25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya — Siswa kelas 10 sebentar lagi akan menghadapi PAT/UKK.

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan pada PAT/UKK semester 2 ini adalah Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk membantumu mengukur pemahamanmu akan seluruh materi Bahasa Inggris di semester 2, berikut Mamikos hadirkan contoh soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2. Kerjakan, yuk!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2


Mamikos akan menghadirkan kumpulan contoh soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris keals 10 semester 2, yang didasarkan pada kisi-kisi materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 di semester 2.

Materi bahasa Inggris yang ada di kelas 10 semester 2 di antaranya narrative text, expressing gratitude, news item, congratulating, complimenting, accepting an invitation, descriptive text, fracture text serta expression of surprise and amazement.

Tanpa berlama-lama, langsung saja yuk kerjakan soal berikut ini tanpa melihat kunci jawabannya terlebih dahulu!

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 1

Read this following dialogue carefully!

Tom: Hey Sarah, are you free this Saturday? We’re planning a small get-together at my place in the evening.
Sarah: Hi Tom! Yes, I’d love to join. What time should I come over?
Tom: That’s great! Come around 7 PM. We’ll have some games and dinner.
Sarah: Sounds like a lot of fun! Should I bring anything?
Tom: Just bring yourself and maybe your favorite board game if you’d like. Looking forward to seeing you!
Sarah: Perfect, I’ll bring Monopoly. See you on Saturday, Tom!
Tom: See you, Sarah!

1. What is the purpose of Tom’s invitation to Sarah?

A. To discuss work

B. For a small get-together

C. To play Monopoly

D. For lunch

E. To go shopping

Jawaban: B.

2. What does Sarah agree to bring to the get-together?

A. Dinner

B. Drinks

C. A friend

D. Monopoly

E. Nothing

Jawaban: D

3. What time is Sarah supposed to arrive at Tom’s place?

A. 6 PM

B. 7 PM

C. 8 PM

D. 9 PM

E. 10 PM

Jawaban: B

4. What activity does Tom mention they will have during the get-together?

A. Watching a movie

B. Going out to eat

C. Playing games and having dinner

D. Swimming

E. A music session

Jawaban: C

5. How does Sarah feel about the invitation?

A. Indifferent

B. Confused

C. Excited

D. Annoyed

E. Reluctant

Jawaban: C

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 2

Analyze the following text for answers to questions 6–9!

On Saturday evening the quiet town of Oakville was surprised by an unusual sight at the local museum.

The museum, known for its rare collection of medieval artifacts, had planned a special exhibition that evening.

However, just as the visitors were enjoying the relics, the lights went out unexpectedly. When the power was restored minutes later, a precious 12th-century sword known as “Excalibar” was discovered missing.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and deduced that the theft must have occurred during the blackout, as the security cameras were temporarily disabled.

6. The primary aim of this text is ……

A. to amuse the reader with a comedic tale

B. to instruct the reader on how to secure a museum

C. to persuade the reader about the importance of better security

D. to inform the reader about a recent event

E. to describe the unique features of medieval artifacts

Jawaban: D

7. Where did the theft take place?

A. at the Oakville community center

B. in a private gallery in Oakville

C. at the Oakville local museum

D. at the Oakville historical society

E. at the Oakville public library

Jawaban: C

8. When did the theft happen?

A. Friday night

B. Saturday morning

C. Sunday afternoon

D. Saturday evening

E. Monday morning

Jawaban: D

9. Why is the text above classified as a recount text?

A. Because it describes the medieval artifacts in detail

B. Because it narrates a sequence of events about an incident

C. Because it provides instructions on how to handle theft

D. Because it argues the need for better security at museums E. Because it explains the historical significance of the stolen artifact

Jawaban: B

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 3

Review the following text to respond to questions 10 through 14.

Amid the dimly lit streets of medieval Paris, the Notre Dame Cathedral rises as a symbol of both hope and despair.

Here lives Quasimodo, the cathedral’s bell-ringer, whose deformed visage and hunched back have made him the subject of scorn and fear amongst the city dwellers.

