80 Contoh Kalimat S + To Be + Adjective atau Noun dan Adverb beserta Artinya
Seperti apa sih penggunaan s + to be dan contoh kalimatnya? Yuk, simak artikel ini sampai habis untuk mendapatkan ilmu baru, ya.
5. They are completely exhausted after working on the project for several weeks. (Mereka benar-benar kelelahan setelah mengerjakan proyek selama beberapa minggu.)
6. The documentary is not as informative as we expected it to be. (Dokumenter itu tidak seinformatif yang kami harapkan.)
7. Her new apartment is much more spacious than the previous one she lived in. (Apartemen barunya jauh lebih luas daripada yang sebelumnya dia tinggali.)
8. The children are quite nervous about their first day of school. (Anak-anak cukup gugup tentang hari pertama mereka di sekolah.)
9. Our team is highly motivated to win the championship this year. (Tim kami sangat termotivasi untuk memenangkan kejuaraan tahun ini.)
10. The painting on the wall is not as colorful as it appeared in the photograph. (Lukisan di dinding itu tidak sewarna seperti yang terlihat di foto.)

11. Morina is extremely grateful for the support she has received from her friends. (Morina sangat bersyukur atas dukungan yang dia terima dari teman-temannya.)
12. David is not very confident about his presentation tomorrow. (David tidak terlalu percaya diri dengan presentasinya besok.)
13. Nefertari Fifi is incredibly talented in playing the piano. (Nefertari Fifi sangat berbakat dalam bermain piano.)
14. Drake is not as enthusiastic about the new project as his colleagues are. (Drake tidak seantusias rekan-rekannya tentang proyek baru itu.)
15. Amelia is quite concerned about the health of her pet cat. (Amelia cukup khawatir tentang kesehatan kucing peliharaannya.)
16. Oliver is highly respected by his peers for his dedication. (Oliver sangat dihormati oleh rekan-rekannya karena dedikasinya.)
17. Otama is not as talkative as she used to be. (Otama tidak seceriwis dulu.)
18. Dragon is very proud of his daughter’s achievements in school. (Dragon sangat bangga dengan prestasi putrinya di sekolah.)
19. Rachel is somewhat nervous about moving to a new city. (Rachel agak gugup tentang pindah ke kota baru.)
20. Sabo is not particularly interested in the topic of the lecture. (Sabo tidak terlalu tertarik dengan topik kuliah tersebut.)