5 Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion/Reiteration

5 Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion/Reiteration — Pernah tidak kamu membaca opini di surat kabar atau jurnal ilmiah?

Nah, jenis teks yang dipakai dalam surat kabar atau jurnal adalah analytical exposition text.

Bagaimana sih caranya membuat teks semacam itu? Di sini Mamikos akan menjelaskan mengenai contoh analytical exposition text beserta thesis, argument, dan conclusion, jadi simak ya!

Analytical Exposition Text


Sebelum kita membahas lebih jauh mengenai contoh analytical exposition text beserta thesis, argument, dan conclusion, ada baiknya kita pahami dulu mengenai pengertian hingga cara membedakannya dengan jenis teks yang lain.

Berdasarkan British Course, Analytical exposition text adalah tipe teks yang bertujuan untuk meyakinkan pembaca dengan menyajikan argumen terkait suatu isu atau berita tertentu.

Teks ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyampaikan pandangan penulis secara logis dan sistematis terhadap suatu masalah yang dianggap penting.

Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengajak pembaca melihat seberapa pentingnya topik tersebut dan menerima sudut pandang penulis.

Ciri-ciri Analytical Exposition Text

Simak ciri-ciri analytical exposition text agar kamu bisa membedakannya dengan jenis text lain, yuk!

1. Struktur Teks

  • Thesis yaitu paragraf pembuka pada teks yang menyajikan pandangan penulis mengenai topik yang akan dibahasnya.
  • Arguments yaitu bagian teks yang berisi argumentasi dan berfungsi untuk menegaskan thesis. Selain ditulis secara dengan logis, argument juga dilengkapi dengan bukti-bukti.
  • Conclusion atau Reiteration merupakan bagian akhir yang merangkum kembali thesis dan argumen yang telah disajikan, biasanya menggunakan frasa seperti “berdasarkan fakta di atas” atau “oleh karena itu.”

2. Kaidah Kebahasaan

  • Analytical exposition text memakai Simple Present Tense karena digunakan untuk menyampaikan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sedang berjalan/berlangsung.
  • Menggunakan Relational Processes seperti “feel,” “experience,” “realization,” dan “sense” untuk menyampaikan pendapat penulis.
  • Menggunakan Internal Conjunctions untuk menghubungkan klausa, seperti “in addition,” “further,” “but,” “instead,” “second,” “then,” “as a result,” dan sejenisnya untuk memperkuat argumen.

Penerapan dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

Analytical exposition text sering kita temui di kehidupan sehari-hari, contohnya antara lain seperti:

  1. Artikel ilmiah serta jurnal yang berfungsi dalam menyampaikan hasil penelitian serta argumen berdasarkan pada data serta fakta yang penulisnya peroleh.
  2. Editorial dan opini di media berguna dalam menyampaikan pandangan penulis tentang isu-isu sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya yang sedang berkembang.
  3. Pidato dan Presentasi Akademik. Sering digunakan oleh akademisi atau profesional untuk meyakinkan audiens tentang pentingnya suatu penelitian atau teori.
  4. Esai Argumentatif di Sekolah yang membantu siswa mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dengan mengorganisir argumen secara logis dan sistematis​

Contoh-contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion/Reiteration

Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kamu mengenai jenis teks satu ini, Mamikos menyajikan beberapa contoh analytical exposition text beserta thesis, argument, dan conclusion. Simak terus ya!

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion 1

Title: The Impact of School Closures in Japan Due to Low Birth Rate


School closures in Japan, driven by a declining birth rate, are a growing concern that significantly impacts local communities and the nation’s future.

These closures are a direct result of Japan’s ongoing demographic challenges, and addressing this issue is crucial for the country’s social and economic well-being.


The low birth rate in Japan has led to a significant decrease in the number of school-aged children, causing many schools to shut down. This phenomenon has far-reaching effects on communities.

Schools often serve as community hubs, fostering social interaction and cohesion. When schools close, communities lose vital social infrastructure, leading to decreased community engagement and support.

Moreover, school closures force families to send their children to distant schools, increasing transportation costs and time burdens. This can further discourage families from having more children, exacerbating the already low birth rate.

The absence of nearby schools can also make rural areas less attractive to young families, accelerating urban migration and contributing to the decline of rural communities.

Conclusion or Reiteration

In conclusion, the closure of schools in Japan due to the low birth rate is a pressing issue that affects not just education but the social fabric and economic stability of communities.

To mitigate these impacts, it is imperative for policymakers to implement measures that address the root causes of the declining birth rate and support community resilience.

Ensuring the sustainability of local schools is essential for maintaining vibrant and connected communities, which in turn can help stabilize Japan’s demographic trends.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion 2

Title: The Cultural Significance of Internet Memes


The Internet has currently become a significant aspect of online culture, influencing social interaction in the digital age. Their widespread use and rapid dissemination highlight their importance in modern communication.


