30 Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 beserta Jawabannya, PG dan Essay
30 Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 beserta Jawabannya, PG dan Essay — Pada kelas 8, kamu akan menjumpai materi bahasa Inggris short message.
Selain belajar melalui ringkasan materi bahasa Inggris kelas 8, kamu juga dapat mempercepat proses belajar materi ini dengan mengerjakan soal-soal.
Yuk, kerjakan contoh soal short message kelas 8 berikut untuk mengukur kemampuanmu!
Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Short Message?
Daftar Isi
- Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Short Message?
- Struktur Short Message
- Fungsi Short Message
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 1
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 2
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 3
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 4
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 5
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 1
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 2
- Penutup
Daftar Isi
- Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Short Message?
- Struktur Short Message
- Fungsi Short Message
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 1
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 2
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 3
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 4
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 5
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 1
- Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 2
- Penutup
Sebelum kita membahas mengenai contoh soal short message kelas 8, yuk kita pelajari dulu apa yang dimaksud dengan short messsage.
Short message merujuk pada bentuk komunikasi teks singkat yang biasanya dikirimkan antar perangkat telepon seluler.
Istilah ini sering dikaitkan dengan pesan teks (Short Message Service) yang memungkinkan pengiriman pesan teks singkat antar telepon seluler.
SMS adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi paling dasar dan awal dalam teknologi seluler, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirimkan teks berukuran kecil, biasanya dibatasi hingga 160 karakter.
Struktur Short Message
Pelajari juga yuk mengenai struktur short message sebelum kita melihat contoh soal short message kelas 8.
Dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, struktur pesan singkat atau “short message” umumnya mencakup beberapa elemen berikut:
1. Greeting
Pembukaan pesan, yang bisa sangat sederhana seperti “Hi” atau “Hello” jika konteksnya informal, atau lebih formal seperti “Dear [Nama]” jika situasinya memerlukan.
2. Body Message
Inti dari pesan singkat, di mana informasi utama atau inti pesan disampaikan. Bagian ini harus jelas dan langsung pada poin, memberikan semua informasi penting yang perlu diketahui oleh penerima pesan.
3. Closing
Bagian penutup pesan yang bisa berupa pernyataan penutup sederhana seperti “Thanks” atau “Regards” diikuti dengan nama pengirim jika perlu. Bagian ini memberikan akhir yang sopan pada pesan.
4. Additional Information (Optional)
Terkadang, pesan singkat mungkin mencakup informasi tambahan atau instruksi khusus yang perlu diikuti, yang dapat disertakan setelah badan pesan utama.
5. Date and Time (Optional)
Terutama dalam konteks profesional atau akademis, tanggal dan waktu ketika pesan dikirimkan bisa saja penting dan oleh karena itu dapat dicantumkan.
Fungsi Short Message
Fungsi utama dari short message atau pesan singkat adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi atau komunikasi secara cepat dan efisien.
Berikut adalah beberapa fungsi khusus dari short message yang patut kamu ketahui sebelum kita mengerjakan contoh soal short message kelas 8:
1. Komunikasi Cepat
Pesan singkat memungkinkan orang untuk berkomunikasi informasi penting secara cepat, tanpa perlu panggilan telepon yang panjang atau pertemuan langsung.
2. Efisiensi
Karena sifatnya yang singkat, pesan singkat memungkinkan pengirim untuk menyampaikan pesan secara langsung dan hemat waktu.
3. Kenyamanan
Pesan singkat dapat dikirim dan diterima kapan saja dan di mana saja, selama perangkat seluler tersedia, memberikan kenyamanan yang besar.
4. Privasi
Memungkinkan komunikasi pribadi tanpa perlu berbicara secara terbuka, menjaga privasi pembicaraan.
5. Pencatatan
Pesan singkat dapat disimpan sebagai bukti komunikasi atau untuk dijadikan referensi di masa mendatang.
6. Fleksibilitas
Dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, seperti mengatur janji, memberikan instruksi, memberi tahu informasi mendesak, atau hanya sekedar menyampaikan salam.
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 1
Berikut contoh soal short message kelas 8 pertama yang akan Mamikos sajikan beserta jawabannya.
Text for number 1-2.
