Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya – Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran bahasa asing yang diujikan dalam Ujian Akhir Semester.

Karena merupakan bahasa asing dan memiliki tata bahasa yang beda dengan bahasa Indonesia, maka tak jarang banyak siswa harus belajar keras sebelum mengikuti UAS Bahasa Inggris.

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, Mamikos akan membantumu dalam mempersiapkan UAS Bahasa Inggris, terutama untuk kamu yang duduk di bangku kelas 8 semester 1. Yuk, kita simak bersama!

Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 

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Berikut adalah 30 contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 yang berhasil Mamikos kumpulkan untuk kamu.

Siapkan alat tulis untuk mencatat kata-kata asing maupun sulit yang kamu temui dalam soal.

Setelah mengerjakan semua latihan soal, kamu bisa mencarinya di kamus supaya kosa kata bahasa Inggrismu bertambah.

Selamat berlatih!

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 1-5

1. Bona : I got 100 in Mathematics test!
Shireen : ……….

If Shireen will give compliment to Bona’s achievement, Shireen will say

a. Good job!

b. I think that’s terrible!

c. Not that good.

d. That’s bad!

Jawaban : a. Good job!

2. Emma : I was wondering, what do you think about the new school uniform?
Mark : Well, I think ……… I love the old one.

a. It’s a good idea.

b. I love it!

c. It’s great!

d. I don’t really like it.

Jawaban : d. I don’t really like it.

Complete the blank space in the dialog below!
Mrs. Anastasya :  Look at to your class! What a messy class! ….(3).…
Luke : ….(4).… I will clean it up. 

3. a. Go away!

b. Clean up your classroom!

c. You are very smart!

d. Get out!

Jawaban : b. Clean up your classroom!

4. a. No, Maam.

b. I’m so busy, Maam.

c. Not now, Maam.

d. Yes, Maam.

Jawaban : d. Yes, Maam.

5. Bella : It’s really hot! Could I open the window?
Vivi : ……… It’s really dusty outside.

a. Sure, go ahead.

b. No, I think that’s a bad idea.

c. Yes, just open it.

d. It’s okay.

Jawaban : b. No, I think that’s a bad idea.

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 6-10

6. Wina : What’s wrong, Helen? You look confused.
Helen : I ………. my wallet this morning. All my cards are there!

a. Lost

b. Losing

c. Lose

d. Has lost

Jawaban : a. Lost

7. Mitha : Your voice is so amazing! ……….
Sheila : Thanks, Mith!

a. I hate it.

b. You better keep silent.

c. But mine is better.

d. You deserve to win.

Jawaban : d. You deserve to win.

8. Which sentence serves the purpose of asking for permission?

a. You are so beautiful!

b. I think you shouldn’t go there.

c. Can I go to your house?

d. What do you think about this restaurant?

Jawaban : c. Can I go to your house?

9. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence!
I ……… to school every day.

a. Go

b. Goes

c. Went

d. Gone

Jawaban : a. Go

10. Which of these sentences is currently using the present continuous tense?

a. She sings beautifully.

b. They will eat dinner at 7 PM.

c. I am playing basketball with my brother.

d. He read a book yesterday.

Jawaban : c. I am playing basketball with my brother.

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 11-15

11. I’m really happy today!
The word “happy” means ….

a. Sad

b. Joyful

c. Angry

d. Tired

Jawaban : b. Joyful

Read the dialogue below!
Smith : Hey, Rachel! I heard you won the science competition.
Rachel : Yeah, I can’t believe it myself. It was a lot of hard work.
Smith : Well, you totally deserve it. Your project was amazing.
Rachel : Thank you so much for your support, Smith.
Smith : Do you get a prize or a certificate for winning?
Rachel : Yeah, I got a certificate, and they’re giving me a book voucher. I’m pretty excited about it.

13. What does Smith say to compliment Rachel?

a. I heard you won the science competition.

b. Do you get a prize or a certificate for winning?

c. Hey, Rachel!

d. Your project was amazing.

Jawaban : d. Your project was amazing.