Internet memes play a crucial role in contemporary communication by providing a unique way to convey humor, satire, and social commentary.

They are a powerful tool for social and political commentary, allowing users to express opinions and spark discussions on various issues quickly and effectively.

Conclusion or Reiteration

In conclusion, internet memes are more than just humorous images or videos; they are a vital part of digital communication.

Their ability to convey messages succinctly and engage a wide audience underscores their cultural significance. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the role of memes in shaping modern communication and their impact on social interaction.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion 3

Title: The Cultural Impact of Netflix Original Series


Netflix original series have transformed the entertainment industry by offering diverse, high-quality content to a global audience.


Netflix originals like “Stranger Things”, “The Crown”, and “Bridgerton” have become cultural phenomena, shaping narratives and influencing trends.

“Stranger Things” reignited interest in 1980s pop culture, while “The Crown” provided insight into the British royal family, sparking discussions about historical events.

Additionally, these series promote diversity by showcasing stories from varied perspectives, enriching the media landscape and encouraging social acceptance.

Their popularity often translates into social trends, such as “Bridgerton’s” impact on fashion and the impact of “The Queen’s Gambit” on the surge in chess popularity.


Given their impact on cultural narratives, diversity, and social trends, Netflix original series play a crucial role in modern entertainment. They not only entertain but also educate and inspire, making them an integral part of contemporary culture.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion 4

Title: The Universal Influence of the K-pop Wave


The K-pop wave, or Hallyu, has significantly influenced global culture over the past decade.

Its unique blend of catchy music, elaborate choreography, and visually appealing aesthetics has transcended cultural and language barriers, impacting the music industry, fashion trends, and social movements worldwide.


K-pop groups like BTS, BLACKPINK, and EXO have redefined the global music landscape with innovative music production, high-quality videos, intricate dance routines, and active fan engagement.

Their success, including topping global charts and performing at prestigious venues, showcases K-pop’s broad appeal and commercial viability. Additionally, K-pop idols are known for their trend-setting styles, influencing global fashion.

Passionate K-pop fandoms, such as BTS’s ARMY, have also mobilized for social causes, raising funds and supporting movements like Black Lives Matter.


K-pop’s currently influence on the music industry, fashion, and social movements highlights its role as a significant cultural force.

By continuing to innovate and engage globally, K-pop artists and fans are shaping contemporary culture in powerful and enduring ways.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text beserta Thesis, Argument, dan Conclusion 5

Title: The Benefits of Recycling Flower Waste Used for Prayers in India


Recycling flower waste from prayers in India presents a sustainable solution to manage the vast amounts of floral offerings discarded daily.

This practice not only addresses environmental concerns but also creates economic opportunities and promotes social well-being.


Recycling flower waste significantly benefits the environment and economy. Floral waste, when discarded in water bodies, leads to water pollution and harms aquatic life due to the pesticides used on the flowers.

By recycling this waste, we can reduce pollution and convert it into useful products like organic compost, incense sticks, and natural dyes.

This process not only prevents environmental degradation but also generates employment opportunities, particularly for women and marginalized communities involved in the collection and processing of flower waste.

Companies like Phool in India have demonstrated the success of this model, turning temple waste into eco-friendly products and contributing to a circular economy.

Conclusion or Reiteration

In conclusion, recycling flower waste used for prayers in India is essential for environmental protection and economic development.

By transforming waste into valuable products, we can mitigate pollution, create jobs, and promote sustainable practices. Therefore, it is crucial to support and expand such initiatives to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future.


Demikian contoh analytical exposition text beserta thesis, argument, dan conclusion dari Mamikos, semoga contoh-contoh teks di atas bisa memberikan gambaran dan insight buat kamu.

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Apa itu conclusion dalam analytical exposition?

Conclusion dalam analytical exposition adalah bagian penutup yang merangkum kembali thesis dan argumen yang telah disampaikan untuk memperkuat pesan utama teks.

Apa itu thesis analytical exposition text?

Thesis dalam analytical exposition text adalah bagian pembukaan yang berisi pandangan penulis mengenai topik yang dibahas dan selalu berada di paragraf pertama.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan argumen dalam analytical exposition text?

Argumen dalam analytical exposition text adalah bagian yang menyajikan alasan-alasan logis dan bukti-bukti untuk mendukung pandangan penulis mengenai topik yang dibahas.

Bagaimana cara membuat teks analytical exposition?

Cara membuat teks analytical exposition adalah dengan menyusun tesis yang jelas, mengembangkan argumen dengan bukti yang mendukung, dan menyimpulkan kembali poin-poin utama.

Analytical exposition text structure apa saja?

Analytical exposition text structure biasanya akan tersusun oleh thesis, arguments, dan terakhir conclusion atau yang sering juga disebut sebagai reiteration.

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