Hi Sam, remember to submit the project proposal by tomorrow, 9 AM. The client is strict about deadlines. Thanks, Jordan.
1. Who is supposed to submit the project proposal?
A. Sam
B. Jordan
C. The client
D. None of the above
Jawaban: A
2. What is the deadline for submitting the project proposal?
A. Today, 9 AM
B. Tomorrow, 9 AM
C. Tomorrow, 9 PM
D. None of the above
Jawaban: B
Text for number 3-4.
Alert: Your credit card payment for $200 is due by April 10th. Please ensure timely payment to avoid penalties. -Bank Notification
3. How much is the credit card payment mentioned in the message?
A. $100
B. $200
C. $300
D. $400
Jawaban: B
4. What will happen if the payment is not made on time?
A. Receive a reward
B. Payment will be doubled
C. Incur penalties
D. Nothing happens
Jawaban: C
Text for number 5-6.
Morning, Alex! Your dentist appointment is at 2 PM today. Don’t be late!
-Dr. Peterson’s Office
5. Who has a dentist appointment?
A. Dr. Peterson
B. Alex
C. The sender
D. The receptionist
Jawaban: B
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 2
Di bawah ini merupakan contoh soal short message kelas 8 bagian 2. Baca lebih dulu bacaan berupa pesan singkat sebelum menjawab pertanyaannya, ya!
6. What time is Alex’s dentist appointment?
A. 2 AM today
B. 2 PM today
C. 2 PM tomorrow
D. 2 AM tomorrow
Jawaban: BText for number 7-8.
Hi Rachel, your library books are due tomorrow. Please return them to avoid fines.
Library Desk.
7. Who needs to return the library books?
A. The librarian
B. Rachel
C. The library desk
D. The sender
Jawaban: B
8. What will happen if Rachel doesn’t return the books?
A. She will receive a reward
B. She will get a discount
C. She will incur fines
D. Nothing will happen
Jawaban: C
Text for number 9-10.
Reminder: Team meeting at 3 PM in the main conference room. Please be punctual.
9. What time is the team meeting scheduled for?
A. 3 AM
B. 3 PM
C. 4 PM
D. 5 PM
Jawaban: B
10. Where will the team meeting take place?
A. In the management office
B. In the main conference room
C. Online
D. At the team leader’s office
Jawaban: B
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 3
Inilah 5 contoh soal short message kelas 8 ketiga. Usahakan untuk menjawab tiap pertanyaan dengan baik sebelum melihat kunci jawabannya, ya!
Text for number 11-12.
Urgent: Power outage expected from 6 PM to 8 PM tonight. Please prepare accordingly.
-City Power
11. What is expected to happen tonight?
A. A power surge
B. A power outage
C. A party
D. A meeting
Jawaban: B
12. How long is the power outage expected to last?
A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours
Jawaban: A
Text for number 13-14.
Hi Jake, can you cover my shift on Friday? I’m feeling under the weather.
Thanks, Mia.
13. What does Mia want Jake to do?
A. Take a day off
B. Work extra hours
C. Cover her shift
D. Feel better
Jawaban: C
14. Why does Mia need Jake to cover her shift?
A. She has an appointment
B. She is feeling sick
C. She is going on vacation
D. She is working another job
Jawaban: B
Text for number 15-16.
Hello, this is a reminder that your gym membership will expire next week. Please renew to continue access.
-Fitness Club
15. What will expire next week?
A. The gym’s opening hours
B. The gym instructor’s contract
C. The gym membership
D. The fitness club’s location
Jawaban: C
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 4
Di bawah ini merupakan contoh soal short message kelas 8 pilihan ganda bagian 4. Kerjakan sebaik-baiknya, ya!
16. What does the recipient need to do about the gym membership?
A. Cancel it
B. Renew it
C. Transfer it
D. Ignore it
Jawaban: B
Text for number 17-18.
Dear Anna, we have received your application for the marketing position. We’ll be in touch shortly to schedule an interview with you..
-HR Department
17. Who sent the message to Anna?
A. The marketing department
B. The HR department
C. The finance department
D. The IT department
Jawaban: B
18. Why will the HR department contact Anna?
A. To offer her the job
B. To schedule an interview
C. To ask for more documents
D. To decline her application
Jawaban: B
Text for number 19-20.
