20 Contoh Kalimat Formal dan Informal dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Perbedaannya
Bagi kamu yang belum tahu seperti apa susunan kalimat formal dan inormal bahasa Inggris, simak penjelasannya di artikel berikut.
20 Contoh Kalimat Formal dan Informal dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Perbedaannya – You certainly know what formal and informal sentences are, right? Because in everyday life we are familiar with these two sentences.
Especially when you learn English this sentence is often found in conversation or reading.
The purpose of having a greeting by using formal and informal sentences is none other than to greet people you know or don’t know, you can also invite them to get acquainted or ask how they are.
Therefore you need to know examples of formal and informal sentences.
Definitions and Examples of formal and Informal Sentences in English
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Before knowing some examples of formal and informal sentences in English, you must first know what formal greetings and informal greetings mean. Because these two languages have differences and are used in certain situations.
For example, when you meet a teacher at school or a colleague at work, you will greet your boss in formal language, right?
So this is where you need to know formal and informal sentences in English so that you are more polite in speaking.
So if you conclude, a formal sentence is a sentence that uses standard or polite language in its delivery.
Formal itself means official, reasonable, or by predetermined rules. In examples of formal and informal sentences in English we often find them.
For example, Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you? (Good Morning, friends, how are you?).
While informal is the opposite sentence, which is a sentence that uses everyday language as a complement.
Informal itself means informal language that is commonly used for friends or those of the same age. However, in general, the two have different uses.
For example, for example, Hello Guys, What are you doing here? (hello guys, what are you doing here?).
Differences and examples of formal and informal sentences in English
After understanding the meaning of the two formal and informal sentences above, of course, you also have to know about the differences between the two.
This is interesting because without realizing it, we are still wrong in using these two sentences, so we have to increase our vocabulary and find out examples of formal and informal sentences in English.
Although the same in Indonesian these two sentences also have various purposes, for example when you talk to a lecturer, of course, it will be different when you talk to classmates.
Of course, this language cannot be used by just anyone, here’s how to tell the difference.

Formal Sentences
Before knowing Examples of formal and informal sentences in English you also have to know about the differences between these two sentences.
Communication with formal language will usually refer to the flow of official information via a predetermined route.
This variety of language is usually used to talk to older people or our superiors. In formal language usually do not use abbreviations such as can’t, shouldn’t, or haven’t but must be written in full.
In addition, formal sentences in English are usually also used in essays, job application letters or emails, and other correspondence. The language used is also more formal and
Use first-person pronouns such as ‘we’ or ‘I’. The following are examples of formal and informal sentences in English.
An example of a formal sentence, he has decided to leave the job. During the informal sentence form he’s decided to leave the job (He decided to leave the job).
The two examples of sentences above are the same in meaning, but both have differences if the informal sentence uses the abbreviation, namely he’s but if it uses the formal sentence it becomes he has.
Informal Sentences
As you know, this informal language is the language we hear most often, so it’s not difficult to find examples.
Before we discuss examples of formal and informal sentences in English, you should also know that these sentences also have rules.
Even though the language used is more relaxed and spontaneous, we can encounter these informal sentences when communicating with friends or family through everyday conversations.
In this informal sentence in English, you can use abbreviations, first-person pronouns, slang, phrasal verbs, and everyday language.
For example, an example of an informal sentence is, sorry you have to eat first (sorry you ate first) while the formal sentence is, I’m sorry for making you have to eat first (I apologize for making you have to eat first).
Examples of Formal and Informal Sentences in English and Their Differences
If you already know and understand some of the examples above, you can immediately see some examples of formal and informal sentences in English below.
Formal and informal sentences in the form of expressions:
Formal Sentences
Informal Sentences
That are examples of formal and informal sentences, may this article could improve your English.
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