12 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Berbagai Profesi

12 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Berbagai Profesi – Jika kamu berkeinginan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam penulisan surat lamaran kerja akan menambah nilai plus.

Penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam surat lamaran juga disesuaikan dengan perusahaan yang kamu pilih.

Menulis surat lamaran dalam bahasa Inggris perlu ketelitian dalam penggunaan tata bahasa agar terlihat professional.

Mamikos akan berikan beberapa tips yang pastinya membantu kamu dalam menyusun surat lamaran berbahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris


Tips Menulis Surat Lamaran Berbahasa Inggris dengan Baik

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penulisan surat lamaran agar tim seleksi tertarik untuk menerima kamu.

Berikut Mamikos berikan tips bagaimana menulis surat lamaran bahasa Inggris yang benar beserta contoh dan jenisnya. Berikut penjelasan dan contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris.

Merancang Pembukaan Surat lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Buat kamu pelamar kerja yang masih lulusan baru juga bisa membuat surat lamaran seperti job seeker professional, lho.

Ada dua hal yang biasanya digunakan dalam penulisan paragraf pertama surat lamaran.

Kamu bisa menulis dengan langsung ke tujuan melamar, atau sedikit berbasa-basi dengan menanyakan kabar. Contohnya, dengan pembukaan seperti:

Attention to:

Hiring Manager
BXC Company
St. Peter 5B,

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company.

I have noticed that your company is looking for a secretary which you have advertised in the JobVacancy Newspaper on July 10, 2023.

Dear Sir/Madam,
How are you? I hope you are doing great today. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gamora Moore.

Seperti contoh di atas, dibagian pembukaan kamu bisa menulis seputar perkenalan dengan bahasa ringan atau dari mana kamu mendapat iklan lowongan pekerjaan tersebut.

Menulis Isi Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Di bagian isi surat, tuliskan maksud dan tujuan dari kamu mengirim surat lamaran.

Jika kamu masih lulusan baru, sertakan kegiatan dan organisasi apa saja yang diikuti selama kuliah sehingga kamu cocok di posisi pekerjaan itu.

Jika kamu sudah punya pengalaman magang atau pekerjaan yang mempunyai kaitan dengan pekerjaan kamu lamar, harus kamu cantumkan agar mendapat nilai lebih.

I believe that I meet all the requirements that your company needs.

As a fresh graduate in Public Administration from Brawijaya University, I have great knowledge about operating computers, especially MYOB.

I have intern experience in PT Bank BNI Yogyakarta Branch for 3 months.

Selanjutnya, bisa  dijabarkan juga mengenai kemampuan
dan skill yang kamu kuasai seperti bahasa apa saja dan aplikasi yang menunjang
pekerjaan sebagai sekretaris.

Besides that, I am a person who can work either independently or as a team. I am a person who can work hard, eager to learn, and initiative.

For additional language skills, I have a language certificate for Japanese at the upper-intermediate level.

As we know that this company has much cooperation with companies in Japan, so I hope my skill In Japanese will help a lot.

Menutup Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Pada paragraf penutup, tuliskan bahwa kamu antusias untuk
menunggu kabar selanjutnya dari rekrutmen ini dan berharap untuk bisa
melanjutkan tahap rekrutmen. Terakhir ucapkan terima kasih dan cantumkan nama.

My CV has been attached which outlines all my qualifications in detail. I would appreciate every opportunity to discuss myself and continue the next recruitment process.

I will look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.


Raymond Moore

Terakhir, pastikan nama penerima surat sudah ditulis dengan benar beserta alamat penerima.

Perlu diingat juga bahwa bahasa Inggris tidak seperti bahasa Indonesia sehingga kamu perlu ketelitian dalam hal Grammar atau tata bahasanya.

Gunakan past tense jika berbicara tentang pengalaman lampau menggunakan present tense jika berbicara tentang saat ini.

1. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Secara Umum

Malang, 5th June 2023
Attention to:
Hiring Manager
BXC Company
St. Peter 5B,

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to inquire about the possibility of working in your company.

