4 Macam-macam to be dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Penggunaannya yang Benar
Ada beberapa macam to be di dalam bahasa Inggris yang perlu diperhatikan penggunaannya. Baca selengkapnya di sini.
Macam-macam to be dalam bahasa inggris beserta contoh pengguaannya yang benarWhen learning about English, of course, the first thing to learn is to be and its use.
Where, if translated there are many kinds of to be in English. Of course, everything is very necessary in making a sentence.
Please note that to be itself is an auxiliary verb. Its function is to connect the subject with the predicate.
Even though it looks trivial, the presence of this to be is very crucial. Various kinds of to be in English can make a sentence coherent and comfortable to read.
Get to know the kinds of to be in English
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There are many kinds of to be in English. Where it all depends on the tenses used.
Types of to be in English (Are, am, is)
First, there is to be which is used very often, namely are, am, and is. These three behave differently.
Starting from is, which is usually used when the subject is in the third person singular. The third person singular referred to in the various to be in English are she, he, and it.
Then, for the area itself, it is used from two different points of view. First, the subject is in the second person and the subject is in the plural.
The second-person point of view is usually you. Meanwhile, from a plural point of view, we. Well, the kinds of to be in English are still relatively simple.
Lastly, for am is usually used for subjects that refer to the first person singular only. There certainly is I.
These kinds of to be in English can change according to the time of the event or action. Usually, the tenses that used to be are the simple present tense and the present continuous tense.
1. I am a singer. (I’m a singer)
2. She is a chef. (He is the chef)
3. We are a family. (We are Family).
4. They are students. (They are students).
5. He is a game player. (He is a gamer).
6. You are a teacher. (You are a teacher).
7. Kebabs are my favorite food. (Kebabs are my favorite food).
8. You are a perfect human. (You are a perfect human).
9. Beomgyu is an Idol. (Beomgyu is an idol).
10. It is an apple. (This is an apple).
The various types of to be in English above are examples of simple tenses. Whereas, the formula itself is very easy. It only needs subject + to be + noun.
So, besides the examples above, there are also examples of simple continuous tenses.
1. I am going to the airport. (I’m going to the airport)
2. They are watching a new movie on Netflix. (They are watching a new movie on Netflix).
3. He is waiting for you. (He is waiting for you).
4. We are reading a book now. (We are reading a book now).
5. A dog is playing ball. (The dog is playing ball).
6. She is eating breakfast. (He is eating breakfast).
7. The rabbit is eating a carrot. (The rabbit is eating carrots).
8. I am eating lunch. (I am having lunch).
9. We are going to the concert. (We were going to a concert).
10. They are singing a popular song. (They are singing a popular song).
From the several examples of the kinds of to be in English above, you can see the difference. Where Ving is indeed used for work in progress. To make it, of course, is very easy.
For various kinds of to be in English, this one is also commonly used as a liaison with adjectives.
Some examples of to be with adjectives are:
1. He is handsome. (He is handsome).
2. She is a beautiful girl. (She is a beautiful girl).
3. We are young. (We are young).

4. I’m so nervous now. (I’m so nervous right now).
5. They are brave. (They dare).
6. You are smart. (You are smart).
7. They are very kind. (They are very good).
8. We are diligent. (We are diligent).
9. He is happy. (He is happy).
10. The flowers are beautiful. (The flower is pretty).
Interestingly, this variety of to be in English can also be used as a liaison between the subject and the description. Adverbs commonly used are place and time.
1. I am at school. (I’m at school).
2. We are at the library. (They are in the library).
3. Ana is at the park now. (Ana is in the garden now).
4. You are at the swimming pool. (He is in the swimming pool).
5. I am in the hospital. (I was in the hospital).
6. My sister is at the cinema. (My brother was at the cinema).
7. The breakfast is at 7 a.m.
8. Leah is at the office. (Lea is in the office).
9. An apple is in the kitchen. (An apple is in the kitchen).
10. You are in the bedroom. (You are in the bedroom).
Some examples of sentences from various to be in English above are very easy to find in everyday life.
Of course, with some of the examples above, it will be easier for you to make sentences.
Kinds of to be in English (Do, does, did)
The following types of to-be in English are doing, does, and did. Usually, to be is used specifically for a verbal sentence or a sentence that contains a verb. Its use itself is more often used in the form of negative sentences.
For various to be in English, do and does are usually used in simple present tense sentences.
Some examples of sentences include:
1. I don’t care about your argument. (I don’t care what you think).
2. She didn’t know that her boyfriend gave her a surprise. (He didn’t know that his girlfriend gave him a surprise).
3. We don’t know that it hurts you. (We didn’t know you were in pain).
4. My mother does care about my grandmother. (Mom cares about grandma).
5. She doesn’t care about the final exam. (He doesn’t care about final exams).
Meanwhile, to do the various to-be in English is usually used for the simple past tense.
Some examples of sentences are as follows:
1. I did understand what are you saying. (I understand what you’re saying)
2. He didn’t know about that cheating. (He doesn’t know about the cheating).
3. You didn’t know about me. (You don’t know about my life).
4. They didn’t care about their rivals. (They don’t care about their opponent).
5. He didn’t know the truth. (He doesn’t know the truth).
Various kinds of to be in English for was and were
The following types of to-be in English are was and were. Its use itself is for the pronouns I, he, she, and it. Meanwhile, were for you, we, and they.
1. I was born in 1998.
2. He was a diligent student. (He is a diligent student.
3. She was sick. (He is sick).
4. You were absent yesterday. (You permission yesterday).
5. We were the winners. (We are the winners).
Some examples of sentences of the various types of to be in English above are usually used for the simple past tense in nominal form.
Besides that, it can also be used for the present continuous tense.
1. He was walking to the store book. (He is walking to the bookstore)
2. Wika is going to the apart. (Wika is going to the apartment.)
3. You were studying right now. (You are studying now).
4. Cerin was crying in the bedroom. (Cerin was crying in the bedroom).
5. She was seeking inspiration. (He’s looking for inspiration).
Apart from being used in the present continuous tense, various kinds of to-be in English are also commonly used for if clauses.
The if clause itself is usually very useful in forming conditional sentences. Generally, an if clause indicates something that hasn’t happened yet.
1. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a concert ticket. (If I have a lot of money, then I will buy concert tickets).
2. If I come late, my salary will be cut. (If I arrive late, my salary will be deducted).
3. If you are lazy, you won’t pass your test. (If you become lazy, you will not pass the test).
4. If I saw him, I would tell the truth. (If I meet him, I will tell the truth.)
5. If you are tired, you can sleep right now. (If you are tired, you can sleep now.)
Different types of to be in English for Has, Have, and Had
The last kinds of to be in English are have, has, and had. All three of these have a meaning already, but indeed it goes back to their usage.
To be this one most applies to all types of tense. So it’s not surprising that there are so many examples of sentences.
Generally, has and has been used with the present perfect and the present perfect continuous. Then, specifically have is also used for other tenses, one of which is the past future perfect tense.
Meanwhile, for had in various to be in English it is used for past perfect continuous tense and past perfect tense.
1. I have done my work today. (I have done my work today).
2. We have been eating a meal. (We have already eaten the meat).
3. They will have eaten when you come now. (They will eat when you come now).
4. My mother passed away. (My mother has passed away).
5. She has eaten her breakfast. (He has already eaten his breakfast).
Those are the macam-macam to be dalam bahasa inggris beserta contoh penggunaannya yang benar of their use and sentences.
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