Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 Semester 1 dan 2 Kurikulum Merdeka – Sebenarnya materi bahasa inggris di kurikulum merdeka tidak jauh berbeda dengan materi kurikulum sebelumnya.

Namun, pada kurikulum merdeka materi akan lebih banyak ditekankan pada story telling dan analysis.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurikulum merdeka yang Mamikos siapkan khusus untukmu.

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP Semester 1 dan 2 Kurikulum Merdeka


Pada materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP, ada tiga chapter utama yang harus dipelajari, yakni Exploring Fauna of Indonesia, Taking Trip, dan Journey to Fantasy Worlds.

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan simak penjelasan di bawah ini, ya.

Chapter 1: Exploring Fauna of Indonesia 

Pada materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 chapter ini, kamu akan belajar bahasa Inggris dengan materi tentang fauna di Indonesia, seperti burung cendrawasih, komodo, macan, orangutan, dsb. 

Pada pembahasan kali ini, kamu akan menganalisis beberapa hewan asli Indonesia lalu mengidentifikasikan beberapa satwa liar, hingga mendeskripsikan karakteristik hewan-hewan asli Indonesia.

Nantinya akan ada beberapa bacaan yang harus kamu baca. Nah, Mamikos sudah menyiapkan salah satu contoh bacaan tentang Exploring Fauna yang bisa kamu coba untuk baca dan analisis, ya.

Contoh Bacaan Exploring Fauna of Indonesia

Indonesia, with its vast archipelago comprising over 17,000 islands, is a treasure trove of biodiversity, particularly when it comes to fauna. 

The archipelago’s diverse ecosystems, ranging from lush rainforests to marine-rich coral reefs, host an incredible array of unique and exotic animal species. 

One of the iconic inhabitants is the Sumatran Orangutan, found in the dense jungles of Sumatra and Borneo. 

Venturing underwater, the Coral Triangle, encompassing parts of Indonesia, shelters an astonishing variety of marine life. 

The vibrant coral reefs teem with colorful fish, sea turtles, and various species of sharks. 

The elusive dugong, a gentle marine mammal often referred to as the “sea cow,” also graces the coastal waters of Indonesia. 

Meanwhile, the dense forests of Papua are home to the unique and fascinating bird-of-paradise species, renowned for their vibrant plumage and elaborate courtship displays.

In the realm of reptiles, Indonesia boasts the Komodo Dragon, the world’s largest lizard, residing on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Flores. 

These ancient creatures are apex predators, showcasing the marvels of natural selection. 

Furthermore, the rich biodiversity extends to the skies with numerous species of birds, such as the Javan Hawk-Eagle and the Bali Starling, showcasing the avian diversity spread across the archipelago.

Despite the immense wealth of fauna, Indonesia faces challenges in conservation due to deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and climate change. 

Questions and Answers: Exploring Fauna of Indonesia

Q1: What makes Indonesia a treasure trove of biodiversity?

A1: Indonesia is a treasure trove of biodiversity due to its vast archipelago of over 17,000 islands, each hosting diverse ecosystems ranging from lush rainforests to marine-rich coral reefs.

Q2: Can you name an iconic but critically endangered species found in the jungles of Sumatra and Borneo?

A2: An iconic but critically endangered species found in the jungles of Sumatra and Borneo is the Sumatran Orangutan, known for its distinctive red fur and human-like expressions.

Q3: Where can you find the Coral Triangle, and what does it host in terms of marine life?

A3: The Coral Triangle, encompassing parts of Indonesia, shelters an astonishing variety of marine life. The vibrant coral reefs in this region teem with colorful fish, sea turtles, and various species of sharks.

Q4: What is the unique feature of the Komodo Dragon, and where is it primarily found?

A4: The Komodo Dragon, the world’s largest lizard, is primarily found on the islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Flores. It is known for being an apex predator, showcasing the marvels of natural selection.

Chapter 2: Taking Trips 

Setelah mempelajari Exploring Fauna, kali ini kamu akan belajar tentang Taking Trips.

Pada materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 ini kamu akan belajar tentang apa saja yang berhasil didapatkan dari sebuah trip.

Nah berikut ini Mamikos juga sudah menyiapkan tentang bacaan yang bertema Taking Trips. Kamu bisa menyimaknya materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 ini sampai selesai, ya.

Contoh Bacaan Taking Trips: Exploring the Joys of Travel

Embarking on journeys and exploring new destinations is a timeless pursuit that enriches our lives in myriad ways. 

Traveling allows us to break free from routine, open our minds to different cultures, and create lasting memories. 

Whether it’s a road trip through scenic landscapes or an international adventure to exotic locales, the experience of taking trips is a tapestry of discovery and personal growth.

Each destination carries its own unique history, traditions, and cuisine, offering a kaleidoscope of experiences. 

Walking through bustling markets, tasting local delicacies, and interacting with people from different backgrounds broaden our perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of the world.

