Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam dan Bencana Alam Singkat beserta Strukturnya
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Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam dan Bencana Alam Singkat beserta Strukturnya– Explanation text atau teks eksplanasi dalam bahasa Inggris tentang bencana alam sering kita temukan di media cetak dan elektronik.
Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam dan Bencana Alam
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Tema explanation text sangat beragam, termasuk explanation text tentang fenomena alam dan bencana alam. Namun, tujuan explanation text tersebut tetap sama, yaitu untuk memberikan penjelasan pada pembaca.
Explanation text tentang fenomena alam bisa membahas proses terjadinya hujan, terjadinya pelangi, hingga fenomena alam yang spesial.
Sedangkan explanation text tentang bencana alam bisa berupa proses terjadinya banjir, tanah longsor, gempa bumi, dan sebagainya.

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Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Fenomena Alam: Aurora Borealis
General Statement
The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are a spectacular, colorful display of light commonly seen in the night sky in the northern hemisphere. Auroras in the southern hemisphere are known as the southern lights or aurora australis. Both the northern lights and the southern lights are polar lights, or aurora Polaris, because they occur near Earth’s magnetic poles.
Auroras occur when charged particles (electrons and protons) collide with gases in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Those collisions produce tiny flashes that fill the sky with colourful light. As billions of flashes occur in sequence, the auroras appear to move or “dance” in the sky.
Earth’s magnetic field steers the charged particles towards the poles. The shape of Earth’s magnetic field creates two auroral ovals above the North and South Magnetic Poles. That is why auroras occur almost every night in the northern sky, from August to May.
The aurora often appears as curtains of lights, but they can also be arcs or spirals, following lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field. Most are green in color, but sometimes you’ll see a hint of pink. Strong displays might also have red, violet and white colors. The lights typically appear in the far north – the nations bordering the Arctic Ocean – Canada, Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Russia and the state of Alaska. But strong displays can extend down into more southerly latitudes.
The colors in the aurora were once a source of mystery throughout human history. But science says that different gases in Earth’s atmosphere give off different colors when they are excited. Oxygen gives off the green color of the aurora, for example. Nitrogen causes blue or red colors.