Jika kamu butuh informasi tambahan atau artikel bermanfaat lainnya, jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi blog Mamikos. 


Apa itu simple present tense?

Simple Present Tense merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi secara rutin pada waktu sekarang.
Tense ini sering digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi secara teratur.

Tujuan descriptive text Bahasa Inggris

Kalau melihat pada soal teks deskriptif sebenarnya cepat dipahami setiap orang. Bahkah kelas X mudah mengetahui jawabannya dengan tepat asalkan memahami artinya. Terlebih karena isinya yang menjelaskan tentang sesuatu.

Pengertian procedure text?

Text prosedur didefinisikan sebagai jenis teks yang menginformasikan tentang bagaimana cara membuat sesuatu, menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan atau kegiatan secara bertahap, hingga cara melakukan sesuatu.

Apa itu simple past tense?

Simple present tense merupakan bentuk dari tenses yang digunakan sebagai alat dalam menyatakan kejadian yang hadir secara teratur. Selain itu, kejadian tersebut juga hadir secara rutin maupun cukup sering dan biasa untuk dilakukan dalam masa sekarang.

Apa itu preposisi?

Preposisi merupakan bagian penting dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan frasa atau kata dengan bagian lain dalam kalimat.
Preposisi memberikan informasi tentang hubungan temporal, spasial, atau logis antara dua atau lebih elemen dalam kalimat.

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