40 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

40 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay — Dalam tenses bahasa Inggris, juga dikenal past continuous tense.

Siswa yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris di sekolah tentu akan mempelajari tense jenis ini.

Supaya kamu lebih paham mengenai materi past continuous tense, coba kerjakan contoh soal past continuous tense yang berbentuk pilihan ganda serta essay berikut, yuk!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense


Kapan sih kita menggunakan past continuous tense? Kamu pasti menanyakan hal demikian kalau kamu sedang mempelajari materi ini.

Pada intinya, kamu perlu menguasai dengan baik materi simple past tense terlebih dahulu. Tense tersebut digunakan untuk menyampaikan kalimat yang terjadi di masa lalu, kan?

Past continuous tense juga mengungkapkan situasi yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau atau masa lalu, tapi kejadian tersebut masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Atau suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lalu disusul dengan kejadian berikutnya.

Agar kamu lebih paham, coba kerjakan saja soal-soal dari Mamikos terkait past continuous tense berikut ya!

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 1

1. From the noise, it was evident that Sebastian … (fix the fan)

A. Fixes

B. Are fixing

C. Was fixing

D. Were fixing

E. Is fixing

Jawaban: C. Was fixing

2. Suzy: What were you doing at 8 PM last night?

Suzan: I … (watch a drama) with my family.

A. Watch

B. Watches

C. Is watching

D. Was watching

E. Were watching

Jawaban: D. Was watching

3. The lecturer knew that the students … (study) hard for the test.

A. Are studying

B. Were studying

C. Is studying

D. Was studying

E. Studies

Jawaban: B. Were studying

4. When Samantha entered the room, they … (discuss) the new assignment.

A. Were discussing

B. Was discussing

C. Is discussing

D. Discusses

E. Discussed

Jawaban: A. Were discussing

5. It was obvious that the children … (play) outside when it started to rain.

A. Is playing

B. Was playing

C. Were playing

D. Playing

E. Played

Jawaban: C. Were playing

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 2

6. Cecilia: Did you hear the news about the accident?

Gerald: Yes, I … (read) about it when you called.

A. Read

B. Reads

C. Was reading

D. Were reading

E. Is reading

Jawaban: C. Was reading

7. While we … (eat) lunch, the phone rang.

A. Is eating

B. Were eating

C. Was eating

D. Eats

E. Ate

Jawaban: B. Were eating

8. From the window, I saw that she … (walk) the dog.

A. Is walking

B. Walks

C. Walked

D. Were walking

E. Was walking

Jawaban: E. Was walking

9. Marketing team … (work) on the project when the deadline was extended.

A. Works

B. Worked

C. Are working

D. Was working

E. Were working

Jawaban: E. Were working

10. Michelle: What happened at the weekly sync?

Francis: We … (discuss) the new policy when the investor arrived.

A. Was discussing

B. Were discussing

C. Is discussing

D. Discusses

E. Discussed

Jawaban: B. Were discussing

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 3

11. Boyfriend: Why didn’t you answer my call last night?

Girlfriend: I … (take a bath) when you called.

A. Take a bath

B. Were taking a bath

C. Was taking a bath

D. Taking a bath

E. Takes a bath

Jawaban: C. Was taking a bath

12. It was evident that the field team … (prepare) for the event when the guests arrived.

A. Was preparing

B. Were preparing

C. Is preparing

D. Are preparing

E. Preparing

Jawaban: B. Were preparing

13. Tom: Did you see the thunderstorm last night?

Stella: Yes, I … (watch) it from my window.

A. Was watching

B. Were watching

C. Watched

D. Watching

E. Watch

Jawaban: A. Was watching

14. In the classroom they … (debate) the new proposal.

A. Are debating

B. Debate

C. Was debating

D. Debates

E. Were debating

Jawaban: E. Were debating

15. William: What happened during the meeting?

Cindy: We … (discuss) the budget when the manager interrupted.

