45 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense beserta Artinya Lengkap

Artikel ini akan mengajak kamu untuk belajar tentang materi present perfect continuous tense dan contoh-contoh kalimatnya.

20 Agustus 2024 Lintang Filia

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense Negative

1. I have not been exercising regularly this month. (Aku tidak berolahraga secara teratur bulan ini.)

2. She has not been attending her yoga classes lately.  (Dia tidak menghadiri kelas yoganya belakangan ini.)

3. We have not been getting enough sleep since the baby was born.  (Kami tidak cukup tidur sejak bayi itu lahir.)

4. Rizal has not been practicing his guitar as often as before. (Rizal tidak berlatih gitarnya sesering sebelumnya.)

5. They have not been updating the project files consistently. (Mereka tidak memperbarui file proyek secara konsisten.)

6. The children have not been behaving well in class. (Anak-anak tidak bersikap baik di kelas.)

7. Tashigi has not been wearing her glasses regularly. (Tashigi tidak memakai kacamatanya secara teratur.)

8. We have not been communicating effectively with the team. (Kami tidak berkomunikasi dengan efektif dengan tim.)

9. My parents have not been traveling much since the pandemic. (Orang tua saya tidak banyak bepergian sejak pandemi.)

10. Ran has not been studying as hard as he should. (Ran tidak belajar sekeras yang seharusnya.)

11. I have not been feeling well these past few days. (Saya tidak merasa sehat dalam beberapa hari terakhir.)

12. Madeline has not been completing her assignments on time. (Madeline tidak menyelesaikan tugasnya tepat waktu.)

13. Kaido and Linlin have not been getting along lately. (Kaido dan Linlin tidak akur belakangan ini.)

14. You have not been following the diet plan strictly. (Kamu tidak mengikuti rencana diet dengan ketat.)

15. The students have not been participating in the group discussions actively. (Para siswa tidak berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam diskusi kelompok.)

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense Interrogative

1. How long has Ibnu been working on his art project in the studio? (Berapa lama Ibnu sudah mengerjakan proyek seninya di studio?)

2. Why have Pudding and Kattakuri been avoiding social gatherings lately? (Mengapa Pudding dan Kattakuri sudah menghindari acara sosial belakangan ini?)