I have noticed that your company is looking for a Secretary which you have advertised in the JobVacancy Newspaper on June 3, 2023.

I believe that I meet all the requirements that your company needs.

As a fresh graduate in Public Administration from Brawijaya University, I have great knowledge about operating computers, especially MYOB.

I have internship experience in PT Bank BNI Yogyakarta Branch for 3 months.

My CV has been attached which outlines all my qualifications in detail.

I would appreciate every opportunity to discuss myself and continue the next recruitment process. I will look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.


Raymond Moore


Malang, 5 Juni 2023
Manager Rekrutmen
Perusahaan BXC
St. Peter 5B,

Yang terhormat manajer rekrutmen, saya menulis kepada Anda untuk menanyakan tentang kemungkinan bekerja di perusahaan Anda.

Saya perhatikan bahwa perusahaan Anda sedang mencari seorang Sekretaris yang telah iklankan di Surat Kabar JobVacancy pada tanggal 3 Juni 2023.

Saya percaya bahwa saya memenuhi semua kriteria persyaratan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan Anda.

Sebagai lulusan baru Administrasi Publik dari Universitas Brawijaya, saya memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pengoperasian komputer khususnya MYOB.

Saya memiliki pengalaman magang di PT Bank BNI Cabang Yogyakarta selama 3 bulan.

Saya telah melampirkan CV yang menjelaskan semua kualifikasi saya secara rinci.

Saya menghargai setiap kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan tentang diri saya dan melanjutkan proses rekrutmen berikutnya. Saya akan menunggu kabar dari Anda segera. Terima kasih.

Hormat Saya,

Raymond Moore

2. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Fresh Graduate

Jakarta, April 25th 2023
Mrs. Estedela
Human Resources Department
Happy Company
St. Gele Harun No.70
Bandar Lampung

Dear Mrs,
I noticed about your company. I’d like to apply as one of the Creative Team in your company.

My name is Emilia Moore; I am 22 years of age and single. I simply moved on from my school on March 23th 2019.

My experience instruction is in the Art office; however, I have an occupation experience as an imaginative group before in one of the neighborhood TVs in my area. As consideration, I attached:

1. Copy of ID Card
2. Copy of Final Certificate
3. Photo
4. Curriculum Vitae

I have a great personality; I can cooperate with other people (teamwork). In addition, I likewise can communicate in English greatly.

I am anticipating getting notification from you sooner rather than later. Much obliged to you for your thought and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Emilia Moore

3. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Hotel

London, 6th February 2023
Attention to: 
Mr. Philip Smith
Hiring Manager
City Centre Hotel Restaurant & Bar
Made Up Road
E12 5DD

Dear Mr. Smith,
My name is Mary Olsen  and I am interested in your current vacancy for a waitress. 

Presently I’m working in a similar role serving patrons in a fast paced, high pressure restaurant environment.

I have a reputation for delivering excellent service to customers and ensuring their satisfaction at all times. 

I am familiar with your hotel restaurant and am aware of its excellent reputation and am also confident that I can fit in well with your existing team.

I believe that my experience of guest relations, hospitality, and my knowledge about food and beverages can greatly strengthen your business. 

As you can also see from my attached CV I have excellent communication skills and have previous relevant experience of working in pubs, canteens, and cafeterias. 

I would very much welcome a personal meeting with you to discuss your needs and my ability to meet them.

My schedule is flexible and I am available for interviews during the day, evening and at the weekend. 

Thank you for your attention and consideration.


Mary Olsen
555 Anything Road

4. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Rumah Sakit

Jakarta, May 26th 2023

Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Head Manager Happy Land Hospital
Jl. Moh Hatta no.45 

Dear Sir/Madam,
Having known a job vacancy advertised on Media Indonesia, 25th May, 2023, I am interested in the position as a Nurse at Happy Land Hospital.

I have 1 year experience at my previous job in Kasih Ibu Hospital. I may inform you that I have some skills, my computer skills are good, and I graduated from Muhammadiyah Malang University.