A. Discussed

B. Discusses

C. Was discussing

D. Were discussing

E. Discussing

Jawaban: D. Were discussing

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 4

16. The artist … (paint) the mural when the workshop started.

A. Was painting

B. Were painting

C. Painting

D. Paint

E. Paints

Jawaban: A. Was painting

17 Joy: Did you enjoy the concert last night?

Aiden: Yes, my family … (listen) to the music when you arrived.

A. Was listen

B. Were listening

C. Listens

D. Listening

E. Listened

Jawaban: B. Were listening

18. She … a book when I called her.

A. Reads

B. Am reading

C. Will read

D. Was reading

E. Is reading

Jawaban: D. Was reading

19. They … the project when the power went out.

A. Is working on

B. Was working on

C. Are working on

D. Were working on

E. Work on

Jawaban: D. Were working on

20. We … breakfast when my father’s guest arrived.

A. Was having

B. Were having

C. Are having

D. Have

E. Had

Jawaban: B. Were having

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 5

21 Dimas … to radio when his mom called him.

A. Was listening

B. Was listened

C. Are listening

D. Listens

E. Listened

Jawaban: A. Was listening

22. I … for my exam while they were playing outside.

A. Study

B. Studied

C. Was studying

D. Is studying

E. Am studying

Jawaban: C. Was studying

23. The dog … on the sofa when I came home.

A. Sleeps

B. Slept

C. Is sleeping

D. Was sleeping

E. Are sleeping

Jawaban: D. Was sleeping

24. He … a shower when the bell rang.

A. Are taking

B. Takes

C. Took

D. Is taking

E. Was taking

Jawaban: E. Was taking

25. They … TV when the tsunami happened.

A. Were watching

B. Was watching

C. Is watching

D. Watch

E. Watched

Jawaban: A. Were watching

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 6

26. I … a journal while my husband was cooking dinner.

A. Writes

B. Wrote

C. Is writing

D. Was writing

E. Are writing

Jawaban: D. Was writing

27. We … in the office when it started to rain.

A. Was working

B. Are working

C. Work

D. Worked

E. Were working

Jawaban: E. Were working

28. She … when I saw her in the field.

A. Is jogging

B. Was jogging

C. Are jogging

D. Jogs

E. Jogged

Jawaban: B. Was jogging

29. He … to bed when I knocked on the door.

A. Goes

B. Went

C. Were going

D. Was going

E. Is going

Jawaban: D. Was going

30. They … badminton when the rain began to pour.

A. Were playing

B. Was playing

C. Are playing

D. Plays

E. Played

Jawaban: A. Were playing

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Part 7

31 … you … when the power went out?

A. Were / study

B. Was / studying

C. Were / studying

D. Was / study

E. Were / studies

Jawaban: C. Were / studying

32. … he … when his crush saw him?

A. Were / run

B. Is / running

C. Was / run

D. Was / running

E. Were / running

Jawaban: D. Was / running

33. We … for the train when it started to snow.

A. Were wait

B. Were waiting

C. Was waiting

D. Was wait

E. Weren’t waiting

Jawaban: B. Were waiting

34. … Mary … the angklung when you entered?

A. Was / practice

B. Was / practicing

C. Were / practicing

D. Were / practice

E. Is / practicing

Jawaban: B. Was / practicing

35. … they … about the new president when you joined them?

A. Was / talk

B. Are / talking

C. Was / talking

D. Were / talk

E. Were / talking

Jawaban: E. Were / talking

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay

36. The teacher ____ math when the principal entered the classroom. (teach)

Jawaban: was teaching

37. My friends ____ guitar at the stage when the crowd stated cheering. (play)

Jawaban: were playing

38. She ____ to our favorite song when I called her. (listen)

Jawaban: was listening

39.  They ____ their homework when the internet connection failed. (do)

Jawaban: were doing

40. I ____ for my exam when my phone rang. (study)

Jawaban: was studying


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