Kumpulan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya

Kumpulan Soal UAS Bahasa
Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya – Ujian Akhir Semester akan
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Kumpulan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1


Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: No 1-10

1. What do you call a place where you can see a lot of books and borrow

    a. Library

    b. Park

    c. Cinema

    d. Market

2. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you play the piano?
B: …

    a. Yes, I can

    b. No, I don’t

    c. Yes, I do

    d. No, I can’t

3. What do you wear on your feet when you play soccer?

    a. Gloves

    b. Socks

    c. Shoes

    d. Hat

4. Continue this conversation.

A: Where do you put your clothes?
B: I put them in the …

    a. Fridge

    b. Cupboard

    c. Garage

    d. Garden

5. What is the opposite of “old”?

    a. Young

    b. Big

    c. Small

    d. Fast

6. Which of the following is a means of transportation on water?

    a. Car

    b. Bicycle

    c. Boat

    d. Train

7. Complete the sentence: Birds can … in the sky.

    a. Swim

    b. Fly

    c. Walk

    d. Crawl

8. What do you use to write on paper?

    a. Brush

    b. Pencil

    c. Eraser

    d. Pen

9. If you have a stomachache, where should you go?

    a. Hospital

    b. School

    c. Pharmacy

    d. Library

10. What do you wear on your head to protect yourself from the sun?

    a. Scarf

    b. Hat

    c. Gloves

    d. Belt

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: No 11-20

11. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you speak French?
B: No, but I can speak …

    a. Spanish

    b. English

    c. German

    d. Chinese

12. What is the capital city of Japan?

    a. Beijing

    b. Tokyo

    c. Seoul

    d. Bangkok

13. What do you do with a toothbrush?

    a. Eat

    b. Brush your hair

    c. Brush your

    d. Sleep

14. What is the opposite of “fast”?

    a. Slow

    b. Quick

    c. Rapid

    d. Speedy

15. Continue this conversation.

A: Do you enjoy playing video games?
B:  …

    a. Yes, I enjoy

    b. No, I don’t

    c. Yes, I do

    d. No, I am not

16. What do you wear on your hands in winter to keep them warm?

    a. Sunglasses

    b. Gloves

    c. Bracelets

    d. Rings

17. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you ride a bicycle?
B: …

    a. Yes, I can

    b. No, I can’t

    c. Yes, I do

    d. No, I don’t

18. Where do you go to buy vegetables, fruits, and other food items?

    a. Bookstore

    b. Market

    c. Cinema

    d. Playground

19. What is the plural form of “mouse”?

    a. Mouses

    b. Mice

    c. Mouse

    d. Mice’s

20. Which of the following is a musical instrument?

    a. Chair

    b. Guitar

    c. Table

    d. Lamp

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: No 21-30

21. Complete the sentence: Fish live in …

    a. Cages

    b. Nests

    c. Water

    d. Trees

22. Continue this conversation.

A: Do you have any brothers or maybe sisters.
B: Yes, I have two …

    a. Friends

    b. Cousins

    c. Siblings

    d. Neighbors

23. What is the main color of the leaves in the autumn season?

    a. Green

    b. Red

    c. Yellow

    d. Blue

24. Where do you go to borrow books for reading?

    a. Library

    b. Park

    c. School

    d. Zoo

25. What do you wear on your feet when you go swimming?

    a. Boots

    b. Sandals

    c. Flippers

    d. Slippers

26. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you write with this?
B: Yes, But I need a …

    a. Ruler

    b. Pencil

    c. Eraser

    d. Sharpener

27. What is the capital city of Australia?

    a. Sydney

    b. Melbourne

    c. Canberra

    d. Brisbane

28. What do you do with a paintbrush?

    a. Eat

    b. Paint

    c. Write

    d. Play

30. Continue this conversation.

A: Have you ever been to attending a concert?
B: No, but I’ve been to …

    a. Museum

    b. Cinema

    c. Music Festival

    d. Zoo

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: No 31-40

31. What do you wear on your head when it’s raining?

    a. Sunglasses

    b. Hat

    c. Scarf

    d. Wig

32. Complete the sentence: Elephants are the largest … on land.

    a. Birds

    b. Fish

    c. Animals

    d. Insects

33. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you speak Italian?
B: No, but I can speak …