I am looking for another experience for me to get a better life actually. Position as a nurse in this hospital is the best opportunity for me. For your consideration, I attached my curriculum vitae: 

Name : Mona Eliza
Place/date of birth : Jalan Ndalem Margi No. 45 Sukoharjo
Email : monaeliz@xxmail.com 
Status : Not Married
Last Education : Nursing Graduate

I am looking forward to talking about my potential through the interview. Thank you.


Mona Eliza

5. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Bank

To : HRD of Swiss Bank
East Park, Zurich, 8022, Switzerland

Dear Sir/Madam,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Rosaliana Emerlad, I am twenty six years old.

I graduated from the Management Accounting Department of California University on August, 26th 2023.

I consider myself to have qualifications as a Bank Teller. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work as a team or as an individual.

Besides that, I have adequate computer skills, and some tax counting.

With my qualifications, I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily. 

As a consideration, I attach for supported data: 

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo
3. Soft copy ID Card
4. Soft copy of Bachelor Degree Certificate
5. Soft copy Academic Transcript

I hope to give a chance interview and can explain more about myself. On attention and I wish to say thank you. 


Rosaliana Emerlad

6. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Sekretaris

Jakarta, June 1st, 2023
Attention To:
Head Manager PT Grab Holdings
Blok M Gedung BCD Lt. 6, Singapore
South Singapore (12160)

Dear Sir/Madam
Based on the information I have received from jobstreet.co.id post on May 28th 2023, about job vacancy advertisement at Grab head office, I found that your company is looking for an experienced employee in the secretary position.

I consider myself to be qualified for the job. I have an educational background that fits with the job with 4 years’ experience as a personal secretary in a law firm office in Jakarta.

I got my bachelor degree in administration from Indonesia University, Jakarta 5 years ago.

I can work both independently or as a team. I am a hard worker who always wants to progress and grow and also, I am eager to learn.

Furthermore, I have fluent computer skills and I can communicate in English, either spoken or written. I have enclosed my curriculum vitae herewith:

Name : Andrew Winston
Place/Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 21st 1990
Address : Panglima Polim Raya St, Salemba Baru, South Jakarta 12160
Email : andrwwinstonc@xmail.com
Marital Status : Not Married
Last Education : Bachelor Degree of Administration (S1)

I look forward to hearing from you soon and I hope to become a part of your company. Thank you for your attention.


Andrew WInston

7. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Perawat

Sukoharjo, 2nd July 2023
To : 
Mr Husain
Head of Human Resource Division
Seniorita Hospital
Jln. Solobaru No.212 Sukoharjo 56772

Dear Mr. Husain,
I am writing to apply for the Nurse position with Seniorita Hospital. I am a recent nursing graduate form Seniorita Health College.

In my studies and clinical experience, I have learned such topics as anatomy handling of biohazard material assessment, giving injections, patient treatment, sanitation medicine dispensing and more.

I am organized and efficient with a strong sense of time management able to prioritize tasks accordingly.

My interpersonal skills are excellent and I love interacting with people of all backgrounds.

I am very knowledgeable about nursing protocol having scored in the top 10% of my class and I am ready to put my skills to work.

My clinical supervisor has commended me on my interaction with patients and my understanding of nursing principles.

It would be a thrill to bring my unique attributes to work with the staff at Seniorita Hospital as a Nurse. 

I have no doubt that you will find me to be a well-qualified candidate. I welcome you to reach out by email or phone to arrange an interview at your convenience.

Thank you in advance for your time and I look forward to meeting with you.


Anna Fatihah

8. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Guru

March, 3rd  2023
Attention to : 
Reymand Purnomo
XYZ High School
ABC Street No. 2
Jakarta, 3798

Dear Mr. Purnomo,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Idinna Stefan and I am interested in applying for English teacher in your school.

As a 2018 graduate of BEC University of Education, I have a strong interest in pursuing a teaching career.

With experience working as a teacher and knowledge about teaching training and internship that I obtained in college, I believe I am the right candidate for this position.

