Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Sekolah beserta Artinya
Kamu sudang mencari contoh dialog asking and giving opinions tentang sekolah? Berikut ini Mamikos punya beberapa contohnya yang bisa kamu pelajari.
Then what is an example of a dialog asking and giving opinions about a school discussing exams? The following is a complete description, which you can use as the best reference material.
1. Aan: what happened last night? You look worried (what happened lun? You look worried)
2. Luna: Oh, I just don’t feel confident enough to face the next exam. I’m having a hard time understanding the math final chapter. (Oh, I just don’t feel confident enough to face the next exam. I’m having a hard time understanding the material at the end of math class)
3. Aan: Do you need help? I’m not the smartest student, but for that chapter, I can quite understand it
4. Luna: Yes, if you don’t mind. Do you want to teach me? (Sure, if you don’t mind. Would you like to teach me?)

5. Aan: Even though I’m not too sure, I’ll give it a try. Or later I can ask my sister for help. She sometimes just teaches, because she studies in that field.
6. Luna: Interesting then. I’m very grateful if you want to help Aan
7. Aan: you’re welcome, if that’s the case, I want to tell you about when the time is right
8. Luna: alright, thank you very much again Aan
For example, the dialog asking and giving opinions about the school above explains how Luna is worried about the exam that will take place. Then how can Aan offer his opinion if he wants to help teach Luna?
In response, Luna also welcomed the offer. Luna even had time to ask again if Aan was sure he wanted to help her study. So you can also use examples of dialogs asking and giving opinions about the school as a reference.
Those were some examples of dialogs asking and giving opinions about schools.
For those who want to find references about examples of conversations asking and giving opinions about schools, the information above might help a little.