Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Sekolah beserta Artinya

Kamu sudang mencari contoh dialog asking and giving opinions tentang sekolah? Berikut ini Mamikos punya beberapa contohnya yang bisa kamu pelajari.

26 Mei 2023 Ikki Riskiana

The existence of new school regulations generally generates many responses from all school members.

Including the students who finally expressed their opinions about whether they agreed or disagreed with the school rules.

An example of a conversation or dialogue is as follows:

1. Siska: Friends, have you heard about the new regulation in our school? (Guys, have you heard about the new regulation in our school?

2. Putri: yeah of course

3. Siska: What do you think? (what do you think?)

4. Putri: according to me, going to school at 05.30 is too early, so we don’t have time to just have breakfast

5. Tomo: in my opinion, those rules aren’t too bad. Besides we can get up and go to school early

6. Putri: I understand what you mean Tomo, but the effect will extend our school time. I think it’s not effective at all

7. Lala: Yesterday I saw some student council members still talking to the teachers. They seemed to be reconsidering the decision (Yesterday I saw several student council members still discussing it with the teachers. They seemed to be reconsidering the decision.)

8. Tomo: Is that so? Still, for me, having to arrive at school before 05.30 is not a problem. However, if you or other school members have objections to the regulation, it might be better if it is changed as usual. object to the regulation, it might be better to change it as usual)

From the example of the dialog asking and giving opinions about the school, it turns out that it doesn’t only involve 2 people. But it was directly carried out by 3 people, namely Lala, Putri, and Tomo.

Still, this includes examples of dialogs asking and giving opinions about schools that you can use as reference material. Even already available means to make it easier.

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Sekolah “Schoolwork” Theme

Next, there is another example of a dialogue asking and giving opinions about other schools. Those of you who are still in school or even those who have graduated must be very familiar with doing assignments right?