Beyond cultural exploration, travel provides a chance to connect with nature. 

From the majestic mountains to tranquil beaches, the natural wonders awaiting discovery are boundless. 

Hiking through dense forests, witnessing breathtaking sunsets, or diving into crystal-clear waters immerses us in the beauty of the Earth, reinforcing the importance of conservation and sustainable practices.

Moreover, taking trips often involves stepping out of our comfort zones, presenting opportunities for personal growth. 

Navigating unfamiliar territories, trying new activities, or communicating in a foreign language all contribute to building resilience and adaptability. 

These challenges, although initially daunting, become the threads that weave into the fabric of our self-discovery.

Travel is also a gateway to relaxation and rejuvenation. 

Questions and Answers: Taking Trips – Exploring the Joys of Travel

Q1: What does traveling offer in terms of enriching our lives, as mentioned in the passage?

A1: Traveling offers a multifaceted enrichment to our lives by breaking free from routine, opening our minds to diverse cultures, and creating lasting memories.

Q2: According to the passage, what unique experiences can one gain from immersing oneself in diverse cultures during travel?

A2: Immersing oneself in diverse cultures during travel provides unique experiences such as walking through bustling markets, tasting local delicacies, and interacting with people from different backgrounds, which broaden perspectives and deepen understanding.

Q3: How does the passage emphasize the connection between travel and personal growth?

A3: The passage underscores the connection between travel and personal growth by highlighting that stepping out of comfort zones, navigating unfamiliar territories, trying new activities, and communicating in foreign languages contribute to building resilience and adaptability.

Q4: In what ways does the passage suggest that travel contributes to environmental awareness and conservation?

A4: The passage suggests that travel contributes to environmental awareness and conservation by mentioning experiences such as hiking through dense forests and witnessing natural wonders.

It emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and conservation efforts to preserve the Earth’s beauty.

Q5: According to the passage, why is taking trips considered a gateway to relaxation and rejuvenation?

Chapter 3: Journey to Fantasy Worlds 

Materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 terakhir di chapter Journeys to the Fantasy Worlds, kamu akan belajar beberapa cerita fantasi dari seluruh dunia, salah satunya The Multiverse Story of Timun Mas. 

Nah, setelah belajar materi ini kamu akan mampu menghubungkan alur cerita fantasi, melihat pola penyelesaian masalah dalam cerita fantasi, menganalisis cerita yang dihadapi tokoh utama, dan menulis ulang cerita tersebut. 

Journey to Fantasy Worlds: The Story of Timun Mas in Indonesia

The tale of Timun Mas, one of Indonesia’s most renowned folk stories, narrates the colorful adventures of a kind-hearted princess in the midst of a magical forest. 

It is told that Timun Mas, literally meaning “golden cucumber,” was the long-awaited child of a humble farming couple. 

Their joy knew no bounds when Timun Mas was born as an exceptionally special baby. However, her destiny was interwoven with myths and mysteries.

As Timun Mas grew into adulthood, she discovered that her family had entered into a pact with the malevolent creature, the Giant Togel, who sought Timun Mas as payment. 

In her attempt to escape, she was guided by local deities and accompanied by a wise monkey, Semar, to guide and protect her. 

With cleverness and courage, Timun Mas faced various formidable challenges encountered in the wondrous forest.

The climax of the story unfolded when Timun Mas found herself face-to-face with the Giant Togel. 

Through her wit and the assistance of the monkey Semar, Timun Mas emerged victorious over the giant, proving that goodness and cleverness could triumph over evil. 

Questions and Answers: The Story of Timun Mas in Indonesia

Q1: What is the significance of the name “Timun Mas” in the Indonesian folk tale?

A1: The name “Timun Mas” literally translates to “golden cucumber” in Bahasa Indonesia. In the folk tale, it symbolizes the uniqueness and special nature of the protagonist, who is born to a humble farming couple.

Q2: Who are the key characters in the story, and what roles do they play in Timun Mas’s journey?

A2: The key characters in the story include Timun Mas, the kind-hearted princess; her parents; and the wise monkey, Semar.

Timun Mas, facing the threat of the Giant Togel, embarks on a perilous journey guided and protected by the wise monkey.

Q3: How does the story incorporate elements of Indonesian mythology and folklore?

A3: The story weaves elements of Indonesian mythology by involving local deities and a wise monkey named Semar. These mythical elements add a layer of cultural richness and traditional wisdom to the narrative.

Q4: What moral messages are conveyed through the adventures of Timun Mas?

A4: The adventures of Timun Mas convey moral messages of bravery, justice, and the fight against injustice. Her cleverness and courage in facing challenges serve as a testament to the triumph of goodness over evil.


Materi bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP memang banyak ditekankan pada story telling dan analisis. Maka tak heran jika ada banyak bacaan yang harus dipelajari.

Semoga artikel yang berisi rangkuman materi ini bisa menjadi referensi kamu belajar, ya.

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