104 Contoh Kalimat Gerund dan Infinitive beserta Arti, Perbedaan, dan Penggunaannya

104 Contoh Kalimat Gerund dan Infinitive beserta Arti, Perbedaan, dan Penggunaannya — Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimat gerund dan infinitive adalah dua bentuk kata kerja yang sering digunakan.

Kedua jenis kalimat ini penting dalam penyusunan paragraf, tetapi penggunaannya memerlukan pemahaman yang mendalam

Di sini kita akan membahas perbedaan dan kesamaan antara kedua bentuk ini, serta memberi petunjuk kapan dan bagaimana menggunakannya dengan benar. Yuk, simak!

Kalimat Gerund


Apakah kamu pernah mendengar soal kalimat gerund?

Apa sih kalimat gerund itu?

Sebelum kita memasuki pembahasan mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive, kita bahas lebih detail dulu mengenai kalimat gerund ya.

Kalimat gerund adalah salah satu bentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris yang seringkali menimbulkan kebingungan, terutama bagi mereka yang sedang belajar.

Namun, dengan pemahaman yang tepat, gerund bisa dengan mudah diterapkan dalam berbagai konteks kalimat. Penjelasan lebih mendalam tentang kalimat gerund akan dibahas di bawah ini ya!


Kalimat gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dan berakhiran ‘-ing’. Kalimat gerund mengacu pada penggunaan bentuk “-ing” dari suatu kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda dalam kalimat.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat gerund selalu berakhiran “-ing”. Meskipun ada banyak kata yang berakhiran “-ing”, tidak semua dari mereka adalah gerund.

Fungsi kata tersebut dalam kalimat akan menentukan apakah itu gerund atau bentuk kata kerja yang sedang berlangsung.

Fungsi Kalimat Gerund

Karena kalimat gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, ia bisa dijadikan sebagai subjek, objek, atau pelengkap dalam kalimat maka gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subyek, obyek maupun pelengkap.

Di bawah ini disajikan juga contohnya ya!

  • Sebagai subyek: ­­­­Swimming offers a full-body workout
  • Sebagai obyek: “She misses traveling to new places.”
  • Sebagai pelengkap: “Her dream is becoming a renowned chef.”

Bentuk Negatif Gerund

Untuk membuat bentuk negatif dari kalimat gerund, kita bisa menambahkan ‘not’ sebelum gerund. Contoh: “I regret not going to the party.”

Kalimat Gerund setelah Preposisi

Jika ada preposisi dalam kalimat, kata kerja yang mengikuti biasanya dalam bentuk gerund. Misalnya: “She is interested in learning French.”

Kata Kerja Tertentu yang Diikuti Kalimat Gerund

Beberapa kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris diikuti oleh kalimat gerund, bukan infinitive. Contohnya: enjoy, avoid, consider, dan lainnya. Misalnya: “He avoids drinking coffee before bed.”

Perbedaan dengan Kata Kerja Berakhiran ‘-ing’ Lainnya

Tidak semua kata kerja berakhiran ‘-ing‘ adalah kalimat gerund. Kata kerja berakhiran ‘-ing‘ yang digunakan sebagai kata sifat atau untuk membentuk waktu sekarang kontinu (present continuous tense) bukan kalimat gerund.

Contohnya: “The shining sun” (kata sifat) dan “He is running” (waktu sekarang kontinu).

Memahami kalimat gerund memang memerlukan latihan dan kesabaran. Namun, dengan terus berlatih dan mengamati penggunaannya dalam konteks kalimat yang berbeda.

Kita bisa semakin menguasai dan memanfaatkan kalimat gerund dengan efektif dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.

Selain itu, dengan adanya contoh untuk kalimat gerund dan infinitive nanti maka diharapkan kamu semakin memahami penggunaannya.

Kalimat Infinitive

Sebelum kita membahas mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive, kita bahas lebih detail dulu mengenai kalimat infinitive ya.

