Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Sekolah beserta Artinya

Kamu sudang mencari contoh dialog asking and giving opinions tentang sekolah? Berikut ini Mamikos punya beberapa contohnya yang bisa kamu pelajari.

26 Mei 2023 Ikki Riskiana

Doing school assignments can also be used as a theme for examples of dialogs asking and giving opinions about school. For more details, please just pay attention to the full dialogue below:

1. Pandu: Hi Bowo, have you finished the task that Mr. Teguh gave you yesterday? (Hi Bowo, have you finished the task given by Mr. Teguh yesterday?)

2. Bowo: Is there any assignment from Mr. Teguh that must be submitted today? (Is there any assignment from Mr. Teguh that must be submitted today?)

3. Pandu: Of course there is. We have to make a summary of a sociology textbook on page 30

4. Bowo: Oh, that assignment. I think Mr. Teguh seems to be absent today. He told Tika yesterday and said that he wanted to be absent from today’s lesson. Tika also told us when she was going home yesterday. Didn’t you hear that? (Oh, that assignment. I think Mr. Teguh seems to be absent today. He told Tika yesterday and said that he wanted to be absent from today’s lesson. Tika also told us when he was going home yesterday. Didn’t you hear that?

5. Pandu: Really? Oh, I went straight home yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well. So, we don’t have to turn in today’s assignments? (Really? Oh, I went straight home yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well. So we don’t have to turn in today’s assignments?)

6. Bowo: yes, no need. Mr. Teguh gave us another assignment and we have to submit it next Tuesday along with the previous assignment. (yes, no need. But Mr. Teguh gives another assignment and we have to submit it next Tuesday along with the previous assignment.

7. Pandu: Oh I see, thank you for just telling Bowo. Since Mr. Firm is not coming today, let’s do the assignment from him together.

8. Bowo: Okay, that’s a good idea (Okay, that’s a good idea)

Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion tentang Sekolah “Exam” Theme

If you still want to find examples of dialogs asking and giving opinions about schools, there are more that you can use as references. This time it’s about exams that usually take place at school.

It seems that exams are something that is no longer new in this environment. Sometimes, before the exam comes the students try to study together. Especially when you have to face the final graduation exam.
