45 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 beserta Kunci Jawabannya

45 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 beserta Kunci Jawabannya – Belajar bahasa Inggris paling mudah adalah dengan mengerjakan contoh-contoh soal terkait. Apalagi mengingat Penilaian Akhir Tahun akan segera dilaksanakan.

Oleh karena itu, hari ini Mamikos akan menemani kamu belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kumpulan soal yang tersedia di artikel ini.

Contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2 yang Mamikos sediakan juga sudah disertai dengan kunci jawabannya, lho. Namun sebelum itu, mari kita ingat terlebih dahulu tentang materi yang diajarkan di sekolah.

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2

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Siswa kelas 4 SD di semester 2 akan menerima sebanyak 7 bab atau chapter. Materi bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2 itulah yang nantinya akan menjadi sumber dari contoh soal PAT di artikel ini, lho.

Apa saja materi bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2? Berikut adalah rinciannya:

  • Chapter 8: Hobby
  • Chapter 9: Calender
  • Chapter 10: Toys and Games
  • Chapter 11: Shopping
  • Chapter 12: Fruits
  • Chapter 13: Vegetables
  • Chapter 14: At The Park

Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2

Contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2 yang sudah Mamikos kumpulkan di bawah ini bisa kamu kerjakan dan langsung dicocokkan dengan kunci jawabannya.

Jangan lupa untuk mengajak teman atau kelompok belajar untuk mengerjakan contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2 agar menambah semangat, ya.

Soal Nomor 1 – 15

1. What is a hobby?

    a) A subject in school 

    b) An activity you do for fun 

    c) A type of food 

    d) A kind of job 

    Jawaban: b) An activity you do for fun

2. Which of these is a hobby?

    a) Brushing your teeth 

    b) Going to school 

    c) Watching movies 

    d) Doing homework 

    Jawaban: c) Watching movies

3. Marisa likes to draw pictures in her free time. Her hobby is _____.

    a) drawing

    b) dancing 

    c) singing 

    d) cooking 

    Jawaban: a) drawing

4. My brother loves to play soccer every weekend. His hobby is _____.

    a) reading 

    b) swimming 

    c) cooking

    d)  playing soccer

    Jawaban: d) playing soccer

5. If someone enjoys reading books, their hobby is _____.

    a) reading 

    b) writing 

    c) swimming 

    d) singing 

    Jawaban: a) reading

6. Which sentence is correct?

    a) She hobby is painting. 

    b) Her hobby is painting. 

    c) Her hobby are painting. 

    d) She hobbies painting. 

    Jawaban: b) Her hobby is painting.

7. Luffy’s hobby is collecting stamps. He likes to ____ stamps.

    a) play 

    b) draw 

    c) sing 

    d) collect

    Jawaban: a) collect

8. What is the first day of the week?

    a) Sunday 

    b) Monday 

    c) Saturday 

    d) Friday 

    Jawaban: b) Monday

9. Which month comes after April?

    a) May 

    b) June 

    c) July 

    d) March 

    Jawaban: a) May

10. How many days are there in a week?

    a) 5 

    b) 6 

    c) 7 

    d) 8 

    Jawaban: c) 7

11. Which day is the middle of the week?

    a) Monday 

    b) Wednesday 

    c) Friday 

    d) Thursday 

    Jawaban: d) Thursday

12. What is the last month of the year?

    a) October 

    b) November 

    c) December 

    d) January 

    Jawaban: c) December

13. Choose the correct answer, please!

   Anna: What is your favorite toy, Tom? 

   Tom: My favorite toy is a ____.

   a) bicycle 

   b) teddy bear 

   c) book 

   d) pencil 

   Jawaban: b) teddy bear

14. Choose the correct answer, please!

Luffy: Do you like playing video games?

Zoro: Yes, I love playing ____.

   a) tennis 

   b) dolls 

   c) video games 

   d) chess 

   Jawaban: c) video games

15. Choose the correct answer, please!

   Mom: What are you doing, Robin? 

   Robin: I’m building a ____ with my Lego.

   a) tower 

   b) painting 

   c) story 

   d) sandwich 

   Jawaban: a) tower

Soal Nomor 16 – 30

16. Choose the correct answer, please!

   Teacher: What game are you playing?

   Students: We are playing ____.

