24 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

24 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya — Menjelang akhir semester 2, siswa Kelas 10 mulai bersiap menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT).

Bahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan dalam PAT kurikulum merdeka. Namun, sudahkah kamu mempersiapkan diri untuk PAT kali ini?

Menghadapi ujian tentu membutuhkan persiapan, untuk Mamikos akan membahas tentang contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang bisa kamu jadikan bahan belajar, simak ya!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka


Di bawah ini Mamikos akan menyajikan contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka yang bisa kamu jadikan sarana untuk berlatih dan belajar. Simak ya!

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Bagian 1

Dialogue for questions no 1-4.
Emily: Mark, your photography exhibition was absolutely stunning!
Mark: Thank you, Emily! Emily: Seriously, the way you captured the light was breathtaking.
Mark: I’m glad you enjoyed it. I put a lot of effort into the lighting.

Soal 1

How does Emily compliment Mark?

A. By criticizing his technique

B. By mentioning his future projects

C. By acknowledging the effort he put in

D. By appreciating his skill in capturing light

E. By discussing the event’s overall success

Jawaban: D

Soal 2

What aspect of his photography does Mark feel proud of?

A. The subjects he chooses

B. The lighting in his photographs

C. The camera he uses

D. The locations he selects

E. The feedback he receives from viewers

Jawaban: B

Soal 3

Which expression is commonly used to express gratitude?

A. What a surprise!

B. Thanks for nothing!

C. I really appreciate it!

D. How could you?

E. Better luck next time!

Jawaban: C

Soal 4

Select the correct expression of surprise. “Did you hear that Leo bought a castle in Scotland?”

A. That’s ridiculous!

B. That’s reasonable.

C. That’s expected.

D. That’s affordable.

E. That’s unbelievable!

Jawaban: A

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Bagian 2

Dialogue for questions 5-8:

Mark: Hey Alex, I’m throwing a bachelor party this Saturday and I’d love for you to come!
Alex: Mark, that’s so thoughtful of you to invite me. Thank you, I’d be delighted to attend!
Mark: Awesome! It’s going to be a blast. We’ll have games, food, and of course, a lot of stories to share.
Alex: Sounds like a great plan! I really appreciate the invite and I’m looking forward to it.
Mark: Perfect, I’ll send you the details soon. Can’t wait to see you there!

Soal 5

How does Alex accept Mark’s invitation to the bachelor party?

A. By politely declining due to prior commitments

B. By expressing indifference to the invitation

C. By eagerly accepting and expressing gratitude

D. By asking for more information before deciding

E. By changing the subject to avoid Jawabaning

Jawaban: C

Soal 6

What does Alex say to express gratitude for the invitation?

A. “I’d be delighted to attend!”

B. “Can’t wait to see you there!”

C. “Sounds like a great plan!”

D. “That’s so thoughtful of you.”

E. All of the above

Jawaban: D

Soal 7

Which expression indicates that Mark is looking forward to the event?

A. “It’s going to be a blast.”

B. “I’ll send you the details soon.”

C. “We’ll have games, food, and a lot of stories to share.”

D. “Can’t wait to see you there!”

E. Both A and D

Jawaban: E

Soal 8

How does Mark ensure Alex feels welcomed to the bachelor party?

A. By mentioning who else will be attending

B. By highlighting the activities planned for the party

C. By confirming the party’s details will be sent soon

D. By expressing his own excitement about Alex’s attendance

E. All of the above

Jawaban: E

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Bagian 3

Read the story below for answer questions 9-13

Jessica and her best friend Emily decided to spend a quiet Saturday together at the local library for a “book date.”

As they entered the large, airy room, they were greeted by the distinct smell of old books—a mixture of musty paper and leather bindings that somehow felt comforting.

The library was a beautiful, old building with high, arched windows that allowed the soft sunlight to filter through, casting gentle patterns on the hardwood floors.

Each aisle was a corridor of towering bookshelves, each filled to the brim with books of every possible genre.

Jessica and Emily wandered through the rows, their fingers tracing the spines of countless stories waiting to be discovered.

They finally settled into two plush armchairs in a quiet corner, with a pile of books on the table between them, ready to dive into worlds unknown for the next few hours.

Soal 9

What is most noticeable about the library as described in the text?

A. The silence and emptiness

B. The smell of old books

C. The modern technology used

D. The brightness and noise

E. The presence of many people

Jawaban: B

Soal 10

Where did Jessica and Emily choose to sit in the library?

A. At a large table in the center

B. In plush armchairs in a quiet corner

C. Near the checkout counter

D. On the floor among the aisles

E. Outside the library

Jawaban: B

Soal 11

What does the description of the sunlight suggest about the library?

A. It was dimly lit and uncomfortable

B. It had a modern and synthetic lighting

C. It was a cozy and inviting space

D. It was rarely cleaned

E. It was not well-maintained

Jawaban: C

Soal 12

Which detail shows that the library has a traditional design?