Weather Alert: Heavy rain expected this evening. Please carry an umbrella if stepping out.
-Meteorology Dept.
19. What is the weather prediction for this evening?
A. Heavy rain
B. Sunny skies
C. Snow
D. Strong winds
Jawaban: A
20. What does the message advise people to do?
A. To stay indoors
B. To carry an umbrella
C. To wear warm clothes
D. To cancel all appointments
Jawaban: B
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Pilihan Ganda Bagian 5
Di bawah ini adalah contoh soal pilihan ganda short message kelas 8 yang terakhir. Soal selanjutnya akan kamu temui dalam bentuk essay, kerjakan yuk!
Text for number 21-22.
Order Confirmation: Your order for a laptop has been processed and will be delivered on Wednesday.
-Tech Store
21. What did the recipient order?
A. A phone
B. A tablet
C. A laptop
D. A desktop computer
Jawaban: C
22. When will the order be delivered?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
Jawaban: C
Text for number 23-24.
Alert: Your bank account has been temporarily locked due to suspicious activities. Contact us immediately.
-Bank Security
23. What has happened to the recipient’s bank account?
A. It has been overdrawn
B. It has earned interest
C. It has been temporarily locked
D. It has been permanently closed
Jawaban: C
24. What should the recipient do?
A. Ignore the message
B. Contact the bank immediately
C. Wait for the bank to contact them
D. Close the account
Jawaban: B
Text for number 25.
Hi Tom, your prescription is ready for pickup at the pharmacy. Please collect it by today.
25. What is ready for Tom?
A. His medical test results
B. His prescription
C. A package
D. His glasses
Jawaban: B
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 1
Berikut contoh soal short message kelas 8 bentuk essay bagian yang pertama. Soal berikut sudah dilengkapi dengan jawaban untuk mendukung kegiatan belajarmu. Kerjakan bersama, yuk!
Text for number 1
“Hello Team,
Due to client feedback, we need to accelerate our timeline for the marketing proposal. The new deadline is now Wednesday, April 18th.
Please adjust your schedules accordingly and submit all draft materials to me by Monday afternoon for consolidation. Let’s meet briefly in conference room B at 3 PM tomorrow to discuss any challenges.
26. Who is the intended audience of Emma’s message, and how is this reflected in her message?
The intended audience of Emma’s message is her team. This is reflected in the way she addresses the recipients (“Hello Team”) and discusses responsibilities and coordination directly related to team activities.
Such as adjusting schedules, submitting drafts, and attending a meeting.
27. What is the main purpose of Emma’s message?
The main purpose of Emma’s message is to inform the team about a change in the deadline for the marketing proposal and to coordinate the necessary adjustments and collective effort needed to meet this new timeline.
It includes specific actions they need to take, like submitting draft materials and attending a meeting.
Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 Essay Bagian 2
Di bawah ini merupakan contoh soal short message kelas 8 bentuk essay bagian kedua sekaligus yang terakhir. Kerjakan, ya!
28. When is the new deadline, and what immediate actions are required by the team?
The new deadline set by Emma is Wednesday, April 18th.
The immediate actions required by the team include adjusting their individual schedules to meet this new deadline, submitting all draft materials by Monday afternoon for consolidation, and attending a meeting at 3 PM.
29. Where is the team required to meet, and what is the purpose of this meeting?
The team is required to meet in conference room B. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss any challenges the team members might face due to the accelerated timeline.
This meeting is likely intended to facilitate open communication and problem-solving among the team members.
30. Why has the deadline for the marketing proposal been moved up?
The deadline for the marketing proposal has been moved up due to client feedback.
This suggests that the client’s needs or expectations have changed, requiring the team to expedite their work to accommodate these new demands and ensure client satisfaction.
Demikian 30 contoh soal short message kelas 8 versi pilihan ganda dan essay yang bisa Mamikos persembahkan untuk para siswa yang mencari contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8.
Semoga soal-soal di atas membantumu dalam mempelajari materi bahasa Inggris kelas 8, khususnya mengenai short message.
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