Contoh Soal Application Letter Kelas 12 SMA beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Application Letter Kelas 12 SMA beserta Jawabannya — Kemampuan menulis surat lamaran yang baik dan benar merupakan salah satu keterampilan penting yang harus dimiliki siswa kelas 12.

Contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA ini diharapkan bisa membuat siswa dapat memahami struktur, format, dan elemen penting yang harus ada dalam sebuah application letter.

Mamikos akan menyajikan berbagai contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA yang relevan, dan lengkap dengan jawabannya. Simak, ya!

Apa Application Letter itu?

Sebelum kita membahas mengenai contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA, maka ada baiknya kita bahas terlebih dahulu mengenai definisi application letter.

Application letter, atau surat lamaran kerja, adalah surat yang ditulis oleh seseorang untuk melamar pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan atau organisasi.

Surat lamaran kerja harus ditulis dengan baik dan profesional, menyertakan informasi tentang keterampilan, pengalaman, dan pendidikan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pekerjaan.

Surat ini juga sering diikuti dengan CV atau resume yang memberikan detail lebih lanjut tentang riwayat pendidikan dan pekerjaan seseorang.

Tujuan Mengirim Application Letter

Mempelajari tujuan membuat dan mengirim application letter juga penting kamu ketahui sebelum melihat contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA.

Tujuan utama dari application letter atau surat lamaran kerja adalah untuk meyakinkan perekrut bahwa pelamar adalah kandidat yang tepat untuk posisi yang dibuka.

Sehingga, mendorong perekrut untuk melanjutkan ke tahap wawancara atau seleksi berikutnya.

Struktur Application Letter

Agar kamu makin paham saat membahas contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA di segmen berikutnya nanti maka kita bahas dulu struktur application letter yang benar, ya!

Application letter biasanya tersusun atas:

1. Header

Berisi informasi kontak pelamar dan tanggal penulisan surat. Jika memungkinkan, tambahkan informasi kontak penerima.

2. Salam Pembuka

Gunakan salam yang formal dan spesifik, misalnya, “Dear Hiring Manager,” jika nama spesifik tidak diketahui.

3. Paragraf Pembuka

Memperkenalkan diri dan menyatakan posisi yang dilamar serta dari mana kamu mengetahui informasi lowongan tersebut.

4. Paragraf Isi

Jelaskan mengapa kamu tertarik pada posisi dan perusahaan tersebut. Hubungkan pengalaman kamu dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan pekerjaan tersebut.

Soroti pengalaman dan keterampilan khusus yang membuatmu cocok untuk posisi tersebut.

Gunakan contoh spesifik yang menunjukkan keberhasilan atau kontribusimu pada peran sebelumnya.

5. Paragraf Penutup

Menyatakan keinginan untuk membahas kualifikasi lebih lanjut dalam wawancara. Ucapkan juga terima kasih atas pertimbangan perekrut karena bersedia merekrutmu.

6. Salam Penutup

Gunakan salam formal seperti “Sincerely,” diikuti dengan nama lengkapmu.

7. Lampiran

Jika diperlukan, sebutkan bahwa kamu melampirkan resume, portofolio, atau dokumen pendukung lainnya.

Contoh Soal Application Letter kelas 12 SMA

Di bawah ini disajikan contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA beserta jawabannya. Kamu bisa menyimak dan sekalian berlatih untuk menjawab soal, ya!

Contoh Soal Application Letter kelas 12 SMA Bagian 1

Bacaan di bawah akan digunakan sebagai contoh bacaan soal application letter kelas 12 SMA bagian pertama. Baca baik-baik dan pilih jawabannya dengan benar, ya!

Dear Hiring Team,

I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Marketing Assistant position advertised in Today’s Times.

Currently, I hold a role as an Electronic Marketing Staff at my current company, with a focus on home appliance marketing.

My experience extends to other electronic products, including cameras and smartphones.

Since earning my degree in 2012, I have dedicated my career to marketing, with responsibilities that include fostering relationships with distributors and customers, as well as contributing to our pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction efforts.

