Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay – Narrative text merupakan salah satu pelajaran dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yang harus kamu pahami dengan baik.

Narrative text adalah teks narasi berupa yang menuliskan cerita imajinasi atau realita yang dimodifikasi, serta disusun secara runtut berdasarkan urutan kejadian di masa lampau.

Untuk menguji pemahamanmu tentang narrative text, berikut ini Mamikos sajikan beberapa contoh soalnya. Yuk, simak!

1. Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya

There was an old man who lived at the end of a small village at the foot of the mountains. The grandfather’s name is Martono, he doesn’t work and relies on natural resources to survive.

Martono has been without a family since he was sixty years old because his wife died. Their children leave the city to migrate in search of a better life than the village.

Now Martono is eighty years old and still relies on nature for his life. Until one day Martono saw something unusual in his favorite forest.

There is some heavy equipment coming in to open new agricultural land. The distance was indeed quite far, about ten kilometers, but some heavy equipment got lost and had to pass in front of his hut.

Two semesters went on and the land clearing project was under way and finally there was an agricultural area. Within a short period of time, Martono began to have difficulty getting food.

Squirrels and small animals that usually fall into the trap are now nowhere to be found. Finally, the supply of meat for Martono’s life became less and made his body weak.

Only two semesters after the land clearing, Martono began to fall ill. His body was no longer able to walk as far as it used to before clearing the land.

Not long after, Martono finally breathed his last without anyone knowing. Even the villagers only found out a year later when a landslide occurred in the Martono hut area.

1. The text tells about?

a. Beautiful forest
b. The end of old man lifes 
c. Development of agricultural land 
d. Life on the mountain side

Answer: B

2. How old Martono when he died?

a. 80 years old
b. 81 years old
c. 82 years old
d. 83 years old

Answer: B

3. Why is Martono dead?

a. Lack of protein sources 
b. Killed by government 
c. Crushed by heavy equipment 
d. Old age

Answer: A

4. Where are martono’s children

a. Wander out of town
b. Marto has no children
c. Moved in with his mother
d. Killed in an accident

Answer: A

5. How does martono live his life

a. Take advantage of the forest environment
b. Work as beggar in the village 
c. Travelling with his son
d. Become a ranger

Answer: A

2. Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya

Wagiman is a beggar who usually hangs around the tourist area of ​​the City of Heroes. One day, Wagiman received a fantastic amount of donations from a rich man.

In all his life Wagiman had never seen that much money. He thought that this would change his life as he now had an unimaginable amount of money.

Wagiman started buying clothes so that he would look neater in his activities. Homes were also purchased so that there was no longer any need to avoid raids by the area’s law enforcement units.

It’s like there is no end to shopping for all forms of luxury that the eye has ever seen. One, two, three years have passed since the time when Wagiman got the money.

Now Wagiman is back on the road to beg, all his wealth gone to splurge. He did not know that the richer a person, the greater the taxes paid to the state.

Without income, of course, the donations from benefactors three years ago did not last long. He regretted why he didn’t spend it to seek knowledge and learn to manage finances.

1. Wagiman everyday work as?

a. Tour guide 
b. Entrepreneur 
c. Street beggar 
d. Chairman of executive 

Answer: C

2. How did Wagiman become rich?

a. Work his ass of
b. Doing business 
c. Become tour guide 
d. Get donation

Answer: D

3. How did wagiman become poor?

a. His friend swindle him 
b. Robbed 
c. He didn’t want go become rich anymore
d. Lack of monetary management 

Answer: D

4. Who give Wagiman donation 

a. Government official 
b. His neighborhood association 
c. Nameless goodman
d. Saul goodman 

Answer: C

5. What lessons can be learned from this story?

a. Being rich doesn’t make you happy 
b. Hard work pays off
c. The importance of financial management 
d. The importance of being philanthropist 

Answer: C

3. Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya

In a suburb, three brothers namely Alan, Bulan and Citra. Alan became the backbone of the family as the eldest sibling after his parents abandoned the three siblings when they were young.

Their ages are actually not that far apart because their parents do not use contraception. So that the ages of Alan, Bulan and Citra are only two years apart.

When Citra was ten years old, her parents left her for no apparent reason. Alan as the backbone of the family can only be a member of one of the market thugs association.

Meanwhile Bulan and Citra become a pair of pickpockets even though they are still children.

Without education their lives are all miserable and eventually each of them meets his death before the age of twenty.

1. At what age did Bulan’s parents leave her

a. 12 years old 
b. 13 years old
c. 14 years old 
d. 15 years old 

Answer: A

2. At what age did the three of them die

a. Before twenty years 
b. After twenty years
c. At twenty years old
d. Three of them didn’t die

Answer: A 

3. Why their lives are miserable 

a. Lack of education
b. Left by parents 
c. Didn’t have money 
d. All three of answer above

Answer: D 

4. Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 9 beserta Jawabannya Essay 

Budi has been a scavenger since he was seven years old so he has never had an education. Even so, Budi often collects used books from the city’s trash heaps.

Budi could only read and do basic arithmetic when there was a social service that had conducted an literacy eradication program.

It didn’t last long, only six months, but at least Budi could read and count.

With the capital of old books from piles of city waste, Budi honed his basic knowledge. When he was a teenager he took the “Ujian Kejar Paket” for those who had dropped out of school.

When he grew up, Budi became a waste recycling entrepreneur from all the training and education he attended. This is clear proof that education can change someone’s life even from the grassroots.

1. Write down the moral of the story

Education can change a person’s life even when the conditions are dire

2. Who taught Budi to read and count

Social service employees who run government programs

3. What do you think about Budi’s life?

Very inspiring because it proves that something as trivial as a book that has been thrown away can have a big impact if put to good use.

Semua materi tersebut tentu dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi ketika kamu hendak mengerjakan atau membuat soal. Memang butuh sebelum membuat sendiri. Semoga bermanfaat, ya.

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