14. Cherryl : Hei, Mona. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want …….. you to my party.
Mona : What time?
Cherryl : 7 pm in my house.
Mona : Okay, I’ll come.

a. Inviting

b. Greeting

c. Rejecting

d. Supporting

Jawaban : a. Inviting

15. Waiter: Good afternoon, Miss. Can I help you?
Vena : I want ……….


a. Pay the bill

b. Order the food

c. Read the menu

d. Eat the food

Jawaban : b. Order the food

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 16-20

16. Teo never comes late to school. So, he is ……….

a. Lazy

b. Smart

c. Diligent

d. Handsome

Jawaban : c. Diligent

17. My mother always teaches the students every day in Montana High School. She is ……..

a. Teacher

b. Chef

c. Zoo keeper

d. Doctor

Jawaban : a. Teacher

18. Mr. Kasmir : Gabriel, look at me! Do you really understand this lesson?
Gabriel : I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t really understand.

The phrase underlined in the text represents the expression of ….

a. Ask for permission

b. Ask for opinion

c. Giving permission

d. Ask for attention

Jawaban : d. Ask for attention

19. Lily : I played with my dolls, and we had a tea party. It was fun!
Timmy: Wow, really? That sounds cool! I played with my toy cars. Vroom, vroom!

The phrase underlined in the text represents the expression of ….

a. Ask for attention

b. Showing attention 

c. Ask for permission

d. Giving permission

Jawaban : b. Showing attention 

20. Ruben : Oh my God, I’m so thirsty!
Niken : Wait for a minute ……….

a. I’ll bring you a bowl of noodles.

b. I’ll take you to the classroom.

c. I’ll bring you a glass of ice tea.

d. You can go to the supermarket.

Jawaban : c. I’ll bring you a glass of ice tea.

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 21-25

21. Zia : Look! My mom gives me a ticket to Disneyland!
Jess : ……….
Zia : Thank you!

a. How lucky you are!

b. You’re welcome!

c. I’m so envy.

d. I’m lucky.

Jawaban : a. How lucky you are!

22. Karina : Do you like K-Pop?
Giselle : …….. I listen to J-Pop every day.

a. Yes, I do!

b. Of course, I like it!

c. I do love it.

d. I don’t like it very much.

Jawaban : d. I don’t like it very much.

23. Frans : Is Maulana able to speak French after two months living in Paris?
Zendaya : ……….
Frans : I think we need to help him.

a. No, he is able to speak French.

b. No, he able to speak French.

c. No, he isn’t able to speak French.

d. No, he not able to speak French.

Jawaban : c. No, he isn’t able to speak French.

24. Nola : Hey, Bren, can I borrow your novel?
Brenda : ……… I’m still reading it.

a. Yes, here it is.

b. Sorry, but right now I can’t lend my novel to you.

c. Sure.

d. Of course.

Jawaban : b. Sorry, but right now I can’t lend my novel to you.

25. ……… Ronaldo and Messi playing football together?

a. Are

b. Is

c. Were

d. Was

Jawaban : a. Are

Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Nomor 26-30

Complete the blank space in the sentences below!
Let me …..(26)….. myself. My name is Kirana. I …..(27)….. born in New York. 

26. a. Introduction

b. Intro

c. Introduce

d. Introducing

Jawaban : c. Introduce

27. a. Am

b. Were

c. Did

d. Was

Jawaban : d. Was

28. Look! The cat is …. because she’s ….


a. Eating – hungry

b. Drinking – hungry

c. Eating – thirsty

d. Drinking – thirsty

Jawaban : a. Eating – hungry

29. As a student, Surya ………. to school everyday.

a. Go

b. Goes

c. Went

d. Going

Jawaban : b. Goes

30. Mrs. Yena : If you have done your text, please collect it and put it on my table.
Thea : ……….
Mrs. Yena : Okay. Please collect and put your text on my table if you have done your text. Do you understand?
Thea : Yes, I do understand, Miss.

a. Sorry, I don’t know.

b. I’m sorry, Miss, I don’t get it. Could you repeat?

c. Sure, Miss.

d. Okay, I will collect it, Miss.

Jawaban : b. I’m sorry, Miss, I don’t get it. Could you repeat?


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