   a) running 

   b) jumping 

   c) hide and seek 

   d) eating 

   Jawaban: c) hide and seek

17. Which toy can you fly in the sky?

    a) Ball 

    b) Kite 

    c) Car 

    d) Doll 

    Jawaban: b) Kite

18. What game do you usually play on a board with pieces and dice?

    a) Soccer 

    b) Tag 

    c) Chess 

    d) Monopoly 

    Jawaban: d) Monopoly

19. Which toy is soft and cuddly?

    a) Action figure 

    b) Bicycle 

    c) Teddy bear 

    d) Puzzle 

    Jawaban: c) Teddy bear

20. We run and hide, and someone tries to find us. What game are we playing?

    a) Hide and seek

    b) Tag 

    c) Basketball 

    d) Chess 

    Jawaban: a) Hide and seek

21. Which game do you play with a racket and a shuttlecock?

    a) Soccer 

    b) Badminton 

    c) Hopscotch 

    d) Basketball 

    Jawaban: b) Badminton

22. What do you use to pay for items when shopping?

   a) Money

   b) Pencil

   c) Book 

   d) Toy 

   Jawaban: a) Money

23. Where do you usually buy groceries?

   a) Library 

   b) Supermarket 

   c) Park 

   d) School 

   Jawaban: b) Supermarket

24. I want to buy a new book. I will go to the ____ to find one.

   a) Park 

   b) Supermarket 

   c) Bookstore 

   d) Cinema 

   Jawaban: c) Bookstore

25. I don’t have enough cash, so I will pay with my ____ card.

   a) Credit 

   b) Debit 

   c) ID 

   d) Library 

   Jawaban: a) Credit

26. I bought a toy and received some money back. What did I get?

   a) Receipt 

   b) Coupon 

   c) Change 

   d) Ticket 

   Jawaban: c) Change

27. Which fruit is yellow and has a curved shape?

   a) Apple 

   b) Banana 

   c) Grape 

   d) Orange 

   Jawaban: b) Banana

28. Which vegetable is orange and is often used to make a salad?

   a) Potato 

   b) Carrot 

   c) Tomato 

   d) Cucumber 

   Jawaban: b) Carrot

29. Which fruit is known for being red and sweet and is often made into juice?

   a) Mango 

   b) Pineapple 

   c) Watermelon 

   d) Apple 

   Jawaban: d) Apple

30. Which vegetable has green leaves and is often used in salads?

   a) Lettuce

   b) Spinach 

   c) Broccoli

   d) Cabbage 

   Jawaban: a) Lettuce

Soal Nomor 31 – 45

31. What fruit is small, red, and has tiny seeds on its surface?

   a) Blueberry 

   b) Raspberry 

   c) Strawberry 

   d) Blackberry 

   Jawaban: c) Strawberry

32. I like to eat a _____ every morning because it’s healthy and crunchy.

   a) Grapes

   b) Banana 

   c) Broccoli 

   d) Papaya

   Jawaban: c) Broccoli

33. We use _____ to make salads taste fresh and sour.

   a) Cherry tomato 

   b) Lettuce

   c) Orange 

   d) Potato 

   Jawaban: a) Cherry tomato 

34. My favorite fruit to put in a smoothie is a _____ because it’s sweet and red.

   a) Dragon fruit

   b) Lemon 

   c) Guava

   d) Melon

   Jawaban: a) Dragon fruit

35. For dinner, we had grilled _____ with a side of meat.

   a) Lemon

   b) Broccoli

   c) Potato

   d) Lettuce

   Jawaban: c) Broccoli

36. During the summer, I love eating juicy _____ because they are refreshing.

   a) Watermelon 

   b) Potato 

   c) Carrot 

   d) Eggplant 

   Jawaban: a) Watermelon

37. Which part of the park is designed for children to play on equipment like slides and swings?

   a) Pond 

   b) Playground 

   c) Fountain 

   d) Pathway 

   Jawaban: b) Playground

38. What do you throw to your dog to fetch in the park?

   a) Book 

   b) Stick 

   c) Kite 

   d) Bag 

   Jawaban: b) Stick

39. What do children climb on and slide down at the playground?

   a) Fountain 

   b) Pathway

   c) Bench 

   d)  Slide

   Jawaban: d) Slide

40. What can you ride around the park for fun and exercise?

    a) Bench 

    b) Swing 

    c) Bicycle 

    d) Seesaw 

    Jawaban: c) Bicycle

41. Tom and Jerry are pushing each other up and down while sitting on opposite ends of a long board. What are they using?

    a) Seesaw

    b) Slide 

    c) Swing 

    d) Bench 

    Jawaban: a) Seesaw

42. Emily: Did you bring the ball?

    a) Yes, I put it in the car.

    b) No, I left it at home.

    c) Yes, it’s in my bag.

    d) No, I am tired.

   Jawaban: c) Yes, it’s in my bag.

43. Taz: Where should we have our picnic?

    a) On the bench near the fountain.

    b) On the slide in the playground.

    c) In the sandbox with the kids.

    d) On the grass under the big tree.

   Jawaban: d) On the grass under the big tree.

44. Windy: Can we feed the ducks?

    a) Yes, they are in the pond.

    b) No, they are on the slide.

    c) Yes, they are on the swing.

    d) No, they are in the sandbox.

   Jawaban: a) Yes, they are in the pond.

45. Ella: What should we do if it starts to rain?

     a) We should run to the swing.

     b) We should go to the sandbox.

     c) We should find a shelter.

     d) We should go for a swim.

    Jawaban: c) We should find a shelter.


Nah, sampai di sini saja ya artikel Mamikos kali ini tentang contoh soal PAT bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2. Semoga soal-soal tersebut bermanfaat bagi penunjang belajar.

Oh, ya, apabila kamu masih menginginkan belajar dengan mengerjakan berbagai contoh soal PAT kelas 4 mata pelajaran lain, pastikan untuk membuka blog Mamikos!

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