A. The use of hardwood floors

B. The presence of plush armchairs

C. The availability of modern technology

D. The layout of the bookshelves

E. The selection of books available

Jawaban: A

Soal 13

What was the main activity of Jessica and Emily at the library?

A. Checking out books to take home

B. Participating in a library tour

C. Sitting and reading books in armchairs

D. Organizing books on the shelves

E. Meeting with a librarian for assistance

Jawaban: C

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Bagian 4

Dialogue for questions no 14-19

Anna: “Hey Sam, did you know that our local library is organizing a book date event next week? They’re bringing in several famous authors!”

Sam: “Wow, really? That’s incredible! How did they manage that?”

Anna: “I know, right? It’s going to be a fantastic opportunity to meet some of our favorite writers and get our books signed. I already registered us both. I hope that’s okay.”

Sam: “Absolutely, I’m amazed! This sounds like a dream come true. Thank you for signing us up.”

Soal 14

What is Sam’s reaction upon hearing about the book date event?

A. He is confused about what a book date is.

B. He expresses surprise and is impressed by the news.

C. He is indifferent about meeting authors.

D. He is unhappy that Anna registered without asking him.

E. He thinks the event is a regular occurrence.

Jawaban: B

Soal 15

What did Anna do in anticipation of the event?

A. She wrote a book to present at the event.

B. She ignored the event.

C. She registered both herself and Sam.

D. She complained about the event’s organization.

E. She decided not to tell Sam about the event.

Jawaban: C

Soal 16

Which statement best describes Anna’s feelings about the book date?

A. She is uninterested in the authors.

B. She feels it is too much effort.

C. She is excited about the opportunity.

D. She thinks it is poorly planned.

E. She is worried it will be cancelled.

Jawaban: C

Soal 17

How does Sam feel about Anna’s action of registering them for the event?

A. He is indifferent.

B. He is thankful and excited.

C. He is disappointed and angry.

D. He wishes she had consulted him first.

E. He plans to cancel the registration.

Jawaban: B

Soal 18

Choose the correct expression of amazement from the dialogue.

A. “That’s incredible!”

B. “I know, right?”

C. “I hope that’s okay.”

D. “How did they manage that?”

E. “I already registered us both.”

Jawaban: A

Soal 19

What can be inferred about the library’s event?

A. It is a small, local gathering.

B. It is not well-known or popular.

C. It involves famous authors and offers a chance for signings.

D. It is exclusively for librarians.

E. It is a weekly event.

Jawaban: C.

Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Bagian 5

Read the story below for answer questions 20-24

Jessica and Emily’s Library Book Date Turns Newsworthy

One Saturday, Jessica and Emily chose the tranquility of the local library for a “book date.”

As they walked into the venerable building, they were greeted by an unexpected sight—a local TV crew setting up for a segment. Intrigued, they learned that the library was celebrating its 100th anniversary and was being featured in a special broadcast.

Jessica, ever curious, asked a nearby librarian, “What’s the occasion?”

The librarian, smiling, replied, “It’s our centennial celebration! We’re being featured on the evening news. It’s exciting to share our library’s rich history and dedication to the community.”

Emily, fascinated by this piece of news, suggested, “Let’s check out the historical exhibits after we read!”

They settled into cozy armchairs with their books, occasionally glancing at the crew filming around them, feeling a part of something significant.

After reading for an hour, they explored the exhibits detailing the library’s century of service, its evolution, and its impact on the local community.

Soal 20

Why did Jessica and Emily’s library visit turn out to be more eventful than planned?

A. The library was unusually crowded with other readers.

B. They participated in a book club meeting unexpectedly.

C. There was a local TV crew filming for a news segment.

D. The library announced a sudden closure for maintenance.

E. They found a rare, valuable book during their visit.

Jawaban: C

Soal 21

What special event was the library celebrating during Jessica and Emily’s visit?

A. The launch of a new digital catalog system.

B. The library’s 100th anniversary.

C. A famous author’s book signing event.

D. The opening of a new library wing.

E. A fundraising event for library renovations.

Jawaban: B

Soal 22

What did Jessica and Emily decide to do after their reading session?

A. Leave the library due to the noise.

B. Explore the historical exhibits about the library.

C. Join the TV crew and participate in the filming.

D. Complaint to the staff about the disturbance.

E. Donate books to the library’s collection.

Jawaban: B

Soal 23

How did the presence of the TV crew affect Jessica and Emily’s experience at the library?

A. It made them feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.

B. It added a significant layer of excitement to their visit.

C. It distracted them from their planned activities.

D. It caused them to leave the library earlier than planned.

E. It was not mentioned to have any effect on their visit.

Jawaban: B

Soal 24

What aspect of the library was highlighted during the news segment, according to the librarian?

A. The technological advancements of the library.

B. The library’s role in educational development.

C. The library’s centennial celebration and history.

D. The library’s new policy changes.

E. Upcoming library events for the community.

Jawaban: C


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