Despite his intimidating appearance, Quasimodo harbors a gentle spirit. His solitary existence takes a turn when he forms a profound bond with Esmeralda, a beautiful and compassionate gypsy who shows him kindness unlike any he has ever known. Quasimodo’s affection for her grows into a protective zeal, transforming him in ways he never imagined.

The narrative thickens when Esmeralda finds herself entangled in a web of injustice, accused of a crime she did not commit.

Faced with the ultimate test of his loyalty, Quasimodo wrestles with the dilemma of risking his safety to save her.

Set against a tumultuous backdrop of societal unrest, Quasimodo’s actions illuminate the depths of his courage and the strength of his character.

This story, rich with themes of acceptance and redemption, challenges the onlookers’ views on beauty and deformity, leaving a resonant impact on the fabric of their moral understanding.

10. What is the setting of Quasimodo’s story?

A. A royal castle

B. A remote village

C. The Cathedral of Notre Dame

D. A bustling market square

E. A secluded forest

Jawaban: C

11. What role does Quasimodo serve in Notre Dame?

A. He is the groundskeeper

B. He is the chief architect

C. He is the bell-ringer

D. He is the head priest

E. He is a chorister

Jawab: C

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 4

12. How is Quasimodo perceived by the people of Paris?

A. With great respect

B. With admiration and awe

C. With indifference and neglect

D. With fear and ridicule

E. With unconditional love

Jawab: D

13. Who becomes the key figure in Quasimodo’s life?

A. A noble lord

B. A mysterious traveler

C. A local artisan

D. A gypsy named Esmeralda

E. A fellow bell-ringer

Jawab: D

14. What critical choice does Quasimodo face?

A. To leave Paris forever

B. To claim the throne of France

C. To rescue Esmeralda

D. To restore the cathedral

E. To reveal his true heritage

Jawaban: C

15. Wow! Your garden has transformed beautifully. It’s absolutely __________!

A. Unchanged

B. Standard

C. Gloomy

D. Stunning

E. Bare

Jawaban: D

16. __________ on passing your exams with flying colors!

A. Cheers

B. Condolences

C. Congratulations

D. Pardon

E. Regrets

Jawaban: C

17 Your dedication to the team is outstanding. That last play was __________.

A. A mistake

B. Mediocre

C. A blunder

D. Spectacular

E. Ordinary

Jawaban: D

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 5

18. I’m impressed how quickly you learned to code. That is truly __________.

A. Unexpected

B. Average

C. Phenomenal

D. Slow

E. Regular

Jawaban: C

19. Seeing your artwork, I’m genuinely moved. It is __________.

A. Uninspiring

B. Incredible

C. Monotonous

D. Faint

E. Plain

Jawaban: B.

20. __________ for winning the tournament! You were outstanding.

A. Bad luck

B. Apologies

C. Best wishes

D. Congratulations

E. Good effort

Jawaban: D.

21. The way you handled that situation at work was __________. Everyone appreciated it.

A. Problematic

B. Admirable

C. Confusing

D. Disliked

E. Ignored

Jawaban: B

22. Wow, that cake you baked is __________! Can I have another slice?

A. Tasteless

B. Edible

C. Divine

D. Average

E. Burnt

Jawaban: C

23. Wow, that was an incredible performance! I’m absolutely __________!

A. Disappointed

B. Unmoved

C. Blown Away

D. Bored

E. Displeased

Jawaban: C

24. __________, you’ve outdone yourself with this project!

A. Unfortunately

B. Regrettably

C. Congratulations

D. Unexpectedly

E. Doubtfully

Jawaban: C

25. I can’t believe you managed to solve that puzzle so quickly. That’s really __________.

A. predictable

B. impressive

C. usual

D. underwhelming

E. expected

Jawaban: B


Semoga contoh soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 yang Mamikos hadirkan di atas bisa menjadi bahan belajar serta evaluasi buatmu agar lebih siap saat menghadapi ujian.

Jangan lupa persiapkan diri kamu agar bisa mendapatkan hasil memuaskan saat ujian nanti. Semoga berhasil!

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