Kalimat infinitive sering kali dianggap sebagai salah satu konsep kunci dalam gramatika bahasa Inggris.

Bagi banyak pelajar, memahami cara kerja infinitive bisa sedikit membingungkan, tetapi dengan pemahaman yang tepat.

Kalimat infinitive dapat digunakan dengan fleksibilitas dan presisi. Mari kita telusuri lebih dalam mengenai kalimat infinitive:


Kalimat infinitive adalah bentuk dasar dari kata kerja yang diawali dengan kata “to“, seperti “to go“, “to eat“, atau “to be“. Meskipun demikian, terkadang “to” bisa dihilangkan dalam beberapa kondisi tertentu.

Fungsi Kalimat Infinitive

Adapun fungsi kalimat infinitive dijabarkan di bawah ini:

  • Berperan sebagai subyek dalam kalimat:  “To sing is to express oneself.”
  • Berperan sebagai obyek yang digunakan setelah kata kerja: “He hopes to travel to Europe next year.”
  • Sebagai kata keterangan: “She called me to discuss the project details.”

Kalimat Infinitive Tanpa ‘To‘ (Bare Infinitive)

Dalam beberapa situasi, kalimat infinitive digunakan tanpa ‘to‘. Ini disebut ‘bare infinitive‘. Hal ini sering terjadi setelah modal verbs seperti can, will, shall, may, dll. Contoh: “He can swim.” (bukan “He can to swim.”)

Kalimat Infinitive setelah Adjectives

Kalimat infinitive seringkali digunakan setelah kata sifat untuk memberikan alasan atau penjelasan. Contoh: ““He is eager to learn new things.”

Infinitive of Purpose

 Infinitive juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan atau maksud dari suatu tindakan. Contoh:

  • I brought an umbrella to avoid getting wet in the rain
  • We booked the tickets in advance to ensure our seats.
  • He moved to the city to find better job opportunities.

Be Careful with Verbs

Beberapa kata kerja diikuti oleh kalimat infinitive, sementara yang lainnya diikuti oleh gerund. Ini bisa menjadi sumber kebingungan, dan memerlukan waktu untuk memahaminya.

Contoh dengan infinitive: “She decided to leave.” Sedangkan contoh dengan gerund: “She enjoys traveling.”

Split Infinitive

Ini adalah situasi di mana adverb ditempatkan di antara ‘to’ dan kata kerja, seperti dalam “to boldly go“.

Meskipun sering diperdebatkan dalam pedoman gaya penulisan, split infinitive sebenarnya sah dalam bahasa Inggris modern.

Memahami kalimat infinitive memerlukan ketelitian, terutama dalam mengetahui kapan harus menggunakan ‘to‘ dan kapan harus menghilangkannya, serta memahami kata kerja mana yang diikuti oleh kalimat infinitive.

Seperti halnya dengan konsep gramatikal lainnya, praktik dan penerapan yang konsisten dalam berkomunikasi dan menulis akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan penguasaan kita.

Contoh Kalimat Gerund dan Infinitive

Di bawah ini disajikan contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive, simak terus, ya!

Contoh Kalimat Gerund (1)

  1. Listening to music relaxes me.
  2. She’s passionate about dancing.
  3. I’m thinking about traveling to Europe next summer.
  4. Playing the piano requires dedication.
  5. Cooking can be therapeutic for many people.
  6. He avoided answering my question.
  7. Writing daily helps improve your skills.
  8. They’re interested in hiking the mountain trails.
  9. Learning a new language can be challenging.
  10. Eating healthy food is important for your well-being.
  11. I don’t mind waiting for a few more minutes.
  12. She recommended reading the book before watching the movie.
  13. Drinking enough water daily is essential.
  14. I’m used to getting up early in the morning.
  15. Exercising regularly contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
  16. He dreams of becoming a famous actor.
  17. She postponed making a decision.
  18. Shopping for clothes is one of her favorite activities.
  19. We discussed moving to a new city next year.
  20. Singing in the shower always makes me happy.