My first teaching experience was during my third year in college as a volunteer English teacher at Street School Kids, a school for homeless kids, for a year.

During which, not only did I teach, but I also worked with other teachers to formulate teaching materials and contents.

In my fourth year in college, I worked at OYX English Tuition Centre as a part time teacher. It was my first experience teaching high school level students.

The most challenging teaching experience was when I worked as a private English tutor for a person whose English was still in basic level.

During that time, I had to find a way to explain complicated concepts to simpler and easier examples in order to make my student comprehend them easily.

It was hard, but it was rewarding for both me and my student, because I could help him improve his English from basic to intermediate level.

I would be glad to tell you more about myself in the interview. Please feel free to contact me at 01858405 or IdinnaStef@email.com. I hope to hear from you at the earliest convenience.


Idinna Stefan

9. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Akuntan

Yogyakarta, 4th January 2023
Attention to : 
Hiring Manager
ABC Company
Prawirotaman Street, 21,
Yogyakarta 55134

Dear Hiring Manager,
Learning of BYX Company’s need for an Accountant from the company website, I found it challenging to apply for the position.

As an accounting major, I learned a lot both from college and also other courses held by companies and campus.

And with my past 2 years’ experience as a part-time accountant for my professor’s startup called VCOD, I believe I will exceed your expectations for this role.

I am proficient in accounting software including Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and various other accounting software like Oracle.

Also, I excel within a highly pressured working atmosphere in productivity that performs good independent and team-oriented environments, all resumed in the enclosure.

With my general accounting operation experience and education, I am ready to provide outstanding service within your company.

I look forward to having a meeting with you to talk about my plan and strategy for the business. Do let me know if you need any further information. Thank you.


Amelya Rahayu

10. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

July 15, 2023
Wealth Company
Silicon Valley Tower II, 19th Floor
Hitspurt Street 
Kav. 24, LA

Dear Mr. W. Decker,
Based on a job advertisement on Daily Prophet on July 10, 2023, Wealth Company is opening job vacancies.

Considering the educational background and the certificate of expertise that I have, I intend to apply as an intern office staff.

I am a graduate of California High School and had experience as a front office for two years.

In my high school years, I was active in several school organizations and also volunteered to social and welfare organizations. I find it easy to adapt to a new work environment. 

Below, I’ve attached my CV for your consideration. I believe with my experience and eagerness to learn, I will meet your requirements. I will be glad if you would give me a chance to interview.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the next step of recruitment.


Tania Wilson

11. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Lulusan SMK

Jalan Restro no. 23, East Jakarta | +62800 8888 3611 | tomybay@gmail.com
February 19, 2019
Source Music Company
Padamay Tower II, 19th Floor
Jl. Capt. Pierrot Tandem
No. 27, Jakarta

Dear Mrs. Kamila,
Following a job post on Daily Magazine on January 10, 2019, Source Music Company is hiring new staff.

Considering my educational background and the certificate of expertise, I intend to apply as a technician.

I am a graduate of SMK 1 majoring in technical engineering and have had experience in the musical instrument store for a year. In my high school years, I joined several school organizations.

I find it easy to adapt to a new environment and follow the job desk given in a new workplace for myself.

Below, I have attached my CV for your consideration. I would be glad if you give me a chance to interview.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to discussing my skill with you.


Tomy Bay

12. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris HRD

Dear HR Department,

As I saw your job vacancy on needwork.com, so I am writing this resume to fill an experienced HR Staff position.

I have 3 years of experience in Human Resources, and I have a large experience as an HR Staff with Ximus Company.

In my current job position with Ximus Company, I am responsible for supporting the implementation and development of HR systems and initiatives.

I am also actively involved in recruitment by preparing job details, posting advertisements, and managing the recruitment process.

During my career, I have gained a specialist’s understanding of HR functions such as pay & benefits, recruitment, training, and HR Management software.

In addition to this, I will be able to maintain the peak level of work and principled standards as a team member of your organization.

I am sure you’ll find my application to be in order and welcome a chance to meet with you to discuss my qualifications.

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you.


Pablo Martin


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