80 Contoh Kalimat S + To Be + Adjective atau Noun dan Adverb beserta Artinya
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Contoh Kalimat S + To Be + Adverb
1. She is always punctual for her meetings. (Dia selalu tepat waktu untuk pertemuannya.)
2. The movie is very interesting. (Film itu sangat menarik.)
3. They are rarely seen at social events. (Mereka jarang terlihat di acara sosial.)
4. I am quite excited about the upcoming vacation. (Aku cukup bersemangat tentang liburan yang akan datang.)
5. He is never late for his appointments. (Dia tidak pernah terlambat untuk janji-janjinya.)
6. The cake is incredibly delicious. (Kue itu sangat lezat.)
7. We are often visited by relatives during the holidays. (Kami sering dikunjungi oleh kerabat selama liburan.)

8. She is always prepared for unexpected situations. (Dia selalu siap menghadapi situasi tak terduga.)
9. The hotel is extremely comfortable and relaxing. (Hotel itu sangat nyaman dan santai.)
10. They are rarely disappointed with their travel experiences. (Mereka jarang kecewa dengan pengalaman perjalanan mereka.)
11. Luffy is always enthusiastic about his new projects. (Luffy selalu antusias tentang proyek barunya.)
12. Emma is rarely absent from her art classes. (Emma jarang tidak hadir di kelas seni.)
13. Mixi is exceptionally talented at playing the guitar. (Mixi sangat berbakat dalam bermain gitar.)
14. Nami is usually calm during stressful situations. (Nami biasanya tenang selama situasi stres.)
15. Gio is incredibly diligent in his research work. (Gio sangat tekun dalam pekerjaan penelitiannya.)
16. Swita is never bored when she’s reading her favorite books. (Swita tidak pernah bosan ketika dia membaca buku favoritnya.)
17. Ace is often praised for his creative writing skills. (Ace sering dipuji karena keterampilan menulis kreatifnya.)
18. Sugar is surprisingly good at solving complex puzzles. (Sugar ternyata sangat baik dalam menyelesaikan teka-teki kompleks.)
19. Zoro is sometimes late for his appointments due to traffic. (Zoro kadang terlambat untuk janjinya karena lalu lintas.)
20. Hina is exceptionally kind to everyone she meets. (Hina sangat baik kepada setiap orang yang dia temui.)