Rangkuman Materi Direct and Indirect Speech beserta Penjelasannya

Rangkuman Materi Direct and Indirect Speech beserta Penjelasannya – Kamu gemar belajar bahasa Inggris dan ingin lebih mendalaminya? Jika iya, tentunya kamu sudah pernah mendengar atau bahkan mempelajari conversation dengan menggunakan direct and indirect speech bukan?

Nah, buat kamu yang masih asing dengan direct and indirect speech, perlu kamu ketahui bahwa istilah ini merujuk pada bentuk suatu ujaran kalimat yang disampaikan oleh seseorang dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris.

Direct and indirect speech memiliki kemiripan dengan kalimat active voice dan passive voice. Agar kamu lebih paham lagi tentang direct and indirect speech, kamu bisa simak artikel berikut ini, ya.

Berikut Rangkuman Materi Direct and Indirect Speech Bahasa Inggris


Direct and indirect speech merupakan kalimat langsung atau tidak langsung yang akan kamu temui dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris.

Contoh direct and indirect speech sebenarnya sering kali digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, lho.

Mengingat fungsi dari direct and indirect speech ini sendiri adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada orang lain yang membutuhkan.

Pengertian Direct and Indirect Speech

Berbicara soal pengertian, direct speech dapat diartikan sebagai kalimat langsung atau kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara kepada lawan bicaranya.

Umumnya, direct speech menggunakan kalimat present tense karena menunjukkan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan masa sekarang atau sedang terjadi.

Sementara, indirect speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung yang mengatakan atau melaporkan kembali ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah maksud atau isi perkataan si pembicara. Selain itu, indirect speech juga dapat disebut sebagai reported speech atau kalimat yang dilaporkan.

Indirect speech umumnya menggunakan kalimat past tense atau future tense yang berguna untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang telah selesai atau berakhir.

Perbedaan Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct speech dan indirect speech juga memiliki perbedaan signifikan yang dapat kamu lihat dari pergantian tenses, waktu, dan lainnya.

Nah, direct speech biasanya menggunakan tanda kutip (“…”) untuk menunjukkan langsung perkataan seseorang. Misalnya, She said, “I am happy.”

Sementara pada indirect speech tidak menggunakan tanda kutip. Misalnya, She said that she was happy.

Kata ganti direct speech juga menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama (I) atau kedua (you). Misalnya, He said, “I live here.”

Sementara, pada indirect speech, kata ganti berubah menjadi orang ketiga (she/he). Misalnya: He said that he lived there.

Pada direct speech, tense tetap sesuai dengan ucapan asli. Misalnya, She said, “I am a lecturer.” Sementara, pada indirect speech, tense biasanya mundur ke masa lampau. Misalnya, She said that she was a lecturer.

Selain itu, perbedaan antara direct speech dan indirect speech juga ada pada kata keterangan waktu. Pada direct speech, kata keterangan waktunya adalah kata keterangan waktu seperti now, today, dll.

Sementara, pada indirect speech, keterangan waktu menggunakan kata keterangan waktu berubah mengikuti situasi. Contoh tense: She said, “I am happy today.” (direct), She said that she was happy that day (indirect).

Contoh Penggunaan Direct and Indirect Speech

Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan direct speech dan indirect speech yang perlu kamu ketahui.

1. Pergantian tenses

Pada direct speech dan indirect speech ini, terdapat pergantian tenses yang perlu untuk kamu lakukan.

Namun terdapat pengecualian, yakni jika kalimat pertama pada direct speech merupakan present tense atau future tense, maka tidak perlu ada pergantian tenses di indirect speech.


  • Direct Speech: She says, “She is ill.”. Indirect Speech: She says that she is ill.
  • Direct Speech: You say, ” I drink a cup of coffee every morning.” Indirect Speech: You say that you drink a cup of coffee every morning.
  • Direct Speech: She said, “I take yoga class once a week.” Indirect Speech: She said that she took yoga class once a week.
  • Direct Speech: Siska said, “We are watching a movie.” Indirect Speech: Siska said that they were watching a movie.
  • Direct Speech: Johnny said, “My sister has finished her class.” Indirect Speech: Johnny said that her sister had finished her class.

2. Pergantian waktu

Apabila dalam direct speech terdapat keterangan waktu seperti now, tomorrow, today, yesterday, dan tonight maka pada indirect speech keterangan waktu tersebut harus diganti.