    a. French

    b. Russian

    c. Japanese

    d. Spanish

34. Where do you go to have a picnic and enjoy the outdoors?

    a. Library

    b. Park

    c. School

    d. Mall

35. Continue this conversation.

A: Can you play chess?
B: …

    a. Yes, I can

    b. No, I can’t

    c. Yes, I do

    d. No, I don’t

36. Where can you find different kinds of animals and learn about them?

    a. Cinema

    b. Zoo

    c. Museum

    d. Beach

37. What is the plural form of “goose”?

    a. Geese

    b. Gooses

    c. Goose

    d. Goose’s

38. Which of the following is a mode of transportation in the sky?

    a. Car

    b. Bicycle

    c. Airplane

    d. Train

39. Complete the sentence: Birds build nests in …

    a. Water

    b. Trees

    c. Caves

    d. Deserts

40. Continue this conversation.

A: Do you have any pets at home?
B: Yes, I have a pet …

    a. Elephant

    b. Fish

    c. Cat

    d. Turtle

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: No 41-50

41. What is the color of the sunflower petals?

    a. Red

    b. Yellow

    c. Blue

    d. Purple

42. Where do you go to borrow tools like hammers and

    a. Library

    b. Hardware

    c. School

    d. Gym

43. Continue this conversation.

A: Have you ever climbed a mountain?
B: No, but I have climbed …

    a. A tree

    b. A hill

    c. A ladder

    d. A building

44. What do you use to write on a whiteboard?

    a. Pencil

    b. Pen

    c. Chalk

    d. Marker

45. Complete the sentence: Cats like to chase … .

    a. Birds

    b. Fish

    c. Mice

    d. Butterflies

46. What do you use to tell time that you wear on your

    a. Necklace

    b. Bracelet

    c. Watch

    d. Ring

47. What is the plural form of “child”?

    a. Childs

    b. Childes

    c. Children

    d. Child’s

48. Which of the following is a form of public
transportation on rails?

    a. Car

    b. Bus

    c. Train

    d. Bicycle

49. Complete the sentence: Fish live in the … .

    a. Nest

    b. Sky

    c. Water

    d. Desert

50. Where do you go to watch films on a big screen?

    a. Library

    b. Cinema

    c. School

    d. Museum

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: Uraian Singkat I

A. Translate into Indonesi!

1. Robin is reading a history book in her room.

2. Ace and Sabo go to meet Luffy in East Blue.

3. Dad works as a doctor at the hospital.

4. Mom bought me a pair of Barbie dolls.

5. Last holiday, my sibling and I visited Grandma.

Answers :

1. Robin membaca buku sejarah di ruangannya.

2. Ace dan Sabo pergi menemui Luffy di East Blue.

3. Ayak bekerja sebagai dokter di rumah sakit.

4. Ibu membelikanku sepasang boneka Barbie.

5. Liburan kemarin, aku dan adikku mengunjungi Nenek.

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: Uraian Singkat II

B. Translate into English!

1. Hobiku adalah bermain bulu tangkis bersama teman-temanku.

2. Aku sarapan nasi goreng.

3. Adi adalah nama ayahku.

4. Aku dan Ibu akan pergi ke pasar hari ini.

5. Merry mempunyai banyak koleksi film kartun di rumah.

Answers :

1. My hobby is playing badminton with my friends.

2. I have fried rice for breakfast before going to school.

3. Adi is my father’s name.

4. Mom and I are going to the market today.

5. Merry has a lot of cartoon film collections at home.

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1: Uraian Singkat III

Read the conversation between Alice and Bob:

Alice: Hi, I’m Alice. What’s your name?

Bob: Hi Alice, I’m Bob. Nice to meet you!

Alice: Nice to meet you too, Bob. What do you do?

Bob: I work in a bookstore. How about you?

Alice: I’m a teacher. What brings you here today?

Bob: Just exploring the area. How about you?

Alice: I’m meeting a friend for lunch.

Bob: Cool. Maybe we’ll meet again.

Alice: Yeah, that would be nice. Take care, Bob!

Bob: You too, Alice!

Questions :

1. What is Bob’s occupation?

2. Who, between Bob and Alice, works as a teacher?

3. What is Alice going to do?

4. Who is Alice going to meet?

5. What is Bob doing there?


1. Bob works in a bookstore.

2. Alice is a teacher.

3. Alice is meeting her friend for lunch.

4. Alice is meeting her friend.

5. Bob is just exploring the area.


Itulah tadi kumpulan soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 1 yang sudah Mamikos rangkum.

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