Contoh Kalimat Gerund (2)

  1. Walking in the rain can be very refreshing.
  2. She avoided talking to him after the argument.
  3. He stopped smoking for his health.
  4. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
  5. Jogging daily is beneficial for your health.
  6. Recycling plastic helps the environment.
  7. Washing the dishes is not my favorite chore.
  8. He is interested in studying ancient civilizations.
  9. Living in a foreign country can be challenging.
  10. My brother is obsessed with collecting vintage stamps.
  11. Gardening is a relaxing hobby for many people.
  12. They discussed going to the new restaurant downtown.
  13. Baking is her way of relieving stress.
  14. He spends his weekends fishing by the lake.
  15. Drawing has always been a way for him to express his emotions.
  16. Hiking in the mountains gives me a sense of freedom.
  17. He regrets not calling her earlier.
  18. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise.
  19. She is tired of always being the responsible one.
  20. Watching movies at night is one of my favorite pastimes.

Selain kalimat yang pendek-pendek, untuk melengkapi pemahaman kamu mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive di bawah ini disajikan kalimat gerund yang lebih kompleks dan panjang ya!

Contoh Kalimat Gerund dalam Kalimat yang Lebih Kompleks (1)

  1. Despite knowing that waking up early has numerous health benefits, I still struggle to resist the temptation of hitting the snooze button multiple times.
  2. Instead of spending his weekends partying with friends, he chose the path of dedicating every spare moment to mastering the art of digital design, eventually leading him to become one of the industry’s most sought-after experts.
  3. Juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing the team’s projects to overseeing the company’s financial health, has honed her multitasking skills and made her indispensable to the organization.
  4. By understanding the intricacies of human behavior and combining that knowledge with data-driven insights, marketers can craft campaigns that resonate more deeply with their target audience.
  5. Before committing to any significant life decisions, such as purchasing a house or starting a family, many young adults today prioritize exploring the world and discovering their own passions and identities.
  6. Even though he excels in presenting complex ideas to large audiences, he often faces challenges when it comes to writing detailed reports or analyzing intricate datasets.
  7. Balancing her career aspirations with the demands of raising three children has given her a unique perspective on time management and the importance of setting clear priorities.

Contoh Kalimat Gerund dalam Kalimat yang Lebih Kompleks (2)

  1. Despite experiencing numerous challenges and overcoming various obstacles, she persisted in pursuing her dream of becoming a renowned scientist.
  2. After spending years traveling through several countries, learning their languages, and understanding their cultures, Maria developed a profound appreciation for the beauty of diversity in our world.
  3. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle, which includes eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, sleeping adequately, and managing stress effectively, plays a critical role in enhancing overall health and wellbeing.
  4. While juggling multiple responsibilities, such as managing her business, raising her children, and pursuing further studies, Sarah found that organizing her schedule meticulously was key to ensuring productivity and maintaining sanity.
  5. Reading ancient manuscripts, interpreting their meanings, and deciphering their mysteries involves not only understanding the historical and cultural contexts but also possessing a deep knowledge of the languages and scripts involved.
  6. Despite receiving ample opportunities for advancing in his career, John chose to prioritize balancing work and personal life over pursuing relentless professional growth.
  7. Developing a comprehensive approach towards solving intricate problems, which includes analyzing various aspects, understanding underlying factors, and implementing robust solutions, necessitates a thorough and discerning mindset.

Untuk melengkapi pembahasan mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive maka di bawah ini disajikan contoh kalimat infinitive. Selamat membaca dan selamat belajar!

