25 Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

25 Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka — Sebentar lagi siswa kelas 10 akan menghadapi UTS / PTS semester 1.

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Berikut telah Mamikos sajikan 25 contoh soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 yang mengacu pada kurikulum merdeka, lengkap dengan jawabannya. Kerjakan sekarang, yuk!

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 1


The text is for questions no. 1-4

Change the verbs into past tense form!

I visit (1) my grandparents in Bandung last month. I stay (2) there for a week. Every day, I play (3) with my cousins and enjoy the delicious food my grandma makes. I even help (4) her in the kitchen sometimes. It was a wonderful time.

1. a. visit

b. visits

c. visiting

d. visited

e. has visited

Jawaban: d

2. a. stays

b. stay

c. stayed

d. staying

e. has stayed

Jawaban: c

3. a. plays

b. played

c. play

d. playing

e. was playing

Jawaban: b

4. a. helped

b. help

c. helping

d. helps

e. has helped

Jawaban: a

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 2

The text is for questions no. 5-9

Lombok Island in Indonesia is known as a stunning tourist destination. It is just a short ferry ride away from Bali, offering a more tranquil and less crowded alternative. The natural beauty here is breathtaking, from pristine beaches to majestic mountains.

Lombok offers an affordable vacation option with numerous activities to explore. Visitors can enjoy diving, snorkeling, hiking to waterfalls, or simply relaxing by the beach. The island also provides the opportunity to experience local Sasak culture, which is unique to this region.

Tourists often visit Mount Rinjani, a popular trekking spot, or the Gili Islands, which are perfect for those looking for a beach getaway. These spots are easily accessible and can be reached with minimal travel from most tourist areas.

When the day ends, visitors can unwind by savoring local cuisine or enjoying a sunset on the beach. For those seeking adventure or a peaceful retreat, Lombok is the perfect destination. You’ll find everything you need for a memorable vacation.

5. What is the text about?

a. Mount Bromo

b. Bali Island

c. Lombok Island

d. Sumatra

e. Borobudur

Jawaban: c

6. Where is Lombok located?

a. Malaysia

b. Indonesia

c. Philippines

d. Thailand

e. Cambodia

Jawaban: b

7. According to the text, where can you go for trekking in Lombok?

a. Gili Islands

b. Senggigi Beach

c. Mount Rinjani

d. Sade Village

e. Kuta Lombok

Jawaban: c

8. What are some activities tourists can do in Lombok?

a. Visit Kennedy Space Center

b. Trekking and snorkeling

c. Parasailing and skydiving

d. Shopping and dining

e. a & b

Jawaban: b

9. Which country is Lombok Island in?

a. Thailand

b. Malaysia

c. Vietnam

d. Indonesia

e. Singapore

Jawaban: d

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 3

10. Dina: “Mom, I passed the university entrance exam!”

Mother: “Congratulations! …”

a. I’m so proud of you.

b. That’s terrible.

c. Good luck next time.

d. I hope you do better.

e. That’s so unfortunate.

Jawaban: a

11. My best friend is not only intelligent, but also has wonderful qualities, such as …

a. lazy and rude

b. impatient and grumpy

c. kind and supportive

d. selfish and arrogant

e. shy and unkind

Jawaban: c

12. My math teacher always encourages us to think critically. He has a great way of explaining things and making the subject interesting, which means he is a …

a. lazy teacher

b. humorous teacher

c. strict teacher

d. skilled teacher

e. careless teacher

Jawaban: d

13. Martin: “I heard you were accepted to Harvard. …”

Rina: “Yes, I did! I’m so excited about it.”

a. My condolences.

b. You should have done better.

c. Congratulations! You deserve it.

d. I’m sorry to hear that.

e. You must be disappointed.

Jawaban: c

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 4

The text is for questions no. 14-18

Sanur Beach is a popular tourist destination in Bali. It is located in the southeast of Denpasar and offers a relaxing environment for visitors. The beach is famous for its sunrise views, which attract many tourists early in the morning.

At Sanur Beach, tourists can enjoy various water activities such as snorkeling, canoeing, and jet skiing.

Snorkeling is an activity where people swim on the surface of the water and look down to view the marine life through a mask and snorkel. It is an easy yet exciting way to explore the underwater beauty without needing professional diving skills.

Aside from water sports, Sanur Beach also offers glass-bottom boat tours for those who want to see marine life without getting wet.

Visitors can also enjoy relaxing on the sandy shores or visiting local markets nearby to experience Balinese culture.

14. What can be viewed through the snorkeling mask?

a. The beauty of marine life

b. The beauty of the sunset

c. The view of Denpasar

d. The view of the beach waves

e. The Balinese markets

Jawaban: a

15. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the text?

a. Sanur Beach is located in the southeast of Denpasar.

b. Tourists can enjoy many water activities at Sanur Beach.

c. Snorkeling is an easy way to explore underwater beauty.

d. Sanur Beach is more famous for its sunset views than sunrise.

e. Visitors can take glass-bottom boat tours at Sanur Beach.

Jawaban: d

16. “Those who cannot …” (Paragraph three). The word those refers to …

a. Tourists

b. Water sports

c. Marine life

d. Local markets

e. Boats

Jawaban: a

17. What does paragraph three discuss?

a. The water sports at Sanur Beach

b. Glass-bottom boat tours at Sanur Beach

c. Snorkeling and diving as popular activities

d. Visitors enjoying Balinese markets

e. The sunrise view at Sanur Beach

Jawaban: b

18. Why is Sanur Beach known for its sunrise? It is known for its sunrise because …

a. it has the best sunrise views in Bali.

b. tourists like to camp there overnight.

c. it is located in the east of Bali, perfect for sunrise watching.

d. it has tall hills to watch the sun rise from.

e. the locals organize sunrise festivals every morning.

Jawaban: c

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 5

The text is for questions no. 19-23

Dear Lisa,

Last month, my family and I went on a trip to Malang, East Java. Malang is a city known for its refreshing weather and beautiful nature. We stayed at a cozy villa near Batu.

On the first day, we visited Jatim Park, an amusement park filled with exciting rides and educational exhibits. We had a lot of fun exploring the different sections of the park.

The next day, we visited Mount Bromo for sunrise. The view was breathtaking, with the sun rising over the volcanic landscape.

Afterward, we enjoyed breakfast at a local café with traditional food. Malang truly has a lot to offer, from fun attractions to scenic spots. I can’t wait to show you the pictures!



19. What type of text is it?

a. Narrative

b. Procedure

c. Recount

d. Descriptive

e. Explanation

Jawaban: c

20. The following sentences are reasons why the writer loves Malang, except

a. the weather is cool

b. the attractions are fun

c. the local food is delicious

d. the prices are affordable

e. the villa is comfortable

Jawaban: e

21. What does the text mainly tell us?

a. The trip to Malang

b. Mount Bromo sunrise

c. Jatim Park amusement park

d. The cozy villa in Batu

e. The beauty of East Java

Jawaban: a

22. “… the prices are affordable there.” What is the antonym of the italicized word?

a. Expensive

b. Reasonable

c. Low

d. Fair

e. Cheap

Jawaban: a

23. “… the weather is very refreshing and pleasant.” The italicized word can be substituted with the synonym …

a. hot

b. chilly

c. cool

d. calm

e. exciting

Jawaban: c

Contoh Soal UTS / PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Bagian 6

The dialogue is for questions no. 24 & 25

Lina: “Congratulations on your promotion, Bryan!”

Bryan: “Thanks, Lina.”

Lina: “(24) ….”

Bryan: “Thank you for the compliment. You’ve been doing great with your project too, Lina.”

Lina: “Thanks! Oh, look, Iman is coming! (25) …”

Bryan: “He appears very self-assured after closing that major deal.”

Lina: “Yes, I agree.”

Iman: “Hi, Bryan. Congratulations on the promotion!”

Bryan: “Thank you so much. And I’d like to congratulate you on closing the deal with the new client.”

Iman: “Thanks, Bryan.”

Lina: “You’re both doing amazing!”

Bryan: “I appreciate it.”

Lina: “Let’s celebrate over dinner!”

24. a. Is this your first promotion?

b. You really deserve that promotion.

c. I thought you wouldn’t get it.

d. You don’t seem happy with your promotion.

e. Whose promotion is it?

Jawaban: b

25. a. He appears to be very pleased with his achievement.

b. He looks so stressed.

c. Is it really him?

d. He looks uninterested.

e. He seems confused.

Jawaban: a


Nah itu dia 25 contoh soal UTS / PTS bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 yang bisa kamu jadikan tambahan bahan belajarmu menghadapi UTS/PTS yang sebentar lagi dilaksanakan.

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Pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas berapa?

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Materi bahasa Inggris kelas 10 apa saja?

Pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas 10 meliputi present perfect tense, simple future tense, recount text, past continuos tense, narrative text, family, present continuous tense, dll.

Apa itu descriptive text kelas 10?

Descriptive text adalah jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang disusun untuk menggambarkan atau juga mendeskripsikan fenomena tertentu.

Apa itu narrative text kelas 10?

Narrative text ialah jenis teks berbahasa Inggris yang mendeskripsikan rangkaian fenomena dengan runtut serta berhubungan.

Apa saja text di bahasa Inggris?

Ada berbagai jenis text dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris, antara lain:
Descriptive text, recount text, report text, explanation text, exposition text, narrative text, procedure text dan lain sebagainya.

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