I am eager to bring my expertise to your team and am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your marketing objectives.

Enclosed are my resume and a recent photograph for your consideration. I am eager to explore how my abilities and background match the requirements of your your company.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Robinson.

Soal 1

What position is Emily Robinson applying for?

A. Marketing Manager

B. Senior Marketing Assistant

C. Electronic Marketing Staff

D. Customer Service Representative

E. Sales Director

Jawaban: B

Soal 2

Where did Emily Robinson find the job advertisement?

A. In a newsletter

B. On the company website

C. In Today’s Times

D. On a job search portal

E. Through a referral

Jawaban: C

Soal 3

What is Emily’s current job?

A. Senior Marketing Assistant

B. Marketing Specialist

C. Electronic Marketing Staff

D. Sales Manager

E. Product Developer

Jawaban: C

Soal 4

Since when has Emily Robinson been working in his field?  

A. 2010

B. 2011

C. 2012

D. 2013

E. 2014

Jawaban: C

Contoh Soal Application Letter kelas 12 SMA Bagian 2

Berikut contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA bagian kedua. Coba kerjakan lebih dulu sebelum melihat kunci jawabannya ya!

Dear Hiring Team,

I am reaching out to convey my enthusiasm for the Magazine Editor role at your distinguished publication, as recently announced.

As a recent graduate with a degree in Journalism from the University of Arts and Communications, I am eager to bring my academic background and passion for the publishing industry to your team.

During my studies, I have honed my skills in research, writing, and editing through various academic projects and internships at local newspapers.

My coursework included subjects like Media Ethics, Editing Techniques, and Digital Publishing, providing me with a solid foundation in the key aspects of magazine editing.

Additionally, I served as the editor for our university’s annual literary magazine, which involved coordinating with writers, managing the editing process, and ensuring the timely and quality publication of the magazine.

I am particularly drawn to your magazine’s innovative approach to storytelling and its commitment to quality journalism.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that my skills and fresh perspectives will add value to your publication.

Enclosed is my resume for your consideration. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your magazine’s success.

Yours sincerely,

Heidi Bennet

Soal 5

What degree did Heidi Bennet graduate with?

A. Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

B. Bachelor of Science in Communication

C. Master of Arts in Literature

D. Bachelor of Business Administration

E. Master of Science in Publishing

Jawaban: A

Soal 6

Where did Heidi complete her internship?

A. At a local newspaper

B. At a national magazine

C. At a digital marketing agency

D. At a public relations firm

E. At a television station

Jawaban: A

Soal 7

What role did Heidi serve in at her university?

A. News Reporter

B. Magazine Editor

C. Columnist

D. Broadcast Journalist

E. Public Relations Officer

Jawaban: B

Soal 8

Which skills of Heidi are highlighted in the letter?

A. Research, writing, and editing

B. Sales, marketing, and advertising

C. Graphic design, photography, and web design

D. Project management and leadership

E. Accounting, budgeting, and finance

Jawaban: A

Soal 9

What attracted Heidi to the magazine she is applying to?

A. Its international presence

B. Its innovative approach to storytelling

C. Its financial stability

D. Its location

E. Its employee benefits

Jawaban: B

Soal 10

In the context of Heidi Bennet’s application for a Magazine Editor position, what does “storytelling” refer to?

A. The process of recounting a series of facts in a straightforward manner.

B. The act of creating and sharing narratives to convey a message or entertain.

C. The method of compiling data and statistics for research purposes.

D. The technique of advertising and marketing products through various media channels.

E. The practice of writing official reports and documentation for businesses.

Jawaban: B

Contoh Soal Application Letter kelas 12 SMA Bagian 3

Mamikos sudah menyiapkan contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA selanjutnya. Kerjakan yuk!

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the Professional Barista position at Cafe Luna, as advertised on your website.

As a final year student pursuing a degree in Hospitality Management at City College, I have garnered substantial experience in the cafe industry through my internships, particularly in specialty coffee shops.

My hands-on experience during these internships allowed me to develop a deep understanding of coffee brewing techniques, customer service excellence, and beverage customization to enhance customer satisfaction.

I have trained extensively in espresso machine operation, latte art, and coffee bean selection, which I believe align perfectly with the high standards of Cafe Luna.

Cafe Luna’s reputation for promoting sustainable coffee practices and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere for patrons is what draws me to your establishment.

I am eager to contribute to and learn from your team of skilled baristas to further refine my craft and help maintain the exceptional service standards that Cafe Luna is known for.

Enclosed is my resume, which provides further details about my experiences and skills.

I am eager to have a more detailed discussion about my application and am ready to attend an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I am keen on the opportunity to bring my passion for coffee and customer service to Cafe Luna.

Warm regards,

Alaric Stuart.

Soal 11

What is Alaric Stuart’s field of study?

A. Culinary Arts

B. Business Administration

C. Hospitality Management

D. Environmental Science

E. Marketing

Jawaban: C

Soal 12

Where did Alaric gain his industry experience?

A. In hotel management

B. In retail sales

C. In specialty coffee shops

D. In restaurant kitchens

E. In corporate offices

Jawaban: C

Soal 13

What skills does Alaric highlight in his application letter?

A. Cooking and baking

B. Event planning and coordination

C. Coffee brewing and customer service

D. Financial accounting and budgeting

E. Social media marketing and advertising

Jawaban: C

Soal 14

What does Alaric offer to Cafe Luna in his application?

A. His leadership and management skills

B. His passion for coffee and customer service

C. His experience in international cuisine

D. His knowledge of wine and spirits

E. His IT and technical support skills

Jawaban: B

Soal 15

What does Alaric Stuart express in the statement?

A. He has sent his resume to provide more information about his qualifications and is eager to talk about his application further

 B. He is requesting a detailed discussion about the job responsibilities

C. He is confirming the receipt of his resume and asking for immediate feedback.

D. He is unsure about his experiences and skills and seeks clarification

E. He is providing a brief summary of his resume and declining the job offer

Jawaban: C

Soal 16

What does the term “sustainable coffee practices” refer to in the context of Alaric Stuart’s interest in coffee culture?

A. Practices that ensure coffee is produced in large quantities to meet global demand.

B. Methods that focus solely on the economic profitability of coffee production.

C. Techniques that involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to increase yield.

D. Practices that ensure coffee production is environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially equitable.

E. Processes that prioritize the rapid growth and expansion of coffee chains.

Jawaban: D


Melalui artikel contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA, Mamikos telah menyajikan berbagai contoh agar dapat membantu siswa memahami surat lamaran kerja.

Jika kamu merasa contoh soal application letter kelas 12 SMA belum cukup menjawab pertanyaanmu mengenai surat lamaran, simak FAQ berikut ini, ya!


Apa saja yang ada di application letter?

Application letter biasanya berisi informasi tentang identitas pelamar, posisi yang dilamar, pengalaman dan keterampilan relevan, alasan minat pada posisi dan perusahaan, serta permintaan untuk wawancara atau pertemuan lebih lanjut.

Apakah application letter termasuk surat resmi?

Ya, application letter termasuk surat resmi yang digunakan untuk melamar pekerjaan atau akademik.

Apa perbedaan application letter dan cover letter?

Application letter adalah surat yang dikirim untuk melamar pekerjaan tertentu, menekankan pada kualifikasi dan pengalaman yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar.
Sementara itu, cover letter lebih bersifat umum, bisa digunakan untuk melengkapi berbagai jenis dokumen, seperti resume atau proposal.

Apa yang harus dicantumkan dalam bagian isi application letter?

Dalam bagian isi application letter, kamu harus mencantumkan tujuanmu melamar pekerjaan tersebut, pengalaman dan keterampilan yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, serta alasan mengapa kamu cocok untuk posisi tersebut.

Application letter pakai tenses apa?

Application letter umumnya menggunakan simple present tense untuk menyatakan fakta atau kualifikasi yang berlaku umum, dan simple past tense untuk menjelaskan pengalaman kerja yang telah dilakukan.

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