Contoh Kalimat Infinitive (1)

  1. I want to eat an apple.
  2. She hopes to travel to Europe next summer.
  3. They decided to watch the movie tonight.
  4. He needs to study for his exams.
  5. They went to the theater early to get good seats.
  6. It’s important to drink enough water daily.
  7. She seems to understand the concept very well.
  8. I forgot to lock the door.
  9. They offered to help us move.
  10. He promised to return the book tomorrow.
  11. It’s difficult to explain this phenomenon.
  12. She asked me to join her at the party.
  13. I learned to swim when I was five.
  14. They told us to wait in the lobby.
  15. She managed to complete the task on time.
  16. They tried to fix the broken computer.
  17. I would like to order a pizza.
  18. It’s rude to interrupt someone while they’re speaking.
  19. He’s eager to start his new job.
  20. He moved to the city to find better job opportunities.

Contoh Kalimat Infinitive (2)

  1. He seems to understand the situation.
  2. They agreed to meet at the library.
  3. She decided to bake a chocolate cake.
  4. I plan to visit my grandparents next weekend.
  5. He appears to be upset about something.
  6. She promised to bring the documents tomorrow.
  7. They offered to help us move.
  8. I learned to swim when I was six years old.
  9. He attempted to climb the mountain but had to turn back.
  10. We expect to arrive around noon.
  11. They refused to answer the questions.
  12. I can’t wait to start my vacation.
  13. She tends to forget things easily.
  14. I would like to order a pizza, please.
  15. He failed to submit his assignment on time.
  16. They continue to impress us with their performance.
  17. We are delighted to receive your invitation.
  18. I forgot to call her last night.
  19. They need to repair the roof before winter comes.
  20. They turned off the lights to save electricity.

Selain kalimat yang pendek-pendek, untuk melengkapi pemahaman kamu mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive di bawah ini disajikan kalimat infinitive yang lebih kompleks dan panjang ya!

Contoh Kalimat Infinitive dalam Kalimat yang Lebih Kompleks (1)

  1. She seems eager to explore the ancient ruins, hoping to uncover secrets of the past.
  2. The company aims to expand its operations globally, striving to dominate the international market.
  3. He’s hesitant to speak about his past, fearing to reveal secrets he’s kept hidden.
  4. They are collaborating to design a sustainable urban environment, hoping to reduce the city’s carbon footprint.
  5. He’s determined to finish his novel, taking breaks only to gather more inspiration from nature.
  6. The organization aspires to provide education for every child, working diligently to eliminate barriers in remote areas.
  7. They decided to host the annual conference, aiming to showcase their city’s cultural richness.
  8. She is excited to join the elite group of athletes, training hard to represent her country at the next Olympics.
  9. The government has pledged to support the arts, planning to allocate substantial funds to museums and galleries.
  10. We were surprised to discover that the old mansion, rumored to be haunted, was actually a hub for local artists to collaborate.

Contoh Kalimat Infinitive dalam Kalimat yang Lebih Kompleks (2)

  1. The students aim to raise awareness about climate change, organizing events to educate the community on sustainable practices.
  2. He wants to invest in green technologies, hoping to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.
  3. The musicians collaborated to compose a symphony, aiming to capture the essence of their shared cultural heritage.
  4. They are campaigning to protect endangered species, rallying supporters to challenge harmful industrial practices.
  5. She’s reluctant to share her findings prematurely, waiting to verify all data before publication.
  6. We are committed to building a diverse team, taking steps to ensure representation from various backgrounds.
  7. The chef decided to experiment with fusion dishes, hoping to create a unique dining experience.
  8. They are working diligently to improve public transportation, aiming to reduce traffic congestion in the city.
  9. The artist aspires to inspire young minds, often holding workshops to teach them the basics of painting.
  10. She hopes to travel to Antarctica, preparing extensively to face the harsh and unpredictable conditions.


Demikian pembahasan mengenai contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive serta cara penggunaannya.

Semoga uraian di atas bisa membawa insight baru buat kamu. Tetap semangat belajar dan semoga tulisanmu semakin baik ke depannya.

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