  • Direct Speech: He said, “I need my phone now.” Indirect Speech: He said that he need his phone then
  • Direct Speech: My mom said, “I am going to your school today.” Indirect Speech: My mom said that she was going to my school that day.
  • Direct Speech: She said, “My uncle visited me yesterday.” Indirect Speech: She said that her uncle visited her the previous day.
  • Direct Speech: Clay said, “I am going to Jakarta tomorrow.” Indirect Speech: Clay said he was going to Jakarta the next day.
  • Direct Speech: Clara said, “We are going to eat kebab tonight.” Indirect Speech: Clara said they were going to eat kebab that night.

3. Kalimat perintah

Guna menuliskan kalimat perintah pada indirect speech tentunya terdapat ketentuan berbeda. Biasanya, kalimat perintah dapat berisikan saran, permohonan, permintaan, atau pesan.


  • Direct Speech: My brother said to my sister, “Close the windows.” Indirect Speech: My brother ordered my sister to close the windows.
  • Direct Speech: She said to him, “Bring your book, please.” Indirect Speech: She requested him to bring my book.
  • Direct Speech: My teacher said to me, “Don’t throw the rubbish in this room.” Indirect Speech: She requested him to bring my book.
  • Direct Speech: Lily said to me, “You should find a job.” Indirect Speech: Lily advised me that he should find a job.
  • My teacher forbade me to throw the rubbish in that room. Indirect Speech: My teacher forbade me to throw the rubbish in that room.
  • Direct Speech: You said to me, “Consult a doctor.” Indirect Speech: You suggested me to consult a doctor.

Contoh Kalimat Direct and Indirect Speech

Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, berikut adalah kumpulan contoh direct and indirect speech dalam bahasa Inggris.

  • Direct speech: She said, “I have completed my homework.” Indirect Speech: She said that she had completed her homework.
  • Direct Speech: Mona said “I study French.” Indirect Speech: Mona said that she studied French.
  • Direct Speech: The boss said, “We work so hard.” Indirect Speech: The boss said that they worked so hard.
  • Direct speech: He said to me, “What is your name?” Indirect Speech t: He asked me what my name was.
  • Direct speech: “Don’t waste your time,” she said to them. Indirect Speech: She told them not to waste their time.
  • Direct speech: Tom said, “I am watching television.” Indirect Speech: Tom said that he was watching television.
  • Direct speech: She said, “I went to the park yesterday.” Indirect Speech t: She said that she had gone to the park the day before.
  • Direct speech: “I will call him tonight,” she said. Indirect Speech: She said that she would call him that night.
  • Direct speech: She said, “I am a teacher.” Indirect Speech: She said that she was a teacher.
  • Direct speech: He said, “I live in New York.” Indirect Speech: He said that he lived in New York.
  • Direct speech: Susan said, “I will call you tonight.” Indirect Speech: Susan said that she would call me that night.
  • Direct speech: Daddy said, “I will have cleaned the car.” Indirect Speech: Daddy said that he would have cleaned the car.
  • Direct speech: Vivi said, “I will have called my dad.”, Indirect Speech: Vivi said that she would have called her dad.
  • Direct speech: He said, “She is very beautiful.” Indirect Speech: He said that she was very beautiful.
  • Direct speech: The teacher said, “The earth revolves around the sun.” Indirect Speech: The teacher said that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • Direct speech: She said, “I want to become a doctor.” Indirect Speech: She said that she wanted to become a doctor.
  • Direct speech: He said, “I was waiting for the bus.” Indirect Speech: He said that he had been waiting for the bus.
  • Direct speech: “Bring me a glass of water,” the old lady said to the nurse. Indirect Speech: The old lady asked the nurse to bring her a glass of water.
  • Direct speech: He said, “I don’t want to go there.” Indirect Speech: He said that he didn’t want to go there.

Nah, di atas tadi merupakan informasi terkait rangkuman materi direct speech dan indirect speech dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa Mamikos bagikan.

Diketahui, direct speech adalah sebuah kutipan langsung dari pendapat atau ucapan langsung seseorang (original speaker) yang ditandai dengan quotation mark (“). Sedangkan, indirect speech berperan sebagai pemberi informasi secara tidak langsung.

Semoga informasi di atas bisa membantu kamu dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris secara mandiri, ya.

Buat kamu yang ingin mengulik lebih banyak lagi tentang materi-materi bahasa Inggris lainnya, seperti 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris hingga Rangkuman Materi tentang Simple Present Tense, kamu bisa kunjungi situs blog Mamikos dan temukan informasinya di sana.

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