Contoh Soal Congratulation And Compliment dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Uji pemahamanmu tentang materi congratulation and compliment dengan mengerjakan contoh soal di bawah ini.

29 September 2024 Ikki Riskiana

Contoh Soal Congratulation And Compliment dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay – Untuk menyusun soal yang bagus dan tepat sesuai bahan ajar memang tidak mudah.

Untuk itu, mari cek preferensi contoh soal congratulation and compliment dan jawabannya berikut ini, agar mudah dalam menyusunnya nanti. 

Yuk, kerjakan contoh soal di bawah ini!

Contoh Soal Congratulation And Compliment dan Jawabannya 

Contoh Soal Congratulation And Compliment dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay
Getty Images/Lamaip

Contoh Soal Compliment Pilihan Ganda

Berikut adalah  contoh soal pilihan ganda  tentang congratulation dan compliment beserta jawabannya. 

1. “You did an amazing job on the presentation! Congratulations!” merupakan contoh kalimat … 

a. Comforteran

b. Congratulation

c. Compliment

d. Criticism

Jawaban: b. Congratulation

2. “I’m so proud of your achievements. Keep up the great work!” merupakan contoh kalimat … 

a. Comforteran

b. Congratulation

c. Compliment

d. Criticism

Jawaban: b. Congratulation

3. Which of the following phrases is a compliment about someone’s cooking skills?

a. “Your cooking is terrible.”

b. “You’re a terrible cook.”

c. “Your dish tastes delicious!”

d. “You need to improve your cooking.”

Jawaban: c. “Your dish tastes delicious!”

4. “You have a beautiful voice. I really enjoyed your performance.” merupakan contoh kalimat … 

a. Comforteran 

b. Congratulation 

c. Compliment 

d. Criticism

Jawaban: c. Compliment

5. “Congratulations on winning the competition! You worked hard and deserved it.” merupakan contoh kalimat … 

a. Comforteran 

b. Congratulation 

c. Compliment 

d. Criticism

Jawaban: b. Congratulation

6. Which of the following phrases is a compliment about someone’s artistic skills? 

a. “Your painting is terrible.”

b. “You’re not a talented artist.”

c. “Your artwork is impressive!”

d. “You should give up art.”

Jawaban: c. “Your artwork is impressive!”

7. “You have a great sense of style. Your outfit looks fantastic!” merupakan contoh kalimat … 

a. Comforteran 

b. Congratulation 

c. Compliment 

d. Criticism

Jawaban: c. Compliment

8. “Your performance in the play was outstanding! You truly brought the character to life.” Ungkapan tersebut adalah contoh dari… 

a. Compliment 

b. Congratulation

c. Criticisman 

d. Advice

Jawaban: a
