Contoh Narrative Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya Dilengkapi Cara Membuatnya yang Baik

Sedang mencari contoh narrative text? Berikut ini Mamikos sajikan beberapa contohnya untukmu.

01 Januari 2024 Ikki Riskiana

Contoh Narrative Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya Dilengkapi Cara Membuatnya yang Baik – Narrative text bisa kamu temukan di buku bahasa Inggris, seperti novel, cerita, atau buku fiksi lainnya.

Jika kamu ingin membuat narrative text, kamu bisa banyak membaca beberapa contohnya terlebih dahulu agar terbiasa melihat susunannya.

Nah, berikut ini Mamikos berikan beberapa contoh narrative text yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi. Yuk, simak!

Contoh Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Empty Apartment

Contoh Kalimat Perintah Bahasa Indonesia yang Sering Digunakan Dilengkapi Ciri-cirinya


Budi is a prospective new student in the city of heroes, he is the son of one of the richest people in his country. Budi wants to live in an apartment not far from where he is doing his studies.

Budi considers this as a normal thing, maybe they are afraid because he is the son of an influential person. So Budi also prefers to hang out with his friends.


Entering the second semester, there are some strange things related to the apartment you live in. As an elite apartment, there are quite a few occupants and people buy it only for assets.

But the longer he felt the twelfth floor was getting quieter than usual. Even though the first semester at least there were several people inhabiting the room.

So far, Budi has always used the elevator because it’s impossible to go down using the stairs, it’s too far. So the condition of the other floors is also unclear.

From the outside, the parking lot was also quite a lot of cars parked there so thought quite a lot of people were staying. But when Budi tries to use the stairs he notices an irregularity.

Starting from the second to the eleventh floor there is not a single occupant or staff according to their location. When he went up to the twelfth floor, he was surprised because there was only himself there.


Until then someone from behind said “there is already a sign of a damaged ladder, sir Budi”. When he turned around only the sound of gunshots could be heard and a flash of light